Ω #3

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To @DamnItsCam_

so now a days iam not coming to wattpad much.haha many people
are complaining about it.ill be saying my sorry to them later on but
can chu believe it today the entire day i didnt come
online like wow rite...?!?!iam so addititve to wattpad but
i dont know now a days i just dont feel like talking
to anyone here.i guess day before yesterday i talked to
gazz (luks at chu n whispers hope it was gazz cox i dont noe her name n it will be soo embarrassing if i had it wrong ;P) n shes a kul girl and so is irha.haha me and irha were
arguing on my marker but in the
end she gave it back to me yeahhh ^.^ and damn that
girl just never agrees how pretty she is dont worry
i wont leave her until she does.iam too
stubborn to let her go.btw why didnt chu tell me
about them before.i havent gotten too close to them but
yes iam kinna friends with them and i guess some how
well get there its just i feel like
iam an outsider like an orphan coming to the orphanage for
the very first time and being pushed to get along with
the kids who have been around there and
know each other well and the only person who is telling
me to trust them is chu.telling us all to get together
cox some how we have become a part of family through chu.
chu being the mother hen lolx xD

chu noe when i talk to them i know everyone has some part
of chu in themselves.i feel relaxed but i never read their
books tho and i feel very sad for that but mon mon i cant
go deep in that territory.its only for those who have a strong
heart.they have so much feeling put in there that i dont
think i can control my emotions after reading them.i dont
even re-read my own thats why i have so many mistakes teehee
but ill try to read their books too even though it will take some time
kk.i cant do everythin in just one go now can i huh..?? *looks down* iam swwry but i promise ill do them soony ^.^

and oh gazz schools r startin from monday.well i told
her mine will be starting from 11 jan but again my friend
messaged me and told me its starting from 19th soo
yeah!! that means ill be going on vacations on sunday
yeah!! i noe iam goin idk 4 how long mom said we are not
sure tho because we have to decorated our vacation home
there and iam very excited to claim my room.more like see my room
cox everyone has already claimed theirs v.v
well its only going to be me mom and dad cox last time
remember i was home alone but dayyumm i had fun.so yea
this time they said i deserve to go out XD
and dont worry ill keep writing to chu.ill again buy 3G
for myself.and i do have like 2 days left tho there we'll
be going for outing every single day cox we hardly stay in
hotel or home during vacations but for chu i can
always make time no matter what.cox chu my mon mon ^w^

love chu my lil mon mon <3

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