1 month 4th feb-4th march

30 3 7

So i just cant believe it has come to one whole month 2day..its just surreal i cant except it and i think i will never anytime soon.well my life ish going on as usual.iam still breathing on my own..its hard but iam managing well 2 days back at skul i did something out of my character at last i told someone about chu well i didnt do it willingly but was force to let the words out of my mouth like i had whatsoever no control over it.sammy asked me about since when did i started prayers cox everyone was in a shock knowing about it and well when i thought about the reason my salty tears started flowing down my cheeks on there own accord and i had to choke my words out.I told her everything even showed chur pic i guess i saw sarrow  in her eyes too.she tired to cheer me up afterwards but the guilt was killing me..it was first time i let my walls down and let someone in for real..chu noe that i dont feel good about shearing my feeling with anyone so i felt thousand times worse afterwards -.- well there has been many first going on lately n mostly thank to chu lolx..oh and on 24th feb booboo turned 3 years old he ish a big boy now..well btw booboo wanted to say something to chu as well..but i hav to post the pic tomorrow..that rascal kept on wiggling out of my hold during snapshot lolx tomorrow ill bribe him with sum treat xD.

Oh n yesterday it was irhas bee day too..she thinks she ish old now n i told her i feel ancient than lolx..i talk to gazz n her sometime..

Well ems jst fine that bish still teases me about gutty being my bf *whispers 2 chu* i guess she has a secret crush on him but dont tell her she gets mad lol hay dont get mad i wash kiddin chu always her 1st crush n will always be so chill..n kc tried to talk to me again he thinks iam a funkin rebound well i told him straight away dream on boy..he ish just dillustional..i told ems n her being a drama lover got all excited and talked to him but idk what they talked about all ik she will giv her pw to me tomorrow n ill get to noe what it really was but iam not so excited cox i told him right away idc anymore..n for chur sack ill stay away too cox i hav to keep my promise to chu..like i always say imma big girl who can take care of herself..after 2 1/2 months da skul has atlasted opened n on 19th exams are starting like ugghh!! Since 2 days iam not goin n i got like more the 50 miss calls n the msg are like crazy especially sammy was like iam lonely and ill make chu taste chur own medican one day..well that was scary but iam not much of a regular person any way..idk in between i was fine but now i hav become worse i guess its because i have been suppressing too many emotions lately..i miss chu alot, more when i look at zulfi..chu both so much alike in away..i love chu both to no end..tho i dont tell him that or else hell climb up my head n start dancing n id want that..just like chu both of chu over losers get over the top if i say something

(Incomplete ill be posting tomorrow got emergency) -.-

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