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Epilogue ~ One Year Later

Love ignites a flame in people which is rare, and yet so powerful. It screams pleasure and sometimes pain, and when it comes to either it is experienced so intensely that the whole entire concept is just mortifying.

Ashton had learned that the hard way of course, his heart healed with time but it may as well have taken decades. To break down to your worst self, and then be brought back to your best self is both therapeutic and traumatizing. Even so, he had let go of the past just as Luke wanted, and their happiness came from all directions. Every morning excited the punk, because he would get to see the blond playing piano, singing, or posing for a painting. God he took his breath away each and every day. Never did he expect that the two would find happiness. But he was so grateful that they did. Luke truly was his other half, without him he was nothing.

At the moment, he was within his office which used to be a spare bedroom. Paint was all over his smock, and some dried on his hands too. He went to open the drawer of his desk to grab more paint, only to see a white envelope. His eyebrow moved down in confusion, he quickly grabbed it. Reading the writing, a letter from Luke to him...He had forgotten about this.

He opened it less carefully than he should have, resulting in the letter within being a bent and ripped at the corners but it was still readable thankfully.

Dear Ashton,

That sounds a bit too formal, I'm sorry. I apologize for the fact that it has been so long, I was scared to even send this. I know you probably despise me, I can understand why you would. But I will tell you in this letter what I am too afraid to say to your face. I love you so much Ashton Irwin. I have loved you for years, and the feeling will never leave me because you are the only one for me. What I had with Arzaylea wasn't love and it never was, the only love I have ever felt for someone, the kind that leaves your heart racing was for you. I am going to make my way back to you, and win you back because I won't forgive myself if I don't. I am sorry if you have moved on, I am sorry if you no longer love me. If that is the case, please tell me and I will leave your life forever, but if there is a part of you that still thinks of me, please be mine again.

I am not sure what first entranced me about you Ashton, maybe it was your confidence, your attire, your ability to please me while everyone else simply used me. All I know is that whenever I looked at you, I felt so alive. Life is so damn dull, but when I look at you I feel like a kid again because everything is so bright. So hopeful. You are my happiness, my world, my everything.

I love you so much Ashton. Please give me a second chance, I won't give up on us.

~ Luke

The letter brought tears to the artist's eyes and he rubbed them causing paint to rub onto his face as well. The door creaked open allowing Ashton to see a gleeful Luke who was holding a bunch of red chrysanthemums offering them to Ashton who looked at the blond with those tears, pointing at the vase on his desk. He loved him so much.

"Wait why are you crying? You alright?" Luke asked with concern filling his voice, moving close to hug the painter, not caring if paint got on his clothes at all.

Ashton smiled warmly, shaking his head, "Nope, was just remembering how much I love you."

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