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Almost six weeks had passed since Christmas, and it was the day before Harry's birthday. He was due to get his knee brace removed in two days, having been out of the cats for a few weeks. The doctor had told him that everything had healed nicely, and he should be able to get back to walking without the crutches in a few more weeks. He would have to have physio but all that Louis wanted was for his knee to be back to normal. Harry had just woken up and gotten ready for the day. He had been a lot less tired, and his medicine was actually helping him. He didn't feel as anxious and was able to do things that he had never dreamed of before. He felt properly happy for the first time he could remember, and Louis had definitely helped with that. He was nearly three months clean from self-harm, something that Louis had helped him to celebrate. People at school had noticed how much better that Harry was doing, telling him that they were proud of him. At first, these compliments blew Harry's mind, he didn't think that people even noticed him at the start of the school year. He still only had his small group of friends and Louis, but he would never change it. He walked into Louis' room, and gave Louis hios good morning kiss. He was sitting on his bed, having been given the all-clear to be able to go upstairs. He had brought Louis his medicine - Harry had already taken his - and a cup of tea. Harry sat down next to Louis, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

'Someone's weirdly smiley for 9am.' Louis said, poking one of Harry's dimples. Harry blushed, holding Louis' hand in his.

'Well, it is my birthday tomorrow.' he said, smiling and looking down. He had never really liked his birthday when he was struggling, the attention almost always made him anxious. This year, for the first time in his life, he could actually look forward to something without feeling guilty.

'I have some stuff planned for today baby boy. Go and get ready, you're gonna like it.' Louis said with a smile. Harry quickly stood up and got dressed. He pulled on a whirtte t-shirt, his wristbands and black skinny jeans. Louis had recently bought himself a new, deliberately baggy hoodie so that Harry could steal it. Harry threw it on and brushed his curls. His hair was almost at his shoulders now, so he tied a bandana around it in an attempt to tame the mess. Louis had painted Harry's nails again the night before, this time alternating between blue and pink. When Louis saw him after he had gotten changed, his breath hitched in his throat. Harry was just wearing what he would usually wear, but he looked so confident. His eyes were sparkling once again, and he just looked so happy.

'I love it when your eyes sparkle like that, Harry. It makes me feel happy.' Louis said, biting his lip. Before Harry and Louis had gotten together, Louis was never really the blushing type. Now, whenever Harry would do something adorable, Louis would either get his camera out to capture the moment or he would stand there, red as a tomato. He couldn't help that Harry was just so goddamn pretty. Harry pulled Louis into a hug, kissing his lips. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's slender torso, his fingers grazing Harry's clothed hip bones. Harry kissed Louis deeply, his lips parted slightly to allow Louis' tongue to roam around the younger boy's mouth. They stayed kissing like this for a little while until both boy's lips were swollen and sore. Harry stood up, his stomach rumbling. He wanted his breakfast, but Louis was still laying down on the bed.

'Lou, food! Let's go and have some breakfast, okay?' Louis nodded, grimacing as he tried to put a little weight onto his dodgy knee.

'Harry, can you come carry me? I don't think my knee will let me walk.' Louis said, groaning in pain. Harry walked over to his boyfriend and picked him up effortlessly. Louis was clutching to his crutches so he would be able to get around independently downstairs as he didn't want to have to rely on Harry carrying him everywhere. Harry put Louis down on the sofa before making breakfast for the two of them. Harry brought two plates of toast into the lounge and sat down next to Louis, cuddling into his boyfriend's side.

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