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The next two weeks were the happiest that Harry had felt in a while. Not only did he have his friends back, but things with Louis were simply amazing. The boy with the blue eyes and wide smile gave Harry what he had craved all his life - the feeling of being accepted for exactly who he is. Things with Anne were still rough, but Harry began to spend more and more time at the bookstore, enjoying the calm. He was spending very little time at home with Anne and Gemma, but it didn't bother him. He thought that if he took himself out of things going on at home he would be able to enjoy those moments even more. He would do his homework after school with Zayn and Niall, Liam acting almost as a tutor. Harry thought that the tutoring would bother Liam, but he seemed as though he didn't mind helping his friends. Liam was crazy-smart, and Niall, Zayn and Harry were average. When Harry wasn't doing his homework, he was volunteering. It wasn't his favourite thing in the world., but it meant that he could spend extra time with Louis, so it didn't bother him. 

It was three days before Halloween, and Harry was helping Louis cut out paper shapes of ghosts, pumpkins and bats to put up in order to decorate the library. Harry loved Halloween, it was one of his favourite holidays. He loved that he could dress up and be someone else other than Harry for a day. Carefully cutting out the outline of a pumpkin, he stuck his tongue out whilst he was concentrating. Louis was sitting opposite him, and he found the whole scene incredibly cute. He watched Harry's mess of brown curls fall forward into his face and his tongue peak out between his lips. He had to get a photo, he wanted to save this moment for as long as he could. So he pulled out his phone and took a quick picture. The flash went off and startled Harry. His face was priceless, and Louis didn't know whether to laugh at his boyfriend or melt at the cuteness. He let out a small 'awwwwwww', making Harry blush.

'Lou, stop. You're making me all blush-y.' he said, hiding his face in the sleeves of his hoodie.

'I can't help it baby, you're just perfect. My perfect, blush-ty boy.' Louis said, before placing a small kiss on his delicate hand, before brushing Harry's burning cheek. The smile that Harry had on his face made Louis feel whole. Seeing Harry happy made him feel like he achieved something. Louis thought that the last few weeks must've been difficult for Harry, but whenever Louis checked his boyfriend's wrists, there were no new cuts and the old cuts had faded and began to turn to scars. Harry was eating more too, and Louis was proud of him. He was now two weeks clean from self harming, and Louis had celebrated this achievement by buying him leather wristbands whenever he reached yet another week clean. Louis reached out and held Harry's hand. The younger lad had finished cutting out the paper shapes, and was now busily adding details in marker pen. Everything had to be perfect, nothing could be the wrong colour or shape. Louis loved to watch Harry work, and he also loved to show public displays of affection. He believed that couples should be proud of their love, and he knew he was definitely proud to be with Harry.

'Louis?' Harry asked in a small voice, looking up and meeting Louis' blue eyes.

'Yeah, babe?'

'I wanna have a Halloween party, with you, Niall, Liam and Zayn.' Louis was already looking forward to it, he loved dressing up for Halloween.

'Costumes?' he said, smiling.

'Obviously.' Harry said, rolling his eyes.

'Can I choose what you're gonna wear?' Louis asked, his eyes glittering with excitement.

'I guess? Don't make me look stupid though.' Harry said, looking down. ,

'Love, I'd never intentionally make you look stupid, you know that.' Harry nodded before pulling out his phone and texting his friends. They all replied quickly, all saying that they could come and that they were looking forward to the party. Louis' shift finished quickly after, and the two boys walked home, back to Harry's place.

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