Twenty Two

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Days until Louis' birthday: 22

The first thing that Harry did when he woke up the next morning was run to the window and open the curtains. It had snowed heavily the night before and Harry was hoping that there was enough to call a snow day. The ground was covered in layers upon layers of snow, and flakes were still falling. There was condensation on the window too, meaning that it was cold outside. Harry much preferred cold weather, he found it incredibly comforting. Louis was half awake and lay on his side, sleepily watching Harry.

'How deep do you think the snow is, love?' Louis asked, getting up out of bed and hugging Harry from behind. Harry relaxed into Louis' arms, he was in his safe space.

'There's probably about six inches, I hope there's no school on Monday so I can stay here with you.' Harry turned to face Louis and placed a quick kiss onto Louis' lips.

'I'm not gonna go outside in this weather. I'll catch a cold, and I like kissing you too much to get a cold.' Louis said laughing. Harry awkwardly blushed. Moments like this gave Harry a warm feeling in his chest that would spread through his entire body. Louis walked out of his room, presumably going downstairs for breakfast. Harry followed him, sitting down on the sofa in the Tomlinson's small sitting room.

'Do you want tea? Or coffee? Or hot chocolate?' Louis asked, walking out in an apron. Harry got the giggles. He felt bad, but he just wasn't expecting to see his boyfriend wearing that.

'Harry, bloody hell. I was trying to make you a cooked breakfast but I didn't want to get my pyjamas all messed up.' Harry just smiled awkwardly, fiddling with the sleeves of his top.

'Can I have hot chocolate please, Lou?' Harry asked, smiling. 

'With hot milk or hot water?'

'Hot milk, duh. Who drinks it with hot water?' Harry asked, shaking his head. He walked into the tiny kitchen and sat down. Louis was cooking bacon and eggs. It was incredibly sweet of Lousi to do this, but Harry just wasn't hungry. Luckily Louis hadn't prepared loads of food. They ate their breakfasts whilst making small talk and they were interrupted by Harry's phone ringing. It was Anne.

'H-hi mum.' Harry stuttered, he hated talking on the phone, it made him question himself and second-guess everything.

'Hi darling. How are you and Louis?' she asked, sounding like she was happy.

''Yeah, we're good. Just having b-breakfast. We're decorating his house today.'

'Sounds good.' Harry passed the phone over to Louis, thinking that he would want to talk to his sisters. He couldn't maintain the small talk any longer, he was cringing too hard.

'Hi Anne,' he said politely. 'how are the girls?'

'They're alright. Fizzy and Lottie are having breakfast now and Phoebe and Daisy's friend's mum is dropping them here later.'

'Thank you so much for taking care of them, really.'

'Louis, you know I'm just doing this to help you out. After everything you've helped Harry through, it's the least I could do.' Louis smiled, looking at his feet.

'Are they okay to stay with you until Harry and I are back in school after these snow days are over and done with? Please, it would really help.'

'Of course, sweetheart. I love having them around, they tell me all sorts of funny stories about their friends. It's nice to be around younger kids again and not teenagers all the time.'

'Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.'

'Louis, don't worry about it. You two finish your breakfast- actually, Fizzy's tugging at my sleeve. I think she wants to talk to you.' Louis smiled widely, he had missed having his little sister around.

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