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Harry knew people would question what was up with his arm, but he wasn't ready to have that conversation. He pushed the bad thoughts to the back of his mind and focused on being brave. It was scary for him at first, but he was slowly becoming more comfortable. He knew he could only get stronger, and that's all he wanted. Niall, Zayn and Liam were waiting for him at the end of the street.

'Harry!' Niall yelled, making himself laugh. NIall's laugh was infectious, he always spread his happiness around to everyone in the room and didn't take himself too seriously. He was very extroverted, and always made people smile. Hanging out with Niall sometimes made Harry overwhelmed, but he had had some of his favourite times with the irish lad.

'Hi guys.; Harry said, looking down but smiling.

''How was your firework date with Louis?' Liam asked, whilst Niall nodded eagerly. He was the couple's biggest fan, he enjoyed listening to everything and being slightly immature about everything.

'It was amazing. We watched the show and drank hot chocolate. I really like him, I really do.' Harry's cheeks were flushed pink, and he was feeling shy. Zayn smiled, not asking anymore questions, knowing that Harry still didn't like to talk to people about himself. Niall, omn the other hand, was getting far too excited over everything. He was desperate to know every little detail. Harry liked that Niall was so supportive of him and Louis, he thought it was adorable. 

'Did you get your essay done for Miss Smith, Harry?' Zayn asked. Harry nodded in response. He was really proud of the work that he had done, the assignment was to write to your younger self. He just really hoped he wouldn't have to read it out.

Louis met up with the group five minutes later as he lived close to the school. Harry was excited to see his boyfriend. He walked towards Louis, who looked tired. He smiled at the younger boy, but he just looked sad. Harry didn't want to pry, he knew Louis was a private person.

'Morning Lou.' Harry said quietly, taking Louis' hand in his. Louis got onto his tiptoes and softly kissed Harry's forehead, making him blush again.

'Morning baby. Sleep well?' he said, his voice hoarse. Harry knew something was off.

'You two are so cute together.' Niall gushed, making both boys laugh uncomfortably. Liam and Zayn just looked at each other and laughed. Harry thought he should be happy because he was surrounded by his friends, but he just couldn't . Something was wrong with Louis, and he didn't like that.

The first two lessons of the morning went by quickly. Harry felt dazed and tired, but he shook it off. When the bell rang for morning break, he quickly left the classroom, wanting to see Louis as soon as possible. The two of them had agreed to tone the couple-y stuff down in school, as people never missed an opportunity to bully those who were different in any ways. He walked out of the door and down the stairs, ready to meet Louis. He was already standing there waiting, a relief for Harry as he was scared Louis would avoid him.

'Hi love, how were your lessons this morning?' Louis said quietly.

'They were okay, boring though.'

'Let's find somewhere quiet so we don't have to hide our relationship. Just me and you, okay?' Harry nodded. He followed Louis round to an area where there were less people. It was behind the science block, and there were two or three groups of year 7's who moved out of their way when they walked. Louis sat down on the ground and patted a spot for Harry. He sat down and rested his head on Louis' shoulder. Comfortable silence fell for a few minutes before Louis spoke.

'We're gonna have to face up and talk about last night, Harry. I don't wanna force you baby, but you need to tell me why.' Harry took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

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