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Every step closer to home Harry got, the heavier his heart felt. He hated to disappoint people, the weight of guilt on his chest made him feel as though he wasn't enough, like all he could ever do is be a burden to those he loved. And he hated it. He reached for his earphones, silently praying that the classical music would calm his racing mind. Like usual, it worked. Beside him, Zayn turned and smiled, noticed that Harry was obviously trying to calm himself down once again. All he wanted to do was make sure his best friend knew how much he cared, and it genuinely hurt him that Harry was so broken, so quiet.

When they reached Harry's house, he let out a shaky breath, and knocked on the door. Anne opened it, beaming. It warmed Harry's heart to see someone genuinely happy to see him.

'Hi, mum.' Harry whispered into her shoulder, very much enjoying the tight, comforting hug that his mother was giving him. She welcomed the boys in, and then acknowledged Zayn, who awkwardly stood behind Harry.

'Hello Zayn sweetheart. I wasn't expecting to see you tonight love, is everything okay?' she asked, her dark green eyes brimmed with worry.

'Unfortunately not, Ms. Twist. That's why I came home with Harry tonight.' Zayn replied calmly. Harry visibly cringed when he heard his name, resulting with Zayn shooting him a small, yet sympathetic smile.

'Okay. Harry, do you want to change out of your uniform? You will be more comfortable like that my dear,' Anne said, obviously worried for what Zayn was about to say. 'so Zayn, what happened today, if you don't mind me asking.' At this point, Harry ran upstairs, not wanting to relive the moment that left him so deeply upset.

Harry could hear their muffled conversation from his room, and he was grateful that he didn't have to tell his mum himself. Harry had this bad habit of bottling up his issues and then having a massive breakdown when it all got too much, and he wanted to avoid that at all costs. He walked over to his drawers  and pulled out a grey pair of jogging bottoms, a green polo shirt and a grey hoodie, one of his favourite outfits as the hoodie and joggers were big on him making him feel small, a feeling that he liked a lot. He could still hear Zayn and Anne talking, and did not want to interrupt. Normally, Harry would have homework to do at this time. However, he was in the sensory room all day, so he hadn't been to any classes. He decided to call Liam to see if he could help Harry brush up on any of the work he had missed. Liam was super smart anyway, and he was used to tutoring Niall due to them living close to each other. 

Harry slowly dialled Liam's number, and listened to the quiet ringing. Phone calls made Harry anxious, but he was slowly getting better at talking on the phone, something he was slowly getting better at. He was proud of himself for this, and his friends helped him celebrate these small steps because of how supportive of him being a 'freak' they were.

'Hey Harold. How's my favourite curly-haired boy? Are you doing better?' Liam asked softly.

''M okay L-liam, h-how are y-you?' Harry stuttered.

'I'm alright, better now I know you're alright. Rough day, huh? Niall could hardly speak without cursing that goddamn teacher. Who says that?!' Liam was rambling a bit, but Harry didn't mind. If his friends talked quietly, their voices were his favourite thing in the world.

'C-can we change the s-subject, p-please?' Harry whimpered, trying (and failing) hard to sound authoritative.

'Sorry bud. Of course. What do you wanna talk about?'

'I-i never heard a-about how y-your s-sumer was. 'S okay if you don't wanna t-talk about it.' Harry said in a small voice.

'Summer was incredible!' Harry could practically hear Liam beaming down the phone, and it made him crack a smile. Woah, he loved it when his friends were happy.  Liam went on talking about how he loved the time with his two sisters and how he went to America with his family. Listening intently, Harry noticed how Liam's voice changed when he was talking about the eight hour flight, and then changed again when he went to talk about a funny story. Liam knew Harry hated to talk about himself, so didn't ask much about Harry's summer. They had hung up the phone by the time Anne came in to check on Harry, knocking on his door, hoping not to startle her son, she knew how noise sensitive her baby boy was. When she heard him say 'come in', he was bent over this beautiful drawing of her. She had to choke back a sob, she loved her son endlessly, Asperger's, OCD and all. When Harry noticed bher, he jumped a bit but was grateful to see her.

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