Chatboxed Books: The Doctor's Daughter: The Adventure Begins

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Amy Clara Rose has signed on.

James not Dashner has signed on.

The Doctor has signed on.

Sarah Jane Smith has signed on.

RoseTyler has signed on.

Piper Tyler has signed on.

Mrs Tyler has signed on.

River Song has signed on.

Amy Clara Rose: *last time*

Where are we?

The Doctor: Let's just say this: Copycat.

Amy Clara Rose: *cue DW intro*

I'm sorry, WHAT?

James not Dashner: It's a Doctor Who episode thing, Aim.

Amy Clara Rose: Which one?

James not Dashner: Midnight. We must be on the planet Midnight, right Doctor?

The Doctor: Yup. I'm back on Midnight.

Amy Clara Rose: But... why copycat? What does a copycat have to do with the planet Midnight?

The Doctor: Well,

Sarah Jane Smith: DOCTOR!

Amy Clara Rose: Who...?

The Doctor: *looks back outside TARDIS*

Come on, you two. I've got an old friend here I'd like you to meet.

*exits TARDIS and walks up to Sarah Jane with Amy and James*

Hello, Sarah Jane.

Sarah Jane Smith: Hello, Doctor. Who are the young companions?

The Doctor: This is my daughter Amy, and her best friend James. Amy, James, this is my old companion Sarah Jane Smith.

Amy Clara Rose: Nice to meet you.

Sarah Jane Smith: You too.

Wait a minuet, Doctor, did you say Amy was your DAUGHTER?!?

Amy Clara Rose: Don't worry, I'm finding it hard to believe, too. I only just found out.

Sarah Jane Smith: But... how is that even POSSIBLE?

James not Dashner: A young wife of the Doctor's I don't believe you've met.

Sarah Jane Smith: He's married? What on Earth is her name?

The Doctor: River Song.

River Song: Hello, Sweetie.

James not Dashner: *mutters* Speak of the devil...

River Song: *sees someone running*

What was that?

Amy Clara Rose: What was what?

River Song: I think I saw something out there, but I probably just imagined it. Nothing can live outside of this hotel.

The Doctor: Wait... River, did you say you SAW something outside?

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