Fandoms, Fandoms And More Fandoms. Let's Start A Fandom War!!

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PiperSwiper has signed on.

Cally Jones Watergirl has signed on.

I am Elsa has signed on.

PiperSwiper: *Gasp* Missy is the Master!!!!!

I am Elsa: Never mind that, JACE ISN'T REALLY VALENTINE'S SON!!!!!

Cally Jones Watergirl: Forget Missy and Jace, get this: Four is actually Marcus Eaton's tortured son!!!!!!!

Edward C has signed on.

Edward C: Guys, you're forgetting something very important: Harry is the final Horcrux!!!!!!!!

PercyJacksonRiptidePen has signed on.

PercyJacksonRiptidePen: What???? Stuff that, Brom is ERAGON'S FATHER!!!!!!

Rose Tyler has signed on.

Rose Tyler: Since we're saying fandom shockers: Luke is Kronos!!!

The Doctor has signed on.

The Doctor: Sebastian Verlac is actually Jonathan Morgenstern!!!!

I am Elsa: YES!!!!! Go Mortal Instruments!!!!


PiperSwiper: DOCTOR WHO?!?!?!?!?!?


Edward C: HARRY POTTER?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Cally Jones Watergirl: DIVERGENT!!!!!!!

The Doctor: Let's settle this in an orderly manner: A FANDOM WAR!!!! Someone, pick a male and female judge!

PiperSwiper: Kathryn's mum Khione the Goddess of Snow!

Rose Tyler: Ares, God of War!

Ice Ice Khione has signed on.

The Fighter has signed on.

The Doctor: Ares, as the Greek God of War, would you like to come up with the rules?

The Fighter: Certainly, thank you Doctor.

The rules:

Khione and I will ask you each questions on your fandom

No research! Must answer questions QUICKLY or answer will be disqualified.

Kathryn and the Doctor will join but will be asked questions separately.

Winner will be first to 10 points.


Hebe has signed on.

Hebe: Yes, Lord Ares?

The Fighter: Can you keep the fandom scores?

Hebe: Of course, Lord Ares.

The Fighter: Excelent. Let the Fandom War BEGIN! May the odds be EVER in your favour! (Aphrodite's idea btw) Khione, you can ask the first question.

Ice Ice Khione: Piper McLean:
Name all the actors to play the Doctor IN ORDER

PiperSwiper: William Hartnell
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davison
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
John Hurt
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant
David Tennant (Christmas Invasion regeneration)
Matt Smith
Peter Capaldi

Ice Ice Khione: Doctor, is this correct?

The Doctor: Well, I'm only Tennant.02, but up to there, yes.

The Fighter: Excelent. Hebe?

Hebe: DW - 1.

The Fighter: Rose Tyler:
What is Percy's pen/sword from his father called in English AND Greek?

Rose Tyler: English: Riptide
Greek: Anaklusmos.

The Fighter: Percy, is this correct?

PercyJacksonRiptidePen: Yup

The Fighter: Hebe?

Hebe: DW - 1.
PJ - 1.

Ice Ice Khione: Percy Jackson:
What is the name of Eragon's sword?

PercyJacksonRiptidePen: Brisingr.

Ice Ice Khione: Can anyone confirm this?

Cally Jones Watergirl: Yeah I can he's told me a thousand times.

Ice Ice Khione: Hebe?

Hebe: DW - 1.
PJ - 1.
TIC - 1.

The Fighter: Kathryn Jenkins:
Name all the Mortal Instruments books IN ORDER

I am Elsa: City of Bones
City of Ashes
City of Glass
City of Fallen Angels
City of Lost Souls
City of Heavenly Fire.

The Fighter: Doctor?

The Doctor: This is correct.

The Fighter: Hebe?

Hebe: DW - 1.
PJ - 1.
TIC - 1.
TMI - 1.

Ice Ice Khione: Edward Cleovatia:
Who killed Albus Dumbledoor?

Edward C: 🎶Snape, Snape, Severus Snape.🎶

Rose Tyler: Yep

Ice Ice Khione: Plus an extra point if you can tell me where that's from. Rose, I'll need your confirmation.

Edward C: Harry Potter and the Mysterious Ticking Noise by PotterPuppetPals.

Rose Tyler: Hai/Sí/Yes

Hebe: DW - 1.
PJ - 1.
TIC - 1.
TMI - 1.
HP - 2.

The Fighter: Cally Jones:
Who kills Tris in Allegiant?

Cally Jones Watergirl: *sobs* Technically, her mother... in a way *sobs*

Edward C: Doesn't she basically kill herself? But... I get your point Cals.

Lelli8AChickenPie has signed on.

Lelli8AChickenPie: Guys. Tris gets shot!

Hebe: Sores remain the same.

Ice Ice Khione: Doctor:
What kind of Downworlder is Lucian Graymark?

The Doctor: Werewolf.

I am Elsa: Yeah!

Hebe: PJ - 1.
TIC - 1.
TMI - 2.
HP - 2.

The Fighter: Edward Cleovatia:
What is the Killing Curse?

Edward C: AVARDA KEDAVRA!!!!!!

Lelli8AChickenPie: That would be correct.

Hebe: PJ - 1.
TIC - 1.
TMI - 1.
HP - 3.

The Fighter: GAH! Let's just say HP won...

Edward C: YAY!!!!

Everyone has left.

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