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Frank Zhang has signed on.

Hazel Levesque has signed on.

Hannah_Bae has signed on.

Jason Fly has signed on.

Christalla Tsitouris has signed on.

Andreana Laouris has signed on.

Pepper Churchill has signed on.

CallMeToolkitBoy has signed on.

PiperSwiper has signed on.

PercyJacksonRiptidePen has signed on.

AnnabethIsSmarterThenYou has signed on.

Nyssa has gotten Chatbox at Nyssa Hephaestus.

Dianna Rosaray has signed on.

Hades'Daughter has signed on.

Christalla Tsitouris: Leo! Are we getting closer?

CallMeToolkitBoy: Yeah, we're getting very close to where Hannah said Janus is.

Hannah_Bae: Looks very close to me.

Nyssa Hephaestus: Gr8!

PercyJacksonRiptidePen: *Runs to front of deck to see view*

Jason Fly: *Joins Percy*

Pepper Churchill: *Joins everyone on the front of deck*

Andreana Laoris: *Joins everyone on the front of deck*

PercyJacksonRiptidePen: This view is amazing!

Christalla Tsitouris: Yeah!

Hannah_Bae: Guys! Quiet! I think I hear something!

Janus has signed on.

Janus: HEEELP MEEEE!!!!!!

Dianna Rosaray: AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hades'Daughter: Di! Calm down! It's probably just Janus!

Hazel Levesque: Yep it is.

PercyJacksonRiptidePen: Just so I don't mess anything up, what's he the God of?

Hannah_Bae: Time, beginnings, transitions, ending, gates doors and doorways.

Dianna Rosaray: Wow.... that's almost as hard to remember as everything Hermes is God of.

Hannah_Bae: And what is Hermes the God of?

AnnabethIsSmarterThenYou: Messengers, luck, shepherds, atheletes, thieves and merchants. Well, not really messengers - he's the messenger of Olympus.

Dianna Rosaray: Anna, did u research that???

AnnabethIsSmarterThenYou: *You.

No, I didn't just research that, Dianna. I'm a daughter of Athena, I'm smart.

Also, don't call me Anna.

CallMeToolkitBoy: We're here.

Christalla Tsitouris: Awesome! Also, Di, I've always wondered: how do you pronounce your name?

Dianna Rosaray: Di-are-na.

Janus: Hello? Is someone there?

Nyssa Hephaestus: Yes.

Janus: Who are you?

Hannah_Bae: Hannah Beae, unclaimed Roman demigod.

Greeks, I'll say your parents. Just write down what they rule over.

Greek demigods: *Writes down what their parent rules over for Hannah.*

Hannah_Bae: *Explains what she will do*

Hades'Daughter: Layla O'Rielley, daughter of

Hannah_Bae: Pluto.

Hazel Levesque: Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto.

AnnabethIsSmarterThenYou: Annabeth Chase, daughter of

Hannah_Bae: Minerva.

Frank Zhang: Frank Zhang, son of Mars.

Nyssa Hephaestus: Nyssa, daughter of

Hannah_Bae: Mercury.

Jason Fly: Jason Grace, son of Jupiter.

Dianna Rosaray: Dianna Rosaray, daughter of

Hannah_Bae: Jupiter.

CallMeToolkitBoy: Leo Valdez, son of Mercury.

PiperSwiper: Piper McLean, daughter of Venus.

PercyJacksonRiptidePen: Percy Jackson, son of Neptune.

Christalla Tsitouris: Christalla Tsitouris.

Andreana Laouis: Andreana Laoris.

Pepper Churchill: Pepper Churchill.

CallMeToolkitBoy: *Lands ship*

Hannah_Bae: *Rescues Janus*

Janus: Thanks. I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever get out of there!

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