Chapter Five: The Roar of Evil.

Start from the beginning

"KION", Rani yelled as she runs to him. Ajax smiles evilly and turns to Fuli, He roars at Fuli making Fuli and Azaad fly away. Ajax roars at Anga, Ono, and Ullu knocking them out of the sky. Surak is shocked by the power of the lion and he is possibly stronger then Kion. Ajax roars at the night pride also making them fly away. All there was left was Beshte and Bunga, They are shocked of Ajax's roar.

"That's right, I defeated you pride you two, now leave" Ajax walks around Beshte and Bunga, "I've won, now you leave." Bunga bravely runs to Ajax going to attack him saying his catchphrase, Ajax does a short roar at Bunga making him fly away too. Beshte starts running to Ajax, Ajax roars at Beshte, Beshte holds his ground the best of the ability he can, Beshte starts to move towards Ajax. Rawr and three other lions swipe down Beshte,

"You are a strong one hippo, I'll give you that, but time for you to get out of here too." Ajax roars at Beshte making him roll on the ground. Ajax turns to Rani, "Rani, I have defeated your pride, and you are all their's left," Rani gets into a defensive stunt trying to protect Kion. "Oh, protecting your king, you know what I can do right, final chance Rani, give up the crown." Rani growls at Ajax "I will never give up the crown." She said, "Okay than" Ajax said, Ajax prepares to roar at Rani, Rani covers passed out Kion, "I love you" as she whispered her final words to Kion, Ajax roars, Rani puts her head down to try to protect herself and Kion, but feels nothing, doesn't even feel like she is flying,

Rani opens her eye to see Ezekiel is using his staff that has absorbed the roar. Rani is surprised to see Ezekiel. Ezekiel bring back to roar to Ajax, Ajax was pushed back, Ajax roars at Ezekiel but Ezekiel uses his staff to control the roar, does a spin to bring the roar back to Ajax, "Ezekiel so this is what you been working on," Ajax said, Ajax gets closer to Ezekiel and smiles evilly. "Yes Ajax, I was working on countering your roar for a long time and I had it right for a long time, just wasn't the right time to reveal it until now." Ezekiel said, Kion starts to wake up, and sees the battle field. "Kion" Rani said excitedly and then hugs him tightly. Kion hugs Rani too, You're okay." Kion asked worried. "Kion, I need you" Ezekiel said. "What do you need me to do?" Kion asked. "I need you to roar at me". Ezekiel said as he deflected Ajax's roar. "Are you sure?" Kion asked. "Trust me Kion, just roar at me." Ezekiel said.

Kion roars at Ezekiel, he absorbed Kion's roar, Ajax roars at Ezekiel, he absorbs Ajax's roar too, His staff starts to glow signaling that it at it's maximum power, Ezekiel bring the roar back to Ajax twice as strong, Ajax tries to roar at it but wasn't powerful enough, The roar combined with Kion and Ajax goes string through like it was nothing and knocks Ajax and his pride away from the mountain pass.

Rani runs to Kion hugging him tightly "you're okay my king?" Kion gets up limping and a little dizzy. The rain stops to reveal the damage done by Ajax's roar, Trees were down around the battle field, "Kion, we got to make sure if everyone is okay. Kion, Rani and Ezekiel starts to search around the land.

To Fuli and Azaad

Fuli and Azzad were Azaad landed first, then Fuli lands on Azaad's chest, Fuli looks up then starts to blush "Oh sorry Azaad," Fuli said as she gets up, "It's quite alright Fuli but" Azaad said has a puts Fuli back down. "I would like to stay here for a while." Azaad said, "but we need to help Kion with Ajax, Azaad starts to yell in pain, "My leg, get off, ow, off, off." Azaad yelled in pain. Fuli gets off of Azzad and can clearly see that see that his leg was broken. Azaad, you stay here, I will find help." Fuli said, "ha, like I can go anywhere." Azaad said.

To Nirmala, Baliyo, and Surak

They fly to the ground, "That roar was wired" Baliyo said, "I never seen a roar like that, it was, I can't even explain, it's like the roar of elders but it was just different." Surak said. "It wasn't the roar of the elders, it was a roar but different and just a powerful." Nirmala said. "I hope everyone is okay from that battle." Surak said. "Injuries, I didn't even think about that, we need to find everyone to see if they are okay." Nirmala said. "but what about the Ajax?" Baliyo said. "We have to let Kion and Rani deal with it, we need to go around and find the other." Nirmala said.

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