Meeting Him Part 1 (edited)

Start from the beginning

"I would appreciate it if you would not hold a brawl across the street from my place of business." Said a male voice that was deep and twisted my stomach in a pleasurable way.

I watched as the assholes scattered away from myself and Mr. Deep Throat. I turned with the word, "thanks" on my lips, but the poor word died in my mouth. His red hair was the first thing my eyes landed on, I love red haired people. His wide square-ish forehead was next, nice eyebrows, slightly sunken in eyes. Green eyes, bright green eyes, that screamed 'I know what you want done to you sexually and I can deliver'. He had a straight nose along with a faded beard and mustache combo. He sported a natural cupid's bow, which just made his lips all the more tempting.

The man smiled at me, flashing perfect teeth. I was suddenly aware of all the crooked teeth in my mouth, Nia's smile appeared in my mind. I saw that her left front tooth was chipped, as if she was saying, don't worry you're not alone. The thought made me feel better, I smiled back in return. The pain that shot through my face had me regretting the action immediately and brought back my former annoyance with Nia, and how she affects me.

I suddenly felt my heart pulse through my body along with heat that burned through my veins in the best way as my eyes widened at the feeling rushing through me. I felt this same pulsing feeling the first time I felt Nia's skin, why was I feeling it again with this guy as well as this heat?

"Hey", I called out as a way of expressing annoyance and tried to yank my hand out of the older male's hold.

"Hello", the man said as a greeting, while he continued to drag me across the street.

When he pulled me into a place called Delights, I thought it was a club or a bar but no, it was a sex shop. I kept my eyes glued to the floor as a blush rose up my neck. My poor virgin eyes! I yanked my arm once again, I wanted to leave, forget this guy and this place. The next thing I knew I was in an office and sat down in a comfortable chair.

"Don't get up." The older male said as he walked over to a mini fridge, dominance rolling off him in waves.

I scoffed, crossing my arms, "I don't even know you", I said as I was about to get up but he stood with a small ice tray walking back towards me. I leaned back in the chair more.

I'm not stupid. He is bigger and older looking than me. He has probably been through plenty of fights. That fight I just went through took a lot of energy out of me. He walked over to me with a plastic bag full of ice, Dave's face must be swelling up. I offered my hand for the ice bag, but he ignored it and pressed the ice gently against the bruising area of Dave's face.

"My name is Gannon." He told me as his eyes looked over Dave's face.

I looked over his face again, he looked trustworthy. Just like Nia, would he be an annoyance like her? Will he affect me like her? Should I trust him like I trust Nia? Do I even trust Nia? I must since I gave her my real name. I didn't say anything I just kept looking at him. He placed his hand over mine, more pluses, more heat. What is this? I moved my hand from his, this is unsettling.

"You're not much of a talker are you?" Gannon asked me, dejection flashed in his eyes.

Dave's eyebrows pulled together, my stomach tightened. Why am I feeling this way? And towards this stranger no less? I shifted trying to make space between him and me.

"I don't trust people", I said bluntly trying to come off as cold, I didn't need to make any connections with Gannon.

A sudden shiver went down my spine, as my body got warmer. Is this what his affect on me is? I don't want this, connections are bad, in my life.

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