820 58 103

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Rules are simple but will be strictly followed up. 

The rules are only for the participants. Judges can skip to the judging criteria and wait for the notice and confirmation of which books they will be judging.

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➣First, you MUST be following ALL the hosts of this award if you are participating. Judges are not required to follow the hosts. Any participant failing to follow the rules will be disqualified. 

➣Follow the hosts and this account ; 

( not following this account may have you miss
 out important announcements )




➣Give this Award Book a shoutout on your message board. Your message board will be checked before we accept your registration. 

➣Don't try bribing the judges. Just don't. 

➣Your book must have 7 SOLID chapters before entering this award excluding the disclaimer, character list, playlist chapters. 

➣If you plan to change your username, book title, please let us know, or else we won't be able to count you in later. Just leave a message on our board regarding it. 

➣ Add this book to a public reading list or a private one in order to get notifications of updates. 

➣ Follow your category judges, that will be in the further chapters! 

➣ if your story glorifies or encourages rape, violence, suicide, self-harm, your story won't be accepted. We will simply ignore it :) 

➣ The book must be in ENGLISH. 

➣ The book MUST be a bts fanfiction ( duh ) 

➣ NO Y/N STORIES. We know there are many out there, but we host ourselves don't prefer y/n stories as they are very, very overrated. 

**also because alleequido has beef with y/n ;(

➣ 1 Book per category, 2 in total. Let's give more writers chances since the amount of participants per category will be short in order to carry out a clean judging. 

➣  Books above 300K and winners of over 3 awards  are NOT allowed! Let's give our hidden talents a chance! 

IF YOU ARE HERE FOR VIEWS AND VOTES, THEN LEAVE! because your book will be constructively critised here through skilled writers who will be your judges! This award is only for hardworkers who want to improve.

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Any rules ignored and not followed will lead to immediate disqualification. Read ALL THE CHAPTERS before you fill in forms. They are here for a reason. 

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THE DYNAMITE AWARDS 2020 [ CLOSED ]Where stories live. Discover now