If You Love Something...

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I know I said this would be the last chap, but I've decided to make a short epilogue. I felt like I couldn't just end it like this, I want to give it a proper ending. So in a few days I should be FINALLY finishing this story with a short epilogue.


Sobrekt weddings are, by tradition, short; at least in comparison to the whole pre-kekkonshu stages previously held. It only consists of the couple making a cut in their palms: not too deep, just enough to draw blood, which is then mixed together and used to paint patterns on their foreheads and naked bodies*. Meanwhile, the guests sit around them in a circle acting as witnesses.

Thankfully for Red, Ilk was allowed to wear a thin, blue silk robe of sorts. Still, he forced the Invaders to close their eyes during the duration of the ceremony. He didn't want their inferior eyes to violate the sanctity of his baby's body.

Lena and Sakr painted the patterns on Ilk and Blue respectively, while Zim just stood there holding the ceremonial bowl of blood paint mixture with an insufferable grin on his face. His role was akin to the guy who carried certain objects up to the altar, while Lena and Sakr were the equivalents to a 'maid of honor' and 'best man' respectively.

"Nice dress, Irken."

Red frowned. He and Purple had chosen to wear their ceremonial robes, consisting of long silk robes of vibrant colors*, for the occasion, and Captain took every chance he could to tease them for it.

"For the hundredth time, Captain, it's a ceremonial robe!" Red hissed in a low voice.

"Whatever you call it, it's not good attire for the grass."

"I thought we'd at least get some chairs!"

"What do you complain about? You are sitting on 'chairs', aren't you?" Echo inquired, glancing at Skoodge and Bob. Both were wearing a service drone's table and acting as literal seats for the Tallest, given the Irken Leaders outright refused to get their precious dress- sorry, 'ceremonial robes' dirty.

"So that's your niece?" Purple glanced to his right, where Akkono was sitting. She was staring at Ilk curiously, her head tilted to the side. She looked cute like that!

"Not exactly by blood, but yes, that's my niece who's getting married," he chuckled.

"She must be a wonderful person if you and your co-Tallest were willing to steal the last Moondrop flower to save her life."

"She is." Purple glanced at the familiar hill the couple was sitting on. "You know, it's quite curious. That's the very same spot where we stole the first flower."

"I know. I used to come here as a hatchling to watch it rebloom in spring." Akkono said, smiling a bit.

Once the painting was done, Blue and Ilk held each other's hands, locking their eyes with one another.

"Aik'ateru," Blue whispered

"What was that?" Purple inquired.

Skoodge took a look at one of his flashcards. "It means 'I love you' in Sobrekt, my Tallest."

Ilk struggled to repeat the word just like he did, but her tongue nearly knotted inside her mouth. "Ak-ka.. Aikte..." Blue looked like he was trying not to burst out laughing. Ilk furrowed her brow, pouting. This elicited a small chuckle from Red.

"You can say it in a normal language if you wish." Blue piped in after a few more failed tries.

Ilk made a mental note to get even at Blue later. For the time being, she smiled. "I love you."

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