Unexpected Surprises

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To: Blue Cobalk


Mr. Cobalk, due to an unexpected event, the next phase of the Indokani Exams have been postponed until previous notice. There's no need for you to bring your Indokuro Fury.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


" I swear, if this whole examination thingie doesn't kill me, the wedding will."

"Red, calm down. It'll be okay. Only two more phases and we're done."

Red sighed. "That's one thing. There's also the Irk-damned fight, and now that we lost our trainer," he frowned at Purple but said nothing. "I'm not even sure we'll make it."

"Surely Blue will talk some sense into Sakr, and if he can't then at least he should be able to help," Lena offered her husband a smile as she stroked his cheek. "Everything will turn out alright, you'll see."

She bid Red and Purple goodbye in the early afternoon as they departed for the next phase. Red insisted that she stayed behind after she got another nausea episode. She thought he suspected something, but thankfully it didn't seem to be the case. He was too preoccupied about Purple not messing it up to notice. Up to now, he only saw her vomiting, but he attributed it to her tasting Sobr's bizarre food. Purple exchanged a knowing glance with her, offering her a reassuring smile before they departed.

With nothing to do back at the base all by herself, Lena went to take a walk around the area. On more than one occasion she ran into some of the Massive's crew, who had decided to earn a living however they could until the issue with the Massive was solved. One of the engineers had a sign that read 'any work for donuts,' a service drone was cutting somebody's lawn, and she even saw Invader El washing a ship a few streets away. Lena felt terrible for them. What were they going to do if...? 

She shook the negative thoughts out of her head. They'd figure something out.

She casually ran into Zim's hyooman girlfriend just outside Blue's home. 

"Hey." She said indifferently, her attention completely fixed on her gaming device.

"Where's Zim?" Lena asked curiously.

"I don't know. Probably went to witness his purple leader make a fool of himself again."

Lena frowned. "I'd thank you if you showed a little more respect."

Gaz chuckled. "Yeah, right. Respect for a guy who can't run ten meters without fainting like an old lady." Lena hated to admit it, but she had a good point. "So where are you going?"

"Nowhere in particular. I'm just taking a walk around."

This time, Gaz did raise her gaze to her. "You know, in your current state, you should be resting. Who knows when you might get the preggy symptoms and faint. Why don't you come inside?"

Lena glanced at the door of Blue's house. Is anyone home, or did they go to see the next exam? "What if there's no one home? I don't think Deltra will like that I go inside uninvited."

"Chill out, as long as you're friends with Zim; you can rob a bank and get away with it." Gaz made her way to the doorway. "So, are you coming or not?"

Reluctantly, Lena followed her inside the house. It was dark inside, which was odd since it's nearly midday, and yet Gaz seemed to know where she was going. Instinctively, Lena twitched her lekku to look for any sounds. She thought she heard hushed whispers up ahead. "Um, Gaz?"

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