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I'm sorry for any mistakes:))


As the sound of rain drops hitting the window of the inferior apartment, a low hum put the silence to ease.

There, in the rusty kitchen, stood a frail looking boy eating his ramen. The said boy was 21 year-old Jeon Jungkook getting ready to leave for work.

With a large dark jacket, Jungkook walked out his apartment room all whilst humming the same tune in a happy mood-

"Mr. Jeon!"

But, of course the happiness had to be crushed by his selfish landlord.

Jungkook suppressed rolling his eyes so he wouldn't get lectured about "respecting his elders" like last time (and man, was it a total waste of Jungkook's time!).


"The money, Mr. Jeon."

"I'll have it by today," Jungkook sighed. At least he hopes so.

"You better!"

And Jungkook immediately walked out the building, running through the fast paced rain and wind. He always tried to leave his apartment early since the walk to his work took awhile. The rain and wind was no bother to him, really. It was the crowd of people and traffic that was the problem. Jungkook hates pushing people, but in times like these, it's unfortunately a must.

(Quite frankly, everyday was a must, but we don't talk about that.)

By the time he arrived to his job, he was positively soaked in water from top to bottom. His first job was a small coffee shop. Not many people really came on a daily basis, but there are some regulars that appeared every so often.

They usually consisted of a tiny old women who is completely oblivious of her surroundings, a busy women almost always speaking on the phone like she's about to lose her mouth any second, that one stressed as fuck college student with prominent bags under their eyes (poor thing), and a busy soccer mom and dad trying to multi-task by keeping their 4, 5 year-olds, hyper quadruplets at bay; 2 baby twins from crying; and the oldest son, who's going through his emo phase while also looking like he's about to combust any second from how red his face is, from walking away.

(with that many children, Jungkook wondered why the lady and her husband continued for more. The lady's pregnant again but with triplets this time. How the fuck-)

Over all, though, it's the same as always. His manager, Park Jihyo, always tried to get him to socialize more and come out of his shell. Jungkook always became a shy mess after that.

"Hey Jungkook," his coworker, Nayeon whispered to him, "he's here again."

Ah, yes, him; Professor Kim Namjoon.

Mr. Kim is a professor at a prestigious Seoul academy for Supernatural creatures. He teaches about the behaviors of said creatures and is actually very well-known. He's also published several books that have all been given high-honorable winnings multiple times.

Not only is Mr. Kim successful, he's also Jungkook's first boy crush. Now, Jungkook's always been questioning his sexuality ever since he got off to several hot, shirtless dudes with six-packs for days on magazines when he was in high school. So when Mr. Kim entered his life, Jungkook just knew.

How often do you meet a successful and handsome as fuck professor? Most professors Jungkook had were mainly old people that looked like grandpas and grandmas with balding hair and "Mr. Jeon, could you help me with this search engine?".

Even though Jungkook admires Mr. Kim, he's never actually had the guts to walk up and have a decent conversation other than taking his order. Jungkook would much rather ask Mr. Kim "may I get your number, sir?" instead of "may I get your order, sir?".

Though, Jungkook should feel grateful he's even allowed in the presence of Mr. Kim Namjoon. Being in the presence of him was like being in the presence of a king. Honestly, If Jungkook was a bug, he would purposely allow Mr. Kim to step on him and he would gladly thank him in bug language, like "oh, yes dadd-

"Uh- Jungkook? Are you okay?" Nayeon waved a hand over his face worriedly. Jungkook flushed immediately and shook his head.

"Yup-- Yup! Sorry about that!" Jungkook apologize as his face turned pink. Nayeon laughed.

"Don't tell me you're already imagining yourself in Mr. Kim's pants! Look, Kookie," Nayeon smirked, "if you need to let out some steam, go ahead. I'll fill in for you!"

Jungkook gasped and immediately covered his face, "noona!"

Nayeon only laughed harder and walked out when someone called her name. Jungkook peaked outside and watched as Mr. Kim ordered his coffee. If Jungkook knew how to control his shapeshifting abilities, he would've easily just shifted to a dog or something just so he could go near Mr. Kim. But sadly, he doesn't. The only animal he can somehow shift to is a bunny and that's just it.

Mr. Kim thanked the worker and got out his umbrella before walking out. Jungkook's goal is to at least say "hi". He doesn't want to continue watching him from afar. That's boring.




Could this story be it??? @_@

I'm pretty excited for this story, but I'm just hoping I don't mess up. I don't want to abandon this story, so I'll try my hardest to get this done. I also don't want it to be slow burn, so I'll be adding the part where Jungkook goes to the wrong party next chapter ^.^

A lot is going on in my life rn, so I hope this can be an escape from it all .....((/- -)/


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