Chapter 8/ Epilogue

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Chapter 8

Betty and Jughead were currently watching a movie, cuddling and eating popcorn when suddenly their door was opened. Watching as Archie came in with a nervous look on his face. Instantly, Betty paused the movie and arched an eyebrow as she watched her twin brother walking in both hands now inside of his denim jeans.

"Arch, is something wrong?" She asked. Making Jughead look over at him as well. Archie simply looked over at them and continued to get near the bed and sat at the edge of it, taking his hands out of his jeans and placing them on his lap. "Arch?" He heard Betty say again in a now worried tone, Archie cleared his throat and began rubbing the back of his neck trying to muster up the courage to tell them that he was going to take out the woman they had destroyed a few months ago, but finally he let out a breath and built the courage he needed and spit out the words, hoping for the best "I'm going out with Veronica tomorrow" He said, quickly standing up from the bed and taking a few steps backwards thinking that they were going to react in a bad way but was completely shocked when they did the opposite.

"That's great Arch." He heard his sister say with a smile.

"Yeah dude, I'm glad you guys finally decided to go out" Jughead then added with a genuine smile, placing his hand into the bowl of popcorn when suddenly Betty slapped it away "Hey, you're supposed to share" He pouts making Betty laugh at his face. "Give me a kiss first then I'll consider it" She replies, taking the bowl out of Jughead's reach and perching up her lips and gesturing for him to give her what she asked for and without a single of a doubt Jughead gave in and kissed her as if he needed to be asked. Archie looked at the couple and smiled, shaking his head at how corny they both are but at the same time loving just how much they adore each other, yes at first he didn;t agree with the way they handled things but he couldn't deny the fact that they were both made for each other. "So you guys aren't upset?" He then asked, making them break away from their kiss to look over at him.

"Why should we?" Jughead then asked with wonder, Arching his eyebrows as he waited for his new brother in law to answer.

"Well for starters, she's your ex-girlfriend dude" Archie responded but Jughead simply shrugged as if it didn't matter to him, which in reality it didn't "Dude, I'm with your sister and I'm completely lost in love with her and besides she deserves some happiness for several reasons, one being because I found my happy ending maybe she should try finding hers."

"And we're not in a position to be upset about anything, Arch. Not after everything we did to her." Betty added while Jughead nodded his head, agreeing with the statement his girl just said. "And besides Arch, you deserve to be happy too, especially after everything that went down between you and Katy, so of course I'm going to support you big brother. " She said giving her brother a cheeky smile that made Archie smile back at her and feeling a lot better that he had their support, either way he was going to take the raven haired woman out despite of their reaction, it just felt better to know that they weren't upset and were actually supportive about it.

The following night, Archie was a nervous wreck as he drove down to the address Veronica gave him, hoping that everything goes well tonight. When he pulled up to the address he seen her already waiting for him in the front, giving him a smile as she walked up to his car and opening up the door and quickly slid in. "Hey, you look handsome" She says to him as she closes the passenger door.

"Thank you" Archie replied as he went to grab the bouquet of flowers he had bought her and gave them to her making Veronica smile wide "Oh my god Archie, these are beautiful" She says to him as she grabbed the beautiful bouquet out of his hands and smelling them. "The least I could do for helping out my daughter" He then says, going to put the gear in drive so they could officially begin their date.

The InterviewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora