Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Veronica was currently pacing back and forth, looking over at the clock trying her best to remain calm. "Get a grip Veronica, he's probably at the Wyrm with Sweet Pea" She mutters to herself, biting the nail of her thumb. She continued her pacing for a few more minutes when suddenly she heard the door knob turning meaning Jughead was home.

"Oh, you're still up" He says, closing the door behind him. Then began walking past her and straight into their shared room leaving Veronica speechless. It takes her a few moments to process what just happened until she managed to move her feet and follow him into their bedroom where he was already pulling out some clothes, making her furrow her eyebrows at him and began wondering what the hell he was doing.

"Where were you?" She said, trying to make her voice sound strong but failed incredibly since it came out broken, just like her heart. Jughead simply sighed, standing up from the bended position he was in and turned around to look at her, his facial expression looking like he's annoyed with her. "Why does it matter?" He replies. She scoffs in disbelief turning to look at the clock she had placed on her bedside table then back at him "Uh maybe because it's three in the morning" She answers back extending her arm out to point towards the clock.

Jughead looked at her with a bored expression before shrugging her shoulders making Veronica almost lose her shit at how calm and collected he seems right now, almost as if he didn't care one bit about her. "We're done Veronica, I made that clear when we were still at the Register" He then says, turning around giving her his back. Veronica clenched her fists together and out of pure rage, she power walked up from behind him and shoved him forward making Jughead slam into the dresser where he was taking his clothes out of. "What the hell is your fucking problem!" He growls out, quickly turning around to face her, his expression going from bored to angry in less than a second.

"Seriously! You're seriously asking me that question?" She replies, tears now running down her cheeks. Jughead simply looks at her with anger boling in his eyes, trying his best to calm down. "You treated me like shit all day, you flirted with some chick we barely know, ignored me, and on top of that you come home at 3 in the morning without even sending me a goddamn message. You don't think I have a reason to be angry with you!?" She growls out to him, completely forgetting the fact that Jughead basically confirmed their break up a few moments ago.

Jughead rolled his eyes, running a hand down his face. He knows he's being unreasonable and that he probably should apologize but not right now, when he's filled with pure anger and all he wants is to get the hell out of here and return to the hotel with Betty since that's where he's been ever since they came back from the field. "And besides where the hell have you been?" She then asks, breaking him out of thought and before she gives him the chance to respond to anything she's said.

Jughead took a step back, licking his lips and trying not to smirk at the memory of him and Betty naked in bed. "I don't owe you anything anymore Veronica, we're through, remember?" He then says. Turning around once again to clear out his drawers. Veronica sniffled when she came to the realization of where he's been, she didn't need to be a genius to know where he's been and though she knew that there was a possibility that her heart may break depending on the answer, she knew she had to ask. "Were you with her?" She asked, watching him as he stood up once again, closing the drawer then walking over to the bed where he had put the luggage, placing the clothes he had taken out inside of it.

"You sure you want the answer to that?" He asks, his back still facing her.

"Obviously or I wouldn't have asked" She replied wiping a tear off her face.

And without another passing second, she heard him say the one word that would break her "Yes" He replies.




He was with her, this whole time he was accompanying another woman while she was bawling her eyes out and trying her best to keep her thoughts from running wild when this whole time she'd been right. Tears continued to fall down her cheeks and this time she didn't even bother to wipe them away, she let them run its course since she no longer had the energy to make them disappear, she was too broken to do so. She stood there looking over at him, not wanting to believe that the same man that she was looking at was the same one who made her fall in love with him, the same one who had promised all those years ago to never break her heart was the same one who had just confessed to her to doing just that. He betrayed her. He broke her and he doesn't seem to care.

Jughead turns around and resumes to pack all of his stuff, the silence filling the room and though he knows he should be feeling guilty and remorseful, he doesn't.

"Did you sleep with her?" Veronica says, breaking the silence. Once again the one syllable word comes out of his mouth breaking her even more.

"Yes" He replies once again, not bothering to turn around to look at her.

"How could you do this to me!? And with someone you barely know!?" She yells out to him, once again power walking over to him and pushing him causing him to quickly turn around and grabbed her by the wrist and shoving her away lightly but Veronica wasn't giving up the fight not after all the pain he's caused her in that past 24 hours of her life. Wanting nothing more than to yell at him for breaking her, for throwing away six years of their life together for some girl he barely met.

"Quit it Veronica, we weren't together when it happened alright! And besides look at the time, what the hell did you think I was doing with her? Playing scrabble?" He responds, making her feel disgusted with him, he was technically right about the fact of them being over but that didn't change the fact that she wasn't sure. Doesn't change the fact that, it took him less than a few hours to jump into bed with somebody else. Jughead grabbed the luggage and zipped it up, holding it in his hand and began to walk towards the door, not even bothering to apologize to Veronica, the woman who he had broken completely.

"I regret ever setting up this damn interview" She spits out in agony.

Jughead smirks, a few days ago he would have agreed but he doesn't. "Yeah, well I don't" He simply says before walking out, leaving a completely broken Veronica and heading back to the woman who he's vowed to never let go, the woman who ignited the fire within him. Betty had been so scared that he'd choose Veronica and that she was simply an adventure to him, I mean they just met and she had already slept with him but he reassured her that that was the last thing he'd do since he knew he had found his soulmate, it's odd to say since they met not even 24 hours ago but something in his heart told him that he couldn't let the blonde go and so he wasn't. . 

A/N: Okay so I wanted to remind you all that this book isn't long and that it's close to an end. I mean the description should give it away but anyways let me know how you like this. i know it's a lot of Veronica but I wanted this story to be seen a lot by her point of view since she's the woman who was wronged by a man she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Betty is more like a background character who gets the happy ending. Let me know if you like the way I wrote this. 

Also I'm hoping to finish the Benefits and The Deceit chapters by tonight, so stay tuned for those updates but I'm not promising anything . I decided to publish this book because I had it already written and stored away in my drive, I also have more so if you guys want some more short stories in the meantime that I get better then let me know in the comment :)

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