Chapter 7

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A/N: This chapter is purely dedicated to Varchie. Also a reminder that the next chapter is the last one. 

Chapter 7

Veronica stood there in disbelief, watching him walk out of that door without even turning back. It took her a few moments to finally sink back into reality and feeling like her world was once again falling apart. The man she loves is in love with somebody else, when she thought he'd come crawling back to her; He was really starting a new life with her, giving her everything that Veronica always dreamed of and it didn't even take longer than three months while she worked for it for six years and still ended up with nothing. She felt like crying some more but the more she thought about it the more she felt like laughing, laughing at the thought of how ridiculous everything turned out.

It hurt, of course it hurt but something about him coming here and telling her the news, gave her some type of closure and that sense to finally be able to move on and for the first time in months she feels like she can finally breathe and though she didn't want to admit it, he was right. He wasn't her soulmate, and she wasn't his so it was time to come to terms with it. So she simply walked into her bedroom and changed out of her dress and into something more comfortable since all she wanted was to eat ice cream and watch horror movies, something to match the way her life was. So with one final look in the mirror, she nodded her head in satisfaction giving herself a small smile before she walked away, grabbing her purse and walking out of her apartment to head down to the market since she knew she didn't have much in her fridge.

She walked under the moonlit sky with a small smile on her face, swinging her purse back and forth as she took in a breath of fresh air feeling relieved.

Veronica didn't live far from the local supermarket so it wasn't a surprise to get there as quickly as she did, walking towards the entrance with a smile still attached on her lips when suddenly she stopped in her tracks when she heard sobbing. Veronica quickly took a few steps back and noticed a little girl with pigtails crying over by a bush that was near the supermarket and without a single doubt in her mind, Veronica rushed over to her with worry. "Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" She asked, crouching down so she could be at the same level as the little girl.

"I-I lost my pawents" The little girl replied through sobs, not caring to wipe away the tears from her face. Veronica's heart clenched at the words she just heard "it's okay, I'll help you find them Okay? But do you think you can tell me what they look like? And what their names are?" Veronica then asked. Looking at the little girl as she tried to calm down.

"My mommy's name is Katy, and she has hair like mine and yours" She replies. Veronica nodding her head in understanding, thinking she needed to find a woman with dark hair. "And my daddy has red hair, his name is awchie" And with those final words, Veronica felt her heart drop in agony. Letting out a shaky breath as she came to terms with the fact that she was going to face one of the twins, thankfully it wasn't the one she wanted to murder but still it didn't really matter to her since her life fell apart from the moment they got to town. She shook her head and put her hatred aside since this little girl needed her help, and wasn't at fault for what her aunt did. "Okay, well the good news is that I know what your daddy looks like so I think we'll be able to find them pretty quickly" Veronica then says, making the cute little girl smile over at her. "Now, I need you to tell me where you guys were when you got lost" Veronica then asks hoping the little girl remembered.

Sighing in relief when the little girl pointed over towards the ice cream shop. Veronica quickly stood up, grabbing the little girl's hand who she's yet to ask the name of, "By the way, what's your name?"

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