Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jughead walked inside the small temporary office, silence still filing the room until Archie broke it "Found them" He said in a casual tone making Jughead look up and see his girlfriend already looking towards them, standing up and placing her phone in her bag as she watches them walk towards where she is but as soon as her eyes land on the same blonde who caught his attention or more like still has it, she smiles wide and walks the rest of the way towards them.

"Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge and I just wanted to tell you that it's a great honor to meet you" Veronica said in an excited tone extending her hand out for Betty to shake, making Jughead feel a bit too annoyed with his girlfriend who hasn't really done anything but in his eyes she has.

Betty on the other hand, smiles widely and shakes her hand without any hesitation "It's lovely to meet you, Veronica. I'm Be-" She begins but was interrupted by the raven haired woman. "Elizabeth Smith-Andrews, Betty for short. I know, I'm a huge fan of the spinning classes you sell online and the books you wrote" She replied, her chirpy tone getting a bit too high pitched and making Jughead fuel in anger for cutting Betty off. "Seriously Veronica? That was rude. You didn't let finish" He says, causing Veronica to drop her smile and look over at him then at Betty in horror, hoping she didn't cause a bad first impression on one of the twins she so badly wanted to meet.

Thankfully, Betty eased the tension by smiling once again looking towards Jughead and placing a hand on his shoulder sending chills down his spine that made him shiver "It's okay,if anything I'm flattered" She responded, her eyes looking straight into his with a seductive smile on her face that seems to go unnoticed by Veronica, the girlfriend. "I'm truly sorry Betty, I didn't mean to be or sound rude" Veronica quickly chirps in but Betty and Jughead couldn't seem to tear their eyes away from each other until Archie cleared his throat finally grasping their attention and in an instant Betty snaps out of her daze and smiles innocently at Veronica, pretending like she doesn't want her man "It's okay, really. There's no need to apologize and honestly I'm glad we're wanted here" Betty comments, causing Jughead to feel a lot less annoyed with his girlfriend. Immediately Veronica rushes up to the blonde and hugs her. "Oh kay, then" the blonde comments, patting the raven haired woman's back uncomfortably making her brother laugh which earns him a death glare from her.

"Okay Ronnie, give her some space" Jughead says, separating the two woman apart.

"Sorry.....again" Veronica laughs out.

"It's fine. Anyways, shall we get started?" Betty asks, gesturing towards the table Veronica was at when they first walked in. "Yes, we shall" They all replied, walking towards the table. Veronica quickly takes her seat since she had already claimed it and without a single doubt in his mind, Jughead follows Betty and pulls out a chair for her, earning him another flirty smile from her one that he returns then heads towards the seat besides her and sits down, leaving Archie to take the seat beside his girlfriend.

Betty smirks at the thought of having Jughead's attention despite having his girlfriend there and loves it completely since he has all of hers as well.

"Okay so before we start I wanted to let you guys know that there is no pressure in answering any of our questions" Veronica begins while taking out Jughead's laptop out of her bag and sliding it towards him. The twins look up at each other and nod their heads no. "Okay, anything you want to add Juggiekins?" Veronica then asks, looking towards her boyfriend who fights the urge to roll his eyes at the nickname since both Archie and Betty tried their best to muffle their slight laughter at the nickname Veronica insists on calling him. "Actually yeah. Is there any specific topic you both would rather not speak about or comment on?" He asks, his eyes now glued to his laptop as he opens up a word document. Once again both Archie and Betty look at each other and nod their heads no.

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