Sick! Shuichi x Male! Reader

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Inspired by the chaos above.

You walked into the kitchen to be greeted by the familiar aroma of coffee and the familiar sight of Shuichi sipping the hot beverage at the table while reading the morning paper, but today he had no breakfast.

"Where's your breakfast, Shu?" You asked in a worried tone, walking over to your boyfriend and gently petting his hair. He sort of nuzzled your hand as he answered.

"I feel a little sick, so I'm not really hungry. But I'll be fine," Shuichi quickly dismissed the idea of him being sick with anything serious, instead just trying to pass it off as nausea. You didn't believe him for a second, knowing that he downplayed his problems so if he said he was just 'a little sick' he probably felt miserable. You put the back of your hand to his forehead and sure enough, he had a fever.

"There's no fucking way you're going to work today. After you finish that coffee you're going straight to bed, mister," You huffed a bit, crossing your arms with the new knowledge that Shuichi would go to work when he had a fever.

"B-but, we need the mone-" You shushed up Shuichi quickly, literally putting a hand over his mouth which made him freeze for a second before pulling away, not wanting to get his germs on you.

"Shut up, we have plenty of money. You're not gonna risk getting more sick just for the sake of money," You scolded, and Shuichi seemed a little downcast before agreeing to stay home. You made the call to his work for him, explaining that he was sick and needed to stay home. His boss didn't believe you, saying that he wanted to talk to Shuichi about it. You handed him the phone and Shuichi explained what was going on, which suddenly seemed to make his boss okay with the sequence of events.

"What's with that guy hating me so much?" You wondered aloud as you took your phone back, washing your hands because of the previous incident with touching Shuichi's mouth. Shuichi only shrugged, seeming to have almost no energy despite almost finishing his cup of coffee. You silently watched Shuichi drink the rest of it, and the second he finished his mug you snatched it and put it in the dishwasher. You then made Shuichi get back into his pajamas and go to bed, putting a cool, wet cloth on his forehead and giving him some cold and flu medicine.

"Hey, (Y/N)...?" Shuichi prompted, sounding like he was in pain but even when he was sick, a bet was a bet. You scowled at him, crossing your arms.

"(Y/N)?" You raised a brow in question, as if wondering who that person was. It was really that you and Shuichi made a bet that the person who figured out the mystery in this murder mystery game first got to make the loser call them whatever they wanted for a week. You made Shuichi call you-

"...Daddy," Shuichi sighed, clearly flustered by having to say that even when he was sick. An almost sadistic grin spread on your face when you heard him say it, and you finally let him continue, "...Um... I'm cold..."

"Oh, lemme go find some blankets," You stood up and walked over to the closet, grabbing some spare blankets and spreading them over Shuichi. You also walked over to the heater that was plugged into the wall and switched it on, pointing it at Shuichi. This seemed to help out a lot.

"Thanks..." Shuichi murmured softly, snuggling into the blankets as he tried to get comfortable. You couldn't help but smile at how adorable your boyfriend was without meaning to sometimes, though you didn't say anything out loud to ruin the scene. You watched for a while to make sure he didn't try to sneak away or something until you knew for a fact he'd fallen asleep, and you left the room as you took out your phone to call your work to explain that you had to take care of a sick Shuichi. Your boss was much more understanding than Shuichi's, excusing your absence without much trouble and wishing for Shuichi to feel better soon. Once that was all taken care of you just played games and did random stuff on your phone, passing the time but making sure you checked on Shuichi frequently. He was asleep for about three and a half hours until he woke up.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" You asked softly, running your hand through Shuichi's hair gently. Shuichi rubbed his eyes and yawned, clearly still tired even after his nap. He looked up at you like an innocent child, though as his grogginess left him his serious expression came back as it always did. The only thing changing it was now there was a tinge of red to his cheeks from his fever.

"Mm... a little better," Shuichi gave you an almost hopeful look- which was the lying face you knew well. It was like he was hoping you'd believe his lie or that he hoped it'd somehow become the truth if he pretended it was. The first option was kinda cute while the other one was honestly just sad, so you liked to go with the first one.

"You suck at lying. Be honest," You warned, crossing your arms to show your disapproval. Shuichi sighed, looking away for a few seconds before finally coming out with the truth.

"I... don't feel any worse or better," Shuichi admitted, looking like he regretted telling you. You simply got up, telling him to stay there. A while later you came back with a bowl of soup, helping Shuichi sit up.

"Open wide," You told him, and although he seemed a little reluctant Shuichi allowed you to spoonfeed him his soup. He ate until the bowl was empty and then you washed it out, coming back to see him half-asleep. You pet his hair a little before leaving to give him some privacy, hoping that he'd feel better soon.

Word count: 1015

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