Carnation (Eugene AU)

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"I was planning to give this bouquet to a very special composer because I really loved his performance tonight." you answered with a sad smile as you raised your slender arms to show an arrangement of various colored carnations - light red, dark red, pink and white to be precise.

The boy glanced back at you, surprise evident on his delicate features, before it shifted to a more relaxed, more indifferent expression not a moment later. "I'm surprised you even appreciated someone. I thought music isn't all that amazing for you? It's just a hobby right?" he deadpanned, the almost unnoticeable glint of irritation in his beautiful caramel orbs becoming more pronounced as the seconds pass by.

You frowned and groaned as a response to his statement. You had just about enough of his nonsense and decided to end the stupid misunderstanding once and for all. You were determined to make up with him and that night was the night that you will make that happen.

You grabbed Eugene by the arm, nails digging onto his skin to express your very own annoyance, and dragged him into the empty hallway connected to the auditorium.

He flinched and whined at the suddenness of your actions, and demanded for you to let go. But his words simply passed your ears like the wind and you refused to even loosen your grip until you were far enough from the crowd that no one would ever hear should you decide to slam his hard-as-steel head onto the concrete wall because of your anger.

"Listen, Eugene, I never mocked you and I never ever said that music is just a hobby. What I remember telling you is that I no longer want to play as much as I did before. But that doesn't mean I don't love it as much as you do!" You exclaimed, the volume of your melodic voice reverberating within the walls of the empty corridor.

"If you didn't see as just a hobby, you wouldn't give up on it so easily." He retorted calmly and coldly, eyes directed away as if seeing your face will make his stomach churn.

He has a point.

You remember telling your grandfather once, as you played a Mozart piece in the grand music room of your ancestral home, that you wanted to be a virtuoso pianist like him when you grow up. Back then you were so eager to live that dream. So determined that you studied so much to the point of exhaustion just so you could improve. You've had sleepless nights just working on your timing and flexibility, and exhausted days playing the same piece over and over again until your fingers start aching.

No one knew that except for you.

And you were fairly certain that the boy was the same way as you see him in the music room, before and after class every single day, practicing his skills as if it was his lifeline.

Anyone who was as passionate about their desire as Eugene or you, when you were younger, would never let their dream go at the blink of an eye. So why did you decide to give up?

"I decided to stop when I met you... Because I preferred to support your dream and be there for you." You answered sadly, tears starting to well up in your vibrant (e/c) eyes. "I heard the teacher say you have unrealistic dreams and compared you to me and I thought that if I'm not your rival anymore, they would start appreciating your music more."

"So it's out of pity?" He asked, the same irritated look not vanishing from his glossy eyes.

"No, you dense nutcase! Stop being hardheaded for once and think about it!" You shouted, jaws clenched and eyes glinting with great irritation. You wanted so badly to give him a physical example of the emotional agony he was putting you through that you dropped the beautiful flower arrangement on the crafted wooden table standing conveniently at your side and grabbed his shoulders with your now free hands. You squeezed his soft flesh tightly until he winced and whimpered and begged you to stop, but you just pressed him more against the polished concrete behind him.

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