Chapter 14

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A nice cool soft pillow. Cozy and velvety bed sheets. Peace and quiet. Sometimes we take for granted the small things in life. Pashmina knows she did that morning. She was awoken by Bunnie who was hopping up and down on her bed, "Pashmina, Pashmina!"

"What? What is it?" She looked at the time on her clock, "It's 9:30 in the morning, can't a girl sleep in on a saturday?"

Bunnie kept hopping, "Pashmina, I just saw a post online that Frillard's performing at the Marquee this evening!" 

"That's fantastic, now go back to bed."

"I can't I'm too excited!"

"Then go hop on Label's bed."

Bunnie excitedly ran into Label's room and started hopping on her bed too.

"Ah! I'm up, I'm up! Bunnie? What time is it?" Label sat up and asked half asleep.

"It's Frillard!"

Label looked mildly confused and then went back to sleep. Bunnie went into her bedroom and back on her laptop, excitedly reading everything she could about this evenings performance. Frillard was her favourite stand up comedian. When she was a little girl, she would watch his comedy specials on television. She'd never been to one of his live shows and now that she got word that he would be in the city performing again, she couldn't contain herself.

The girls got out of bed around noon and walked into the kitchen to see bowls, pots and cartons of cream laid out around the counters. Bunnie had been up for a while at that point and found the inspiration to start whipping up a new ice cream recipe.

"Do you guys want to guess what the flavour is I'm making?"

"Is it breakfast flavor?" asked Label as she reached over Bunnie, opening a pantry and pulling out a box of cereal.

"It's oatmeal ice cream!"

Label paused for a moment, looked over at Pashmina and then put the box of cereal back in the pantry, "That doesn't sound half bad. Maybe I'll have ice cream for breakfast."

Pashmina concurred and Bunnie served them two big bowls of oatmeal ice cream and topped them off with walnuts.

"I think this is probably the most food grade thing you've made, Bun." Pashmina said as she enjoyed her ice cream. Bunnie took it as a compliment.

"Will you guys come with me to the marquee today?"

Pashmina remembered the rude awakening from earlier, "Oh right, Frillard's back."

"Who's that?" Label asked spooning some breakfast into her mouth.

"He's the funniest and wittiest comedian ever!" Bunnie exclaimed.

"He's Bun's favourite and he hasn't really performed in a couple of years. Wasn't he retiring?"

"No way, not Frillard! His material is always fresh and on point, he could never retire!"

Label looked at her watch, "I don't think I'm going to be able to tag along, I have to go into the office to pick some stuff up."

"Work on a Saturday? That's a bummer. Pashmina, you can come though, right?"

Pashmina nodded and Bunnie cheered gleefully.

"What kind of work do they have you doing on the weekend?" Pashmina inquired.

"Well the fashion event next month has a ton of guests that I need to acquaint myself with. There's a list of names of the guests attending this year that I'm going to pick up and study. Plus, it'll get me brownie points if Gracie finds out I'm working my butt off on the weekend!"

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