"Do you know anyone who can speak phoenix?" Draco asked desperately. Ginny perked up.

"Luna can! She told me a few months ago!" Harry grinned.

"Well, let's go ask her for help!"

The four walked towards the Ravenclaw dorms and knocked on the portrait. Cho Chang opened and smiled.

"Hi guys. How can I help you?" She eyed Harry and blushed at the state he was in.

"Um, is Luna there?" Hermione sniggered. Cho nodded and called for her. Luna came out and thanked Cho.

"What do you guys need?" She asked. She also looked at Harry and giggled. "Did you have fun, Harry?" The brunette groaned and covered his blush with his hands. Draco smirked and answered for him.

"I think he did. Hey, Luna, Ginny told us you could speak phoenix? Is this true?" He asked. Luna nodded.

"It is." So they told Luna about what they needed her to do. She agreed.

"I just love Fawkes. He's such a nice bird. But I don't think he's aware of the headmaster's wrongdoings. I'll talk to him."

When they got to Dumbledore's office, Harry gave Luna his invisibility cloak. She threw it over her shoulders and walked in.

Inside the office, Luna was looking for Fawkes. She smiled when she heard the familiar chirp. She walked over to the sound and found Fawkes perched on his stand.

"Oh, hello Fawkes. Lovely to see you again. How are you?" Luna asked. She kept her voice low incase Dumbledore was in his office.

"Hello again, Luna. Is there a specific reason you're visiting today?" Fawkes croaked back. Luna nodded and proceeded to tell him about Dumbledore's crimes. When she was finished, Fawkes told her she could take one of his feathers.

"Goodbye, Luna. Good luck."

"Goodbye Fawkes.

Luna walked out of the office and showed her friends the feather.

Ginny grinned. "Good job, Luna! I knew you could do it!" Hermione nodded.

"Yeah. I never knew anybody could speak phoenix!" She started asking Luna questions about how she found out she could do it. They discussed all the way to the ROR before entering. An owl flew above them and landed in Ginny's lap. It was Errol, The Weasley family owl. There was a parcel attached to his foot. Ginny opened it, and it was the dragon claw! There was a note from Charlie saying it came from an Antipodean Opaleye.

Draco grinned. "Great! Now all we need is unicorn blood. Harry? Do you want to come with me to get it?" Harry nodded. They planned on going to the Forbidden Forest that night with Severus to get what they needed. They would be giving Tom his old body back where he tried to do it last; At the graveyard at Little Hangleton.

The five of them moved all the ingredients in the middle of a table. The vial of Acromantula venom, the phoenix feather and the dragon claw. They were doing the spell on Tom the upcoming Hogsmeade Weekend, which was just five days away. Harry and Draco promised Luna that she would be able to attend. After that, Draco found his arms full of a giggling Ravenclaw.


It was night time, and Harry and Draco were in the Forbidden Forest. Severus was with them. They walked into the Forest in silence. Unicorns were very sensitive to noise, so they had to be quiet.

"Alright, you ready, Harry?" Draco whispered.

"I'm ready. But can you tell us how to do this again, Professor?" He asked. Severus nodded.

"Supposedly, because of your bond, you have animagus forms. You could try to turn into those so it's easier to talk to the unicorn."

Harry decided to test that. He focused all of his energy and tried to imagine what his animal form was going to be like. Draco and Severus watched and Harry dropped to the floor and began growing fur. It wasn't that hard for him, since he was already part werewolf. In the span of a second, Harry had transformed into the biggest black panther any of them had ever seen.

"Harry! You're gorgeous!" Draco exclaimed. But before he could advance, Harry pounced on him and began licking his mate's face. Severus wondered if Draco's animal form would be similar to Harry's. He was right, of course. Draco turned into a massive white Siberian tiger with icy blue eyes. The strange thing was that he had no stripes.

Draco meowed something to Harry and took off deeper into the forest.

"What did that mean?" Severus asked. Harry purred something back and butted Severus's hand with his head.

"As If I understand." He said while scratching Harry's head.

"He said that his mate went to go get protection. Hello, Severus Snape, Potions Master of Hogwarts. You are welcome in this forest."

Severus spun around to find a centaur trotting towards them with Draco beside him. Harry went after the tiger.

"Thank you." He replied.

Harry, I think I saw a unicorn while going to find that centaur. Let's go check it out, yeah?" Draco asked. Harry nodded.

Let's go.

The two ran towards where Draco saw the unicorn and slowed down. There was indeed a unicorn resting on the ground. It was a female.

She looks young, Draco. Harry stated.

I may look young, but in unicorn years, I am fifty years old. Harry and Draco were startled. The unicorn could hear their conversation!

You are here for my blood, are you not? The unicorn asked. Harry nodded slowly.

What is your name? He asked.

My name is Utal. You are Harry Potter and your mate is Draco Malfoy. I have heard of you.

Nice to meet you, Utal. Can we have a little bit of your blood? Draco asked. Utal thought for some time before speaking again.

Very well. I already know why you need it. The headmaster has done many unforgivable things. Her voice rang through their ears like music.

Harry smiled and changed back to his human form and drew a vial from his robes. He advanced Utal and took a bit of her blood. When he was finished, he screwed the lid back on.

Thank you, Utal. We appreciate it. Draco smiled. Utal tossed her head.

It was very nice to meet you two. You have a soulmate bond, and your love for each other makes me very happy.

Harry and Draco walked back to where Severus was waiting. He grinned and held up the vial full of unicorn blood. They were ready. 

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