Entry #9

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Entry #9

Dear Jerold,


It has been a few days since I last wrote in this journal. I should probably explain what happened in more detail than "I'M ABOUT TO DIE!!".

What happened was, I was at the camp in which the smoke was coming from. It was a camp that had two tents, one was a lilac color and the other, was slightly bigger and was a nice blue color, kind of like the color of a river. The camp was in the middle of a clearing, it had bushes surrounding it on every side. In the middle of the camp, there was a campfire with a stick of meat hanging above it, I assumed that was where the smoke had been coming from.

As I was looking around the camp, suddenly I felt a huge weight ram into me, and I fell onto the ground. When I stood back up, I saw a muscular boy, who looked to be around my age. I thought I could take him in a battle, but that was when I realized, there was a knife being held against my neck! Now, this was about when I really started to freak out, I thought I was going to die!

Suddenly, I felt the person behind me whack me on the head, then I passed out.

When I woke up, I was tied to a tree that was near the campfire. I struggled for a few minutes, before I realized that the boy that had rammed into me was sitting in a branch of the tree I was tied to.

"I would stop struggling if I were you. Emalia's great at tying knots," He said with a slight accent.

"Oh, uh hi? Why did you kidnap me?" I asked the boy.

"I didn't kidnap you!" He said between laughs, "You're the one who was hiding in the bushes look as if you were about to ambush us!"

"Oh, now that I think of it, that would be kind of creepy, sorry," I responded awkwardly.

"Also, where did you put Jerold?" I asked scared for my poor journal.

"Uhrm, there wasn't anyone else with you? Are you crazy or something?" He asked skeptically.

"No! I am not crazy! I just named my journal Jerold, and I would like to have him back!" I exclaimed bravely.

"So, you are crazy. Who names a journal?" He asked.

At this point, I was slightly ma da him, I mean why does he care if I name my journals?

"Just give me my journal!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"Ugh, your no fun! Your journal is by my tent, I'll untie since you haven't tried biting me or something," He said in a bored/sad voice.

"I was thinking of biting you! But thanks for untying me," I said thankfully.

Then I just walked over to my journal and started writing this entry.

I have to admit though, that boy was kind of cute...

- No

Also i feel like someone is going to think No/? is a girl at somepoint, but he is a boy lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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