Entry #5

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Entry #5

Dear journal,

Hiya, last night was rough, oh and by the way, you could you maybe forget about the last thing I wrote? I was... not in the right mind... But anyways I was thinking of maybe starting to move my camp East, I hear that there might be a town there! Like with actual humans in it, I know, crazy right!? Things have been going pretty well today, one of my traps caught a boar, I found a river that is not to far from here, and drum roll pleaseeee, I found a pencil! It is slightly dull, but at least there is a good eraser on it! Now, I can erase any spelling errors I make!!! Sorry, I'm rambling, wait I have a good idea! Give me a minute... And walla! You, my dear journal now are officially named Jerold the Journal, since I wrote your name on the cover of you that makes it official! I would have written my name on it as well, but you know the whole 'no name' thing. I was thinking of giving my self a name, but I don't know of any good names to choose, since I don't really know what a 'normal' name would be. I might just call my self "No" for now because I have, No name... you get it? Ah, I'm sure you do.

Alright, I'll tell you about the girl I was talking about last night... her name is Lily, she has blond hair, brown hair, and freckles, kind of like me, I'm sure you can figure out why... She is around the age of 7 and often wears a denim dress of sorts. She likes to have her hair down with only a headband with a print of horses in it. She also, carries around a horse stuffed animal (no its not an actual hose, it's a plushie) with brown fur and black hair. Gosh, she loved horse... loved. Oh, and did I mention that she is blind? I guess not... but, yeah, I would always have to hold her hand and guide her everywhere.

Her favorite place to go was our garden, it was ours because we planted and watered the plants. There were blue hydrangeas on every side of the garden, they made a complete square, minus where the entrance was. In the middle of the garden there was a small fountain, it had a little waterfall flowing into it. The rest of the garden had a little area with an apple tree and a bench under it. We were originally going to put a cherry blossom tree there, but we couldn't find the seeds for it. All around the garden there were soil bags on the ground, and pots with shovels beside them. The pots were always full of different fruits and vegetables we had recently planted. Coincidentally, Lily's favorite flower was a lily, even though she couldn't see them, she always loved the smell of them. My favorite flower is a Hyacinth, I love all the varieties of colors they come in.

Oh, how we loved our garden, I miss it... One day, it was destroyed. And, no I will not go into the details of that day. Lets just say that when the garden was gone, so was Lily...

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