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"I can't be with you anymore....them you can spend your whole life with Hana beside you. Do you even remember the day last day we kissed? *Chuckles* how would you......it was months ago. I didn't realize that I lost myself while trying to be perfect for you.....now I'm gonna leave you for good."

"N-no, wait,I'm sorry! I really love you!"

I stopped on my steps,them I started laughing. He looked at me confused. "Y-you love me?" I said,barely even breathing from laughing too hard. "What do you mean? Obviously....I love you"

I finally stopped laughing and looked him dead in the eye. "If you remember,you were the one who talked bad behind my back with Hana. Saying she was better than me.....well.. you can have her now. Cuz you lost me.....

Goodbye Jungkook"

Too Late {Yoongi ff} ft. JungkookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum