"Nope!" Vinnie and Josslyn said in sync, looking at each other before doubling over laughing.

"I am not going on that again!" Vinnie said, looking around the theme park at anything else interesting that himself and Josslyn could do to keep themselves occupied whilst Esmerelda and Leo went off to go on the roller coaster again. 

"Your loss!" Leo exclaimed as Esmerelda pulled him along to some other rides.

"So" Josslyn said, swinging her leg backwards and forwards. "What should we do?" 

"Log floom?" He suggested, pointing on the map to a ride located on the other side of the park. 

"Sounds good to me" Josslyn smiled, skipping along down the path. 

The two had been walking for about five minutes when Vinnie gently touched Josslyn's arm, bringing her attention towards him. She looked up at him to see him looking straight ahead.

"What's wrong?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows and following his gaze to see if something ahead of them had caught his attention, but all she good see was a few candy stalls and a kids play area. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I just wanna talk about what happened earlier. You know, after Hunter called" He finally met her gaze, only to see her looking down at the ground trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

Josslyn Simons blushing? He thought. No way.

"I just wanna apologise" Vinnie winced as soon as he said it. Of course he didn't wanna apologise, but by the crimson colour coating the small girl's face, he could only assume she was embarrassed and didn't wanna talk about it. "I think we were both just caught up in the moment and I- I'm sorry"

"Oh, yeah, me too" Josslyn smiled, covering the slight wobble in her voice.

Is that what he thinks? She wondered as they stood in line for the log floom. Oh, God. I've made a mockery of myself. 

"So, we're cool?" Vinnie looked at her and smiled, holding out his hand to shake.

"We're cool" She said, taking her hand in his and squeezing it before letting go and looking forward, watching the family in the log floom fall down and get splashed with water.

"Guys!" A familiar voice behind the two teenagers shouted. Leo pelted through the crowd with Esmerelda and stood next to his two friends, his hands on his hips. "Been looking everywhere for you"

"Mind if we ride with you?" Esmerelda asked, sensing the tension between Vinnie and Josslyn, fearing she might've interrupted something. 

"Sure thing" Josslyn said, moving to stand next to Es as Leo and Vinnie got lost in conversation. 

"Hey, you okay?" Esmerelda asked, sympathy laced in her voice. She skeptically looked at her friend as she shook her head. "What's happened?"

"Ugh, basically" Josslyn started. "Vinnie and I nearly kissed earlier but Leo interrupted and now Vinnie's saying it was a spur of the moment thing and is basically implying that he doesn't like me and he got lost in the moment and...now I feel like an idiot"

Esmerelda stood there in shock, taking everything that her friend just said in. "You feel like an idiot?! Honey, no. Vincent's the idiot here, he just lost a great girl! I say forget about it right now, we're in Nashville! We ran away from home in a stolen RV and are currently being chased down by God Knows Who, let loose!"

"I guess you're right" Josslyn smiled, leaning into Esmerelda as they they approached the front of the log floom. Vinnie and Leo climbed in, the two girls following suit behind them. Leo quickly turned around and made eye contact with Josslyn, who just pulled a 'what-do-you-want' face at him.

"We need to talk when we get back to the RV" He quickly whispered as he turned around and carried on his conversation with Vinnie.

Weird. Josslyn thought.

"What did he say?" Esmerelda questioned, skeptically looking at Leo as the log floom started creeping forwards.

"No idea"



𝚒𝚜𝚊'𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚛:
                     -- filler asf
                     -- sorry it took so long to update i have had a shit week
                     -- what does leo need to talk about hehehehe
                     -- before anyone calls me out I KNOW opryland theme park is shut down it literally closed like two decades ago but i'm too lazy to change it

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