Chapter 8: The genius inventor

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Shuichi's POV

Who the hell is he talking about???
We have been jumping on roofs for about 10 minutes, Kokichi said that we're almost there. The whole time, he's been explaining our situation on the phone.

"Nishishi I see her lab already!" We stopped at this flashy pink lab. Kokichi pulled my hand and we entered through a small window from behind the building.

"Hey cum slut!! You here!?" Kokichi yelled. I sweat dropped, isn't that kind rude?

"Yeah!?! Lying abortion is that you!?!" A female voice yelled.
What is this relationship?
A girl dressed in pink with some sort of ...jetpack on her back came running in. What is that?

"Eyyy!! How are you you fucking whore bitchlet?!?" Kokichi exclaimed. The girl in pink just laughed.
They're right next to each other, they don't have to scream. My ears hurt already, why did I decide to join?
They just kept throwing insults st each other, I quickly butted in.

"Ahem, uh...hello? I'm here too?" I said, awkwardly. They both looked at me, the girl looked so shocked.
"Did you finally get boyfriend you little shit!? Dayum!" She snickered.

"Aww are you jealous?~" Kokichi smirked. My face flushed and I butted in once more.

"L-look, we apparently need your help. I just want to get your name" I stuttered.
"Hahh? Is that what you wanted? Well you could've just asked!" She yells.

"I'm the gorgeous inventor with brains of gold, Miu Iruma!" She introduced herself, smirking.
I awkwardly gave her a thumbs up and nudged Kokichi.

"Hey, why are we here anyways?" I whispered.
"We just need a few things from her, like she said, Miu's inventions are out of this world!" Kokichi answered.
She took us into her workshop where she made all of her machines.

It was quite impressive.
"Hey Miu, the cops are after us and we need to throw them off and mislead them you know?" Kokichi smirked.
"We have a plan on how we're gonna beat that old detective guy!" He continued.

"Got it!" Miu exclaimed, going through her inventions.
"Wait, we have a plan to defeat my dad!?!" I said, shocked.
"...That might have been a lie~" he grins.

"Gah dammit Kokichi!" I face palmed.
How the hell are we supposed to beat the cops? There's way too many, and what are we gonna do? Take them to jail?

"What are we gonna do, just hide away?" I whispered to myself.
We're literally being hunted down, and everyone thinks that I got kidnapped and put on a ransom.
I sat down as I watched Miu pull out many....strange machines and inventions that I really shouldn't have seen.

"Hey Kokichi, over the phone you were all leader like and serious! Haven't heard you speak like that in a looooong time!" Miu cackled.
"I still remember the time when Joker assigned you as leader, you called yourself the "ultimate supreme leader" hah! Sounds a little cringe don't ya think?"

"Aww come on~ it sounds pretty cool and supreme if I do say so myself" Kokichi joked.
"Aha! I finally found something to help!" Miu shoved them onto the table.

"Here are some bombs that can deactivate electronic devices, got like 50 of those and this big one to use in an emergency! Ooh also these trackers, bulletproof clothing, bullet deflection, metal cutting rings, and these little balls that turn into spikes to deflate car tires!" She shows us the inventions and how they work, it is quite helpful.

Oops, I stole your heart!~ ( Saiouma )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang