Those Eyes

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All I fully remember after the cold shocking ice, was those eyes. Not an animal, but a person. Actually for how unnatural yet beautiful those eyes were, they could have belonged to an animal.

But with his human like face, and features it just had to be a person. His eyes were red. Not just like a brown eye with a red tint. But like blood red eyes, they had a grey rim around them. They were beautiful. He had dark skin. Not dark as in black, (a/n not trying to be racist, just saying not that dark) but he could have been Korean. Even if I had wanted to forget his image, I couldn't. He was just

The words he said, they will forever be burned into my memory.

"Don't ever fucking scare me like that again."

He had a very raspy voice. It sounded like he could have just been getting over a severe cold. But not in the gross, snotty way. But it had a very sexy, and attractive appeal to it. But why it stuck in my head, is why he acted like he knew me.... How could he know me?. I wasn't even sure I knew who I was at this point. But I knew I was freezing. I heard loud smacks against the snow, and with that the mystery guy was gone.

"Domonick, are you okay?." Marky hollered.

His face flushed red. But he was flustered. He was petrified. You would think he would be pale white for being so scared. But with the whip lash of the cold wind at his face. I could understand why his face was so red, instead of white.

"I......don....t.....kkkkno.....ww." I said shivering so bad I thought I was going to die of pneumonia.

"Omg, D! We need to get you to the hospital you're turning blue." Marky screamed. Not like a holler, but a full on scream.

He took off his jacket and, put it around my body. He lifted me up bridal style. It was only then that I was off the solid earth, that I realized how cold I really was. After Marky picked me up all I remember is fuzzy and weird. I remember muffled voices, and screaming. Then I woke up in the hospital and Marky was dead.

*******PRESENT TIME*********
She was looking at me like I had just told her I had killed someone.

"So how does that make you feel?." Dr.Shawna asked. She had a completely straight face, like nothing I said could change what she really thought about me. Scum. She thought I was fucking scum. I bet she would rather work with anyone other then me.

I was the suicidal girl. The one who wanted her life to end just because she had lost the most important person in her life. Yet she never even got an answer to his death, and she knew she never would. It was just one of those mystery cases that never was closed. No matter how long, you personally or detectives worked on solving the case.

I always personally thought Marky's death had something to do with the guy who had saved me that day. I just couldn't wrap my brain around him, he was just so.....different. Nothing like I had ever seen before. It wasn't just his almost unnatural appearance that got me, it was also the feeling I got when he was there. It was almost a light feeling.

"Waking up and finding my best friend dead. Hmmmh, how does that make me feel?. How would you feel if you woke up one day, and note the fact I was in the hospital, but think about if the most important person in your life was dead. You never got answers to what had happened to them. Just the reoccurring events in your head, that are all made up. You know your thoughts of what could have happened are ludicrous. They could never have possibly happened. Being called a looney daily just because you still wear there jacket..." I started to really raise my voice at this point and I could feel that the tears were coming.

"Every single fucking day! But you wear it because it's the last piece you have of them. The last thing of theirs you ever touched or held. Then all you can do is wish you were dead yourself, because it feels like there is a big ass empty hole in your heart. All you want to do is be killed. You want to die so badly, but could never manage to do it to yourself because your to much of a fucking pussy, so you wish every single fucking night that someone would just kill you. So that's how I feel about this." I snapped. The tears were fully coming down.

Marky had been everything to me. He was my best friend, protective older brother (even tho he was younger then me), my father (because my own was enjoying being a douchebag drunk to much to even care to try and protect me.). Marky truly was everything to me.

No don't even start thinking I had feelings for this kid. Because I didn't. I didn't like him in the way everyone seemed to think. I loved Marky, just not that kind of love. Marky was basically a brother to me, he was so close to me, and his mother knew we weren't going to do anything, we were just that close that I could sleepover whenever I want and I literally mean whenever I wanted to. We did everything together. I will admit I was pretty damn lucky to be friends with him.

There is no denying the fact he was the schools hotty. Every girl drooled over him, except me of course. I had always loved him as a brother, and his so called 'attractive' qualities never really appealed to me. But Marky had been a very, very, VERY pale kid. So he tanned to get good color into his skin. I can admit if any guy I had dated in my past had the color of his unnatural skin, I probably would have melted. He had these very light green eyes. They matched his skin tone so perfectly. He had dark brown hair, like very dark hair. You would think it was black, but I can tell you right now it was brown. Just really dark brown.

According to almost every girl in the school. He could have been a fucking sex God. But he also had an amazing personality that attracted girls to him. He was very respectful to women, so him being a sex God?. Umm no. He could never disrespect any women like that. Never in his lifetime.

He had such a light soul. He never got mad at anything, he always had jokes to tell, or he was playing pranks on his friends. Mostly me....

"Ms. Anthonys?. Are you listening to me?." Dr. Shawna snapped at me.

"Ummm... Yea." I responded.

No way was I going to tell this fucktard excuse of a 'counselor' everything that has happened in my life. She isn't even suppose to be a really counselor. She is suppose to help me with the 'grief' of my loss. She obviously wasn't doing a very good job, because I had been coming to see her for over two years now. Yet I'm still depressed and still grieving over Marky's death. I hated coming to see Dr. Shawna. She was an idiot and didn't know what the hell she was talking about.

The Red Eyed DemonWhere stories live. Discover now