Something about today seems different. It's not a bad feeling like I usually get when I know that it is going to be a horrible day, but it still doesn't feel entirely right for some reason so instead of climbing out of bed like I usually do when I first wake up, I snuggle deeper into the cozy tangle of sheets and hug my spare pillow close to my chest.

I don't know how long I remain laying there, but after some time there is a light knock at the door and without waiting for a response the door is cracked open just enough for my visitor to pop their head into the room.

"Are you still sleeping, cupcake?"

"Just resting my eyes." I respond sleepily, raising my head from the pillow just enough to see Chris's face as he steps further into the room.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" he asks softly, walking over to the window and releasing the blind in one swift motion, allowing the warm rays of morning sunshine into the room. I shut my eyes tightly against the sudden brightness, but it doesn't make a difference. The glow paints my eyelids orange and the stinging sensation in my eyes draws me out of the sleepy bubble I had been grasping to.

The truth is, I didn't sleep well at all last night however I refrain from telling him this to avoid the inevitable wave of questions that my answer would create. I'm sure that James is already aware of my turbulent sleep pattern so I don't see the point in causing Chris any further stress.

"Yeah, it was alright."

"That's good, but it's time to get up now Kenzie."

"No thank you." I shake my head, refusing to open my eyes as I push the side of my face into the pillow my body is wrapped around.

Chris's quiet laughter fills the room at my protest and after a few seconds more of my non-compliance, I begin to feel a gentle tug at the edge of my blanket as it is slowly peeled away from my shoulders.

"Nooooo." I whine playfully, grasping blindly at the blanket with my now exposed hands, but my effort is useless. Chris has the blankets drawn down to my ankles within seconds and my body curls in on itself out of instinct, searching for the warmth that has now been lost.

"What are you doing to that poor girl, Chris?" Nathan's voice fills the room and I have to fight the urge to smirk at Chris. Mama bear has entered the building.

"Is he being mean to you, honey?" He turns his next question towards me to which I answer with a vigorous nod of my head, making Chris huff in disbelief.

"She wouldn't get out of bed."

"Neither do you half the time." Nathan retorts, crossing his arms over his chest as he keeps his stare trained on Chris.

"But this is different. Today is too important to be slept away." Chris respond with a pointed look, but they seem to be sharing one of their silent conversations so I have no idea what they are talking about. What is so important about today, it's only Saturday?

"If it were any other day, I would let you stay in bed for a little bit longer, but Chris is right. Today is an important day and if you don't get up then Mitchell is going to eat all the bacon." Nathan sighs, shooting me an apologetic look while Chris just stands there with a smug grin on his face.

My ears perk up at the sound of him mentioning my favourite food, but I don't give him the reaction that he wants. They may think that they can trick me into getting out of bed, but they have definitely underestimated how comfortable I am right now.

"You're lying. You and Will are too obsessed with your healthy habits to let us have bacon for breakfast." I shrug, reaching towards the end of the bed where the blankets are scrunched up in a messy pile to pull them back over my body.

All Four Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now