Chapter 32

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"Aww come on Mack, today isn't going to be that bad." Mitchell does his best to drag me out of my brooding mindset while keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him. Instead of responding, I glance back down at my phone to ensure that no further messages have come through from Ben.

I don't get why he bothers texting me half the time considering that I can hardly read the messages with my terrible literacy, but then again most of the time he only texts me a few short words or emojis knowing that I struggle with anything more complicated than that. So, this morning when my phone chimed indicating that I had a text I fully expected it to be Ben expressing his excitement towards spending the day together, but instead I was met with half a novel worth of text explaining that he wouldn't be attending school at all today due to a family emergency.

James had been nice enough to read the text out to me when we were having breakfast, but in a way I kind of wish I hadn't seen it at all. Up until that moment I didn't know that I could feel worse about today, but now knowing that something bad has happened within Ben's family, I realise that I had been wrong.

Over the past couple of months Tao and Ming have somehow found a way to make me feel like I am a part of their little family whenever I am at their house or helping them in the kitchen at the Wonky Chopstick. I'm sure that they are well aware of my status as a foster child, but they have never once treated me any differently for it. If anything, they have gone out of their way to make me feel like the most normal person on the planet.

I had asked James to help me send another text back to Ben asking if his parents were alright, but so far there has been nothing in return. The guys talked me out of calling him in case they were in the middle of something important, so all I can do is wait for him to text me back, but the idea that something might have happened to them doesn't sit right with me and until I have some indication that they are both physically safe and well, I am not sure that I will be able to keep myself from worrying about them all day.

"I mean, this particular excursion is boring as heck and probably a total waste of time, but if you look at the bright side you aren't stuck in class bored out of your mind, counting down the hours until you can go home." Mitchell continues to talk, and this time when I look up from my phone his eyes are glued to the windscreen in front.

"Yeah, maybe." Because being bored out of my brain on some excursion is totally different to being bored out of my brain in a classroom. They both sound the same to me, only the chances of me being triggered by something in an unfamiliar environment like the one I am going to be exposed to today are far greater than if I was to spend the day at school in my usual classes.

"Plus, we get to buy lunch from one of the eateries instead of being stuck with plain old sandwiches. I was thinking that maybe we should find a bakery somewhere so that you can finally try a sausage roll. How does that sound?"

"Yeah, sure. Sounds good." I agree with a short nod, my eyes wandering back down to my phone once again in the hopes that a message has come through in the two seconds that I have looked away.

I wish I could share Mitchell's sense of enthusiasm towards today, however with everything else that has been occupying my mind in recent days combined with the fresh worries that have arisen due to Ben's unexpected absence, I can't bring myself to pretend that I am at least even a tiny bit excited about this excursion.

"Hey. I'm here Mack. Nothing bad is going to happen on this excursion, and even if one of your alters do take over, I have full permission from Will and Mr Appalling to pull you out for the rest of the day."

That's why we are driving into the city today instead of meeting everyone else at the school to catch the bus in. Not only does it allow us a quick escape if things go pear shaped, but by having Mitchell drive us there it saves us both from being stuffed in a bus for half an hour with a bunch of rowdy teenagers. My nerves are frayed enough as it is without the added stress of being crowded by my peers thrown on top, and I get the feeling that Nathan knew they would be pushing their luck if they tried to make me go on the bus, especially after it was revealed that Ben would be absent.

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