15. Chuckle of boredom

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I'm not gonna say I haven't realized it before but first time today I realized his body. Right next to mine but way bigger.

We didn't get a word out before walking into the classroom.

2nd one. C'mon Wavily. Only 5 more...

He went to sit next to Cameron and I went to the back because that's always my seat.

Everybody was talking in the classroom because the teacher wasn't prepared but all of a sudden I see my phone screen light up.


Emily: I'm stuck in the bathroom with nothing

I knew exactly what she meant because that bitch has been complaining about her stomach cramps for 3 days.

Me: Is Jackie there or Alex?

I waited a few seconds but she replied fast. Showing me she was desperate.

Emily: they both don't have any. I know you carry everything in your bag

My eyes stared at my phone then at the classroom thinking. I can't just leave with my backpack??

As my eyes scanned the room unable to choose, my thoughts got interrupted by the loud singing bell.


Emily: tell me you're on your way and not overthinking this?

Well dumbass, what can you tell Wavily who can't even understand her own feelings, or thoughts.

I'm confused 24/7 what do you expect?

"Alrighty class. The presentation." He changed the pictures on the board every two seconds.

How the fuck am I spoused to ask now. If death was a choice I would choose it because there's no way I have the balls to bring every single student's attention in this room to me.

No fucking way.

After some questions he told us to go work on the worksheets he put out for us which was a blessing because it turned every student quiet.

One thing about juniors and seniors is that some just want to leave and finish this chapter and by doing that they do their work. Some actually realize how important it is to pass the class and that's what they are all just trying to do.

It isn't like freshman or sophomore years where you know you won't get out of this place any time soon so.

Juniors and seniors just want to finish... that's why the entire class went to quiet working on the 5 pages of writing he just gave us.

And here's me. Trying to figure out how to ask him and Emily is just spamming me.

She isn't doing it because she's missing class but she's just bored in the bathroom.

As my hands started shaking, my legs got me up and started quietly taking steps towards his desk.

His bored eyes looked up at me but his head didn't move.

"Am I go to the restroom?" My voice came out louder than I wanted it to but yet still begged for his ears to hear because somehow I was too quiet.

He still did realize it.

As he was writing the pass I looked around daring my eyes and not one even bothered to look up.

AirPods in.
Heads straight to their computers and papers.
Hands typing and too focused to even notice anything else.

Thank god.

Quietly opened the door and I had just realized I was holding in a long ass breath right after I got behind the door.

Social fucking anxiety.

My trembling feet started taking me towards the bathroom and my eyes dropped to my sleeve, still checking if I have the tampon I put up there.

I could feel it but my eyes just had to make sure then I started walking faster when my phone led up again.

Jesus, it's only been like 10 minutes and this bitch is freaking out on me.

I pushed the hard first door right open revealing the only closed stall door.

"Thank fucking god" I could tell she was annoyed.

My knees bend to the ground, allowing my hands to reach under the stall to give her the red tampon.

She took it and for a second my brain was scared her hands were gonna be wet but I got up with nothing but dry hands.

"I'm going back to class. You okay?" I just remembered the pages I have to do.

She let out a mumble letting me know she was okay yet I still didn't until she came out.

"Are your pants-?" I pointed at them and she nodded right after she got out of the stall.

"Fuck, hold on- my leggings are in my locker!" That was enough to keep her in the bathroom until I returned.

I picked up my pace as my body felt so free walking down the hallways with nobody but your soul.

After about 5 more minutes I walked in the bathroom again and she went in the same stall with the leggings.

"How's Dayven?" She asked. Her tone sounded like she was curious but I could tell her face was bored.

She hates her brother as much as I hate mine.

But her comment reminded me of earlier and how he played me.

"Fucking dumbass knows his way around but was enjoying the destroy-ness he was putting me in!" My back against the wall as I watched her little feet move around in the small stall.

She let out a female-chuckle. Light and clear.
I could almost taste it... sweet like everybody expects a girl's laugh to be like.

I don't even wanna know how my sounds.

Alex is womanly. I adore her laugh.
As well as Jackie. Hers is confident and clear.
Like she doesn't even try to hide hers or make it a certain way.

She got out and the second she did I made sure she was okay and walked back to my class only to realize I only had 20 minutes left.

I don't even know when this is even due.


F⃨a⃨l⃨l⃨i⃨n⃨g⃨ S⃨e⃨c⃨r⃨e⃨t⃨l⃨y⃨ D⃨e⃨e⃨p⃨Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ