Chapter 18: You Gotta Kiss The Boy

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They moved around like father and daughter and in many ways they were. Seeing that only made me want to be apart of their tight-knit family of two. Not as a usurper to intrude on their time, but as someone to be there for them.

A confidant. A friend.

Someone they trust to share their inside jokes with. Someone that could easily be apart of their lives.

I must have been in my head too long because Aiden's eyes found me with concerned curiosity.

Tourmaline was speaking with Matt now and Aiden motioned me over.

Before I could take a step, he was pushing away from the table as the frown lines appeared on his forehead but I shook my head and smiled at him.

Approaching the table, I took my seat and gave his broad shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"I'm alright," I answered with a small smile, knowing the question was already on his lips.

He nodded as he pulled the various dishes over that was prepared for dinner.

"How'd training go today?" He asked and I could detect the hint of anger in his tone.

"Dylan told you," I bit out as I glared at the oblivious Gamma across the table.

"I asked him."

"Then why ask me?"

"Because I want to know why you choose you continue training when you're not physically up for it."

"I am up for it," I pressed quietly so Tourmaline wouldn't hear us speaking.

"Yeah?" He questioned with a raised brow and his grip tightened on his fork. "So then why'd you almost collapse after your chest started hurting?"

I shrugged, "That's what it does sometimes."

I pinched the bridge of his nose, "Tate, this isn't a joke. I don't want you training if you're going to overexert yourself."

"I wasn't," I insisted.

My eyes harden at my words, "All the more reason you shouldn't train."

"I need to exercise."

"You need to stay alive."

"Is that you put Kai to tail me?" I said with anger of my own.

His looked at Kai and then back to me, "Yes. He's to keep you safe. I don't think you realize just how important you are to me."

My stare softened as he melted my heart and anger into a puddle.

Just as I opened my mouth to say something, a blood curdling chorus of screams pierced the room's chatter.

My eyes immediately fell on Tourmaline who was clutching her head and covering her ears as screams of pain escaped her.

I was on my feet and standing next to Aiden who already had her wrapped in his arms.

His eyes held horror and the fear in his irises were foreign as it took residence there.

My eyes flickered across the room as I saw the other mermaids all clutching their ears and screaming like Tourmaline.

"They're here," Aiden said with a chill undertone in his voice.

Fear sunk into my spin as he moved to the foyer and we all rushed behind him.

"Who's here?" I asked in general, but no one answered as chaos ensued.

Pain was etched across Tourmaline's face as tears streaked down her cheeks and she buried her face in Aiden's neck.

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