The Nightmare

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The Night Passes, And Neither Paul Nor Dawn Were Able To Sleep. Specially Since They Don't Know If The Message In The Dream Was Real Or Not.

The Next Day


Queen: Dawn What's Wrong? You Haven't Touched Your Meal.

Dawn Stays Silent.

Queen: Daughter, is Something Wrong?

Dawn: Well, um Mom? Can I Ask You A Something?

Queen: Go Ahead.

Dawn: The Thing Is, Do You Think Dreams, Can Be Real?

Queen: What Do You Mean?

Dawn: I Mean, Can People Send Messages Through Dreams?

Queen: Well, I'm Not Sure, But I Have Heard a Rumor Of People Saying That Some Pokemon Have The Ability To Allow People To Send Visions To Others.

Dawn Stands Up: That's It! (Runs Off)

Queen: Eh... Daughter? You Forgot To Eat Your Breakfast!


In Paul's Room

Paul is On His Bed Looking At The Ceiling. When He Gets A Knock On The Door.

But Paul Doesn't Answer.

But They Keep Knocking, So Paul Says: Leave, I'm Not In Mood.

So The Princess Goes In Against His Will.

Dawn: Paul!

Paul Stands Up: What Do You Want?

Dawn: Paul. (Looks At Him Seriously) You Know What I Want!

Paul Looks At Her: Get Out!

Dawn: What?!

Paul: Leave Me Alone!

Dawn: Hey, Watch Your Mouth! (Gets Mad)

Paul: I'll Think About It, Now Leave!

Dawn: I Guess You Forgot How Things Work Around Here, So Listen!... (Gets Interrupted)

Paul: I Know How Things Work Around Here! So Please Leave!

Dawn: Well I Won't Leave Until You Listen!

Paul: Princess, Let Me Guess, You Want Me To Go Rescue Ash From The Claws Of Darkrai! Am I Right?

Dawn: Yes, That's What I Want!

Paul: Then Your Wasting Your Time!

Dawn: What?!

Paul: You Heard Me!

Dawn: But His Your Best Friend!

A Hero's Decision Paul x DawnWhere stories live. Discover now