Crackhead meeting

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I put names for you guys and my amazing five followers voted well four.And everyone went with the first one which I saw it coming.Im sorry for not posting I've been having a little trouble with myself.And just needed time and now school is starting for me which sucks.

"Have you come up with any names",the nurse asked holding two birth certificates.

"Yes we have made our decision",jungkook said grabbing taehyung's hand.

"Their names are Kim taekook and Kim taejun",she wrote the names down and handed them the twins birth certificates.

"Well hello taekook and taejun your officially now members of our crazy not related family you have lots of uncles and cousins you also have three other siblings that are excited to see you",the twins just looked at their father not understanding anything.

"Hey are family isn't that crazy",jungkook argued.

"Jk your mom literally had 50 other kids we have a bunch of gay friends who are all crazy,one of our daughters scares me,and we have so much money all together we can buy a country our family isn't even a family",jungkook nodded knowing he was right.

"Well sorry kids you really thought you were born into a normal family well good luck",the two parents laughed.

And of course the twins needed an example so what's better than Jackson barging in doing flips.

"Jackson your going to break your toe again",mark screamed following after with their two daughters.

"I told you not to bring him",Jinyoung said putting Jackson into a headlock.

"Ok guys that's enough",yoongi said waking in with all his glory.

"Today is a wonderful spring day isn't it",jimin said entering in all Gucci.

"I will never ever understand why you had to take five hours to get ready jimin",jaebeom said looking at jimin with a disgusted face.

"If you think that's bad then you have no idea what bambam is wearing",jimin argued back.

"Hey I think he looks dope",yugyeom said while making quotation marks.

"Oh thanks babe wait why are you doing quotation marks",bam am said pouting.

"All of y'all just stop;stop it if you think this is a good first impression to the twins than your wrong you should learn from me and my kids",Jin said posing with all his kids posing as well.

"Hyung you are literally wearing a tuxedo covered in diamonds and all your kids are in tuxedos and gowns what is wrong with you",Jin ignored yoongis complaining.

"Well at least he didn't bring a petting zoo like with Kay was born",hoseok said pushing Jin out of the way.

"Uhh Hobie he's pregnant your not supposed to do that",youngjae said checking on Jin but jaebeom broke his fall with his body.

"Aghhhh help he's killing me",Jin huffed.

"Ok who is bothering my princes-",right when namjoon tried to be romantic he tripped and fell on his kids.

"Dad get your fat ass of me",Jin gasped at namjin.

"Where did you ******* learn those ******* words I'm your ************* parent you will not speck like that no child of mine will talk like a *******,*****,or nasty person I bet it was your ******* father who taught you those disgusting words **** I'm a bad parent no it's that ***** of a teacher you had",everyone was scared covering all the kids ears and just praying he would stop.

"Jin I think your the one who curses",jungkook said uncovering the twins ears even tho they couldn't understand anything.

"Whatever",after getting off jaebeom and walking towards the twins.

"Well their cute it would be better if they looked like me"

"Oh shush they should want to be like their favorite uncle",jimin said moving Jin away.

"Hey I was here first"

"Don't care"

"Guys stop fighting I'm clearing the favorite",bambam said walking up but was quickly pushed away bye the two bickering adults.

"Go **** a **** you walking chandelier",jimin screamed.

"How dare you say that in front of the kids you  leprechaun",jimin gasped and charged but was stopped by namjoon.

"Oh wow yoongi here is namjoon protecting Jin while your just watching",yoongi rolled his eyes and hugged him.

"I'm not protecting him from you I'm protecting you from him",Jimin looked at Jin and just saw jin holding a small knife with a sinister smile.

"Can we meet our little brother",Kay said walking in with his two sisters and aunt.

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