Part 3

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Jaebum rushed a little annoyed that the doctor in front of him was going slow.He wanted to see his hubby and this asshole won't get out the way.Finally the doctor turned and he ran toward the door and opened it slowly.And there he was his beautiful hubby.

"J-jaebum",Jinyoung asked his throat was dry.

"Here have some water",Jinyoung slowly brought the cup toward his pale chapped lips and drank a little.

He smiled he had now noticed the small baby in the others arms.Trying to reach for him and whined when he couldn't get to me.His lip quivered and kicked his father.

"Okay okay calm down",jaebum chuckled and put the baby into Jinyoung's arms.

"Oh baby I missed you so much was daddy good to you did you have fun without me",the baby screamed in excitement.

"Baby you can't be screaming okay we are at the hospital",but jiyoung couldn't understand so he screamed some more.

"How is everyone else"

"They are all here actually"


"Yeah they have been waiting for you to wake up",Jinyoung smiled he was lucky to be in this crazy family.

"Call them in I miss them",jaebum nodded and walked out.

He walked the doors and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"He wants to see everyone",everyone grabbed their stuff and kids and followed.

Jin hyung bursted the door open and waddled toward the bed.

"Oh baby don't ever do that again understand",he threatened.

"Sorry Hyung sorry for worrying you guys",a nurse walked in.

"Is Mr.Kim here",they all looked at each other

"Which one there is a bunch",the nurse checked her board.

"Oh it says Jungkook",Jungkook walked out of the crowd.

"Please follow me the doctor would like to see you now",they all wished him good luck.

He followed the nurse and walked into a room.

"Plates lay down the doctor will be here in a moment",Jungkook laid down on the bad he rubbed his stomach worried.

"Please get here in time",he had asked taehyung to get out of work early.

But he wasn't sure if he would come.

"Well how are you",he turned around quickly but frowned went he saw it wasn't tae.

"I'm good and you"

"I'm doing great now let's look at these babies",Jungkook picked up his shirt.

He smiled but frowned once he saw the stretch marks on his hips.

"Okay I know I've said it before but just a small warning it's cold",he put some cream on me.

"O-oh that's cold still cold even after all this time"

He grabbed the large stick thingy and started to move around.

"Ahhh found them",Jungkook looked at the screen.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in",the door opened to reveal a red sweaty taehyung who was having trouble breathing.

"Can I help you sir",Jungkook looked away.

"He's here with me",Jungkook glared at him taehyung gulped and sat down.

"Well there are your two babies since you are four months already we can check for the gender or we can see next time you come would you like to check",asked the doctor.

"Um well we were thinking that maybe he would know and I would find out at the gender reveal party",Jungkook explained.

"Of course well I can't tell yet but I can do a blood test to see their genders and I will send the paper to I believe Mr.Kim right@,taehyung nodded.

"Okay well I will be right back to get blood samples"

"Taehyungie what do you think we will have"

"I don't care at long is they are okay and your fine"

"Eww that's cheesy"

"Oh be quiet sorry I was late the hoe of an apprentice can't do her job right and mixed up my schedule so I did everything last minute and came here as quickly as I can",Jungkook huffed he knew she did it on perpose.

"It's okay what matters is your here",the door bursted open.

"Umm jimin was are you doing here",jimin turned around he looked pale.

"What's wrong jimin"

"It's it's it's your mother she's here",bothering taehyung's and Jungkook's eyes widened.

"But she's supposed to be in jail"

"She got out and she's here she doesn't know your here but she did see me and Jin",taehyung's grip tightened around the chair.

"I need to go make some calls",taehyung walked out.

"Hey yeah it's me she's back I need your help to get her away from us"

"Okay thanks IU and mingyu",he ended the call.

"Oh taehyung I didn't know you would be here",he turned around to see her.

Her dark eyes that only showed hatred and were evil.Her not black hair had been cut short and she looked chubbier then before.

"What are you doing here"

"A little buddy told me I have to grandchildren on the way am I correct",she said with a smirk.

"Well your wrong now please leave",she crossed her arms.

"Then why are you here"

"We're here for our friend who is also our family",she rolled her eyes she looked at him with disgust.

"Family is a waist of time no excuse me I have a  to be there for my son right",she walked toward the door.

"Stop It right there",they turned around and IU walked over to her mother and slapped her.

"Don't you dare show your face here again leave before your in one of these rooms fighting for your stupid life",she watched her mother glare at her and walked away.

"So can I go in",taehyung nodded.

"Hey bro I got rid of her",Jungkook smiled and hugged her.

"Taehyung after the doctor takes blood carry me to Jinyoung's room",taehyung nodded and sat down.

"Hi babies five more months and you will be in our arms"

Guess who is going to throw hands at someone yup me
Let's just say this bish is trying to steal my friend's boyfriend and she started to talk and hangout with my other friends crush and started to flirt with him and she called me fat so see y'all in jail.

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