[Soulmate AU] Yandere! Claimer! Pregame! Shuichi x Sub! Reader

Start from the beginning

My world's so bright
It's hard to breathe
But that's all right
{Hush, shh}

Once she said she was gonna ask him out and I had to pretend to wish her luck. But, she was too shy and chickened out. I hoped she never asked him out, he was annoying. I couldn't even believe that she thought he was even worth her time.

Tape my eyes open to force reality
{Oh no, no!}

But... none of that mattered, because I was going to find out where she lived tonight. To not cause any suspicion, I waited until she went to bed and then I got on my computer, hacking into her phone. Because I hadn't actually practiced it yet it took me some time, but I eventually managed to get her location. To my surprise, I didn't even need a plane ride. I'd been saving thousands of dollars so I could go see her, but it turned out (Y/N) just lived in the next city over. Tomorrow, I would meet her.

Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?

Even though excitement coursed through me, I forced myself to calm down and focus. I started packing everything into a duffel bag- I didn't know how long I'd have to stay before I could bring her with me so I packed as much as I could without looking suspicious. I also brought a few... extra things with me.

I live inside my own world of make-believe
Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities

The next morning, I called the hotel closest to her house and asked if I could get a room. They told me there was one open but I'd have to wait until 2 PM to check in, since tenants had until 10 AM to pack up and then cleaning services had to clean the room. I thanked them and hung up, putting my duffel bag in my car and making my way to my sweet (Y/N).

Some days I feel skinnier that all the other days
Sometimes I can't tell if 'my' body belongs to 'me'

The drive took a few hours, and that's when I realized I still hadn't eaten for almost an entire day because I was so excited over (Y/N). I stopped at a fast food restaurant, getting something quick to eat since I wanted to meet my (Y/N) as soon as I could. I already had a plan in mind, too.

I threw away my garbage once I was finished eating and then drove to the hotel since it was 2:30. They gave me my room key and I made my way up, bringing my duffel bag with me. I got myself settled in before finally making my way to (Y/N)'s house, but I didn't knock. I hid by a nearby fence but looked like I was casually on my phone, just a regular passerby who happened to stop and use his phone. I knew (Y/N) had work until 3:30 today, so all I had to do was wait.

I love everything
Fire's spreading all around my room

The wait was only fifteen minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Though... once I finally saw my (Y/N) start walking towards her house it was worth it. I waited just a little longer before walking towards her while keeping my hat over my face so she wouldn't recognize me from the selfies I'd sent. I discreetly took off my claiming bracelet before pretending to trip, successfully wrapping the bracelet around her wrist as I "fell."

My world's so bright
It's hard to breathe
But that's alright
{Hush, shh}

She yelped in surprise that someone randomly fell, and then she noticed the bracelet. I apologized greatly, pretending to be embarrassed that I could ever make such a "mistake." She seemed rather bothered by it at first before she calmed down and decided it wasn't my fault for "accidentally" claiming her. But then... she recognized me.

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now