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"You did that one wrong," Josuke sighed gently, tapping his pencil atop the equation.
The afternoon was a gentle hue of happy blue, clouds floating like fragments of dreams. The classroom was empty, aside from the two friends, hunched over a desk. Sunlight as always made Josuke appear brighter than every star in the night sky, his ocean eyes and full lips angelic in the light.
Exasperating in a frustrated tone, Okuyasu felt like crying, as he erased his answer for the fifth time. "God, I'm dumb," Okuyasu sadly laughed, letting his head fall into his now open hands, gently shaking.
"Don't do this to yourself!" Josuke assured, rubbing his back comfortingly. "You've been out of school for a bit."
"Yeah but this is kind of a review of what I've already learned. Shouldn't I be able to handle it?"
His hands traveled up to his shoulders as he pulled him into a gentle hug. "We're reaching the end of the school year, it's okay to be stuck on these kinda things. You still have plenty of time to make it up."
He felt deeply embarrassed, as Josuke reached for his paper and scribbled down the equation.
"Now plug in the numbers," Josuke directed him, pointing at his paper, giving him a thumbs up.
Taking a deep breath, Okuyasu took a shaky hand and filled in the equation, biting his lip and searching his memories in aid of solving the problem.
Lifting the pencil from the paper, he stared back at Josuke, nervously pointing at his answer written in messy pencil. Josuke leaned over next to him and checked his work, smiling softly. "Yeah that's right!" He cheered, slugging him playfully in the shoulder.
Pride filled his senses as he stared in disbelief, laughing and congratulating himself. "I knew you had it in you!" Josuke shouted happily, as Okuyasu slipped his homework back into his folder, and slipping it away in his book bag.
All his life, his actions and his work were labeled as useless. But now he felt things were truly changing. Confidence made his heart pump faster, as he got up from his seat and strode to the wide open window. He felt hot and sweaty suddenly as Josuke joined him, hoisting himself up onto the window sill, with a small carton of milk and straw in hand. They stared at each for a brief moment and smiled happily against the afternoon light.
Okuyasu climbed up onto the frame alongside Josuke and faced outside, staring down at the pavement below.
"You know you're really smart Okuyasu," Josuke suddenly whispered. "You shouldn't beat yourself up over it."
Josuke took a long sip of milk and suddenly faced Okuyasu, clasping his hand.
"Hey I appreciate the thought," Okuyasu began. "But I ain't got nothin' up there. I'm pretty dumb, I can hardly use my brain half the time."
"That doesn't mean you can't do what you just did," Josuke assured, his palm warm and soft, fingers tracing each of his calluses. Okuyasu turned a gentle red and refused to resume any sort of eye contact. He brought himself to think of that night on the beach. God he felt so different around Josuke now.
The door of the classroom slid open as footsteps snapped the two away from their trance.
Koichi nervously scrambled across the room to the two friends, twiddling his thumbs, grinning goofily to himself.
"Oi, hey Koichi!" Okuyasu called out, pulling his hand away from Josuke's and facing back out the window.
"Guys...uhm do you have a minute?" he asked sheepishly.
"Yeah man, spill it. What's going on?" Josuke responded, nibbling quietly on his straw.
"It's about Yukako,l Koichi began. Before he could continue, Josuke cut him off, leaning forward a touch, staring at Koichi wide-eyed. "What did she do now?! Do we gotta take her out again?!"
Koichi threw out his hands and motioned Josuke to calm down as he violently shook his head.
"N-no Josuke," he whispered.
"I just..."
Koichi fell silent and smiled to himself, as if he were clinging to a memory of sorts.
"Josuke, Okuyasu..."
Koichi's face trembled as he almost traced back on his words, his face gently turning red.
"I...ended up kissing Yukako...yeah..."
Muscles tightening, eyes wide, Okuyasu felt strangely dizzy.
Koichi? The psychopath? They kissed? He couldn't fit those sentences together as he heard Josuke take a long nervous sip from his milk.
Koichi kissed a girl? Before him? How in the world-
Josuke tensed up and suddenly careened backward out the window. Shock overtook Okuyasu as he froze in a state of utter confusion.
Flailing about, Josuke eventually lost his battle to gravity, falling straight from the window. Action was immediately taken, as Josuke summons Crazy Diamond, latching onto the window frame, pulling Josuke up from his leg.
Thoughts crammed their way into Okuyasu's head, buzzing intensely, peaking at an irritating headache? Why did this bother him so? Was it that he was jealous? That had to be it.
Okuyasu knew he had always grown jealous of the way girls would flock at Josuke. The compliments, the gestures and gifts, it all made Okuyasu feel so...invisible. He knew he wasn't the best looking, but if only, only one girl could share that same connection, just maybe...
He back peddled for a moment, reflecting on that night so many days ago.
Amongst all of the chaos these past weeks- a crazy manga artist, and some snot nosed kid and thousands of lottery tickets- he only thought of the way he looked at Josuke.
As Koichi and Josuke shouted back and forth to each other, he paid no attention as he was drowning in such a forbidden thought.
Was it perhaps not so bad he hadn't found a girl like Koichi did? Was he really right? Was he feeling love toward his best friend?
Okuyasu shook his head, feeling tears build at the corners of his eyes. It was so unfair, how unlovable he suddenly felt.
Josuke's trembling voice snapped him from his stingy little moment.
"Hey Okuyasu, did you hear him? Even a stand would be blown to the moon if it heard that-."
Okuyasu could pay no attention to Josuke as the tears finally came, feeling as if he were a confused mess. Why such harsh feelings? Was he jealous or not?!
Tears clung to his cheeks, snot running down his nose as if we're some limp little child.
He leaned back and held onto Josuke, arms shaking and head throbbing. Why such intense emotions?! He couldn't even tell what he was crying about there and then.
"Hey hey hey! You don't have to cry about it!" Josuke sighed, as Koichi watched with sudden interest, as if he knew something that Okuyasu didn't about Josuke.
"Koichi, I don't know what led to this sudden 180."
Josuke shrugged Okuyasu's grip from him and turned himself to face Koichi.
"But if you and Yukako both have feelings for each other, then there shouldn't be a problem."
Wiping vigorously at tears, Okuyasu focused his attention on the suddenly intrigued Koichi.
"That's not it though..." Koichi began, his posture and face dropping.
"Yukako has refused to see me ever since."
This sentence peaked his attention, as the tears ceased, and Okuyasu felt his stomach tighten, as he turned around.
The boys were in an almost uncomfortable silence, as Koichi began speaking once again.
"That's the mystery. She hasn't come to school for two days."
He leaned in at that very remark, as if he were sharing some confidential piece of information. "She won't answer the phone...she hasn't contacted me at all. Nothing, that's it."
Okuyasu felt his nose crinkle at the remark as he thought to himself.
Even for Yukako, that was strange. He had her and Koichi in his period 4 chemistry class, and he always saw Yukako take a chance at at least being near Koichi, whether it be lab partners or assigned seats. She was always so condescending, but why now? Why after obtaining the very thing she wanted, would she cut off all ties?
"Y-you mean ever since you guys kissed..." Okuyasu began.
"You haven't heard anything?" Josuke suddenly finished, making eye contact with Okuyasu for a brief moment, eyes glittery and cheeks red.
"Not at all!" Koichi sighed.
Okuyasu climbed off from the window frame, facing Koichi with wide eyes. "Hmm...that is very bizarre..."
Hesitating for a moment, Okuyasu pondered at his every nervous thought. "If anything, I admired Yukako for her admiration to love."
God he didn't know why he said that? Perhaps he longed for such a dedication? He couldn't stop himself, so he continued.
Josuke sits up from his spot and puts his hands on his hips, shifting his stance. "But honestly, I don't think you're going to get an answer, unless you ask Yukako in person."
God he couldn't stop watching Josuke's pursed lips, it all felt awfully wrong.
Josuke paused in thought and put a hand to his chin. "We really shouldn't get involved," he began.
Thinking back to the last time the friends messed with Yukako, the plan backfired, and ended up getting Koichi sent into a world of trouble.
"Y-yeah..." Koichi whispered, clearly thinking of the same thing.
As if to wish him luck, Okuyasu made a fist and punched it in his open palm proceeding to give Koichi a simple, "But if you're in danger, let us know!" Well be right there!"
Koichi returned the gestured with a gentle smile, turning to the door. "Thanks. I'm gonna go now."
"Yeah," Josuke responded back, as he eyed Okuyasu carefully. Suddenly, Okuyasu felt the same pressure from earlier fall straight onto his shoulders. Why was he suddenly feeling so strange? Tears popped up in his eyes once again.
"But..." Okuyasu whimpered. "Damn Koichi! I can't believe he kissed a girl!"
"Seriously, it's no reason to cry," Josuke objected, patting him on the shoulder. Okuyasu didn't know why, but Josuke sounded a tad upset.
Okuyasu swiped away at salty tears, his emotions changing to utter concern. "Josuke are you okay?" Okuyasu asked. "You sounded a bit upset during the conversation."
Josuke doubled back and rested his back against the wall, holding his head in his hands, groaning.
"I guess...I guess I'm kinda jealous of Koichi too..."
Okuyasu raised an eyebrow and playfully slugged his shoulder. "Oh come on Josuke! You shouldn't be jealous! I see girls fond over you all the time! You've gotten four love letters just this week! You got it all!"
Okuyasu lowered his voice and sighed. "Everyone can't say the same you know..."
He ran a hand across his face as his shoulders began to shake. Ugly and deformed, that's what he was. Ugly skin and painful reminders in the form of misshapen scars. Small pupils, weird lips, weird skin, too much body hair, god he knew the list would last for miles.
"I wish I could be pretty and sweet like you, Josuke. You look like a prince."
He lunged forward and pulled him close with such surprise, staring into his eyes. "Okuyasu you're beautiful," he whispered, their chests suddenly pressing together.
Okuyasu felt beyond dizzy, as if he were floating in space among those sparkles in his eyes.
"Look at me," Okuyasu whispered. "I got all these ugly features. You got such perfect eyes and a perfect nose, and skin and eyebrows. Any girl would be so lucky to be with you..."
Josuke tilted his head and leaned closer, sending a shockwave up Okuyasu's spine.
He placed his lips near his ear. "I don't want any of those girls," Josuke whispered in a suddenly spicy tone. "There's a certain person I want all to myself...as selfish as that is. I don't think they like me back though."
Okuyasu rested a hand on his shoulder as he felt his heart drop at that sudden remark. "W-well who's the lucky girl?" He laughed. "She better fall head over heels for you or else she's gonna have to answer to me. You're amazing bro."
Josuke back away from Okuyasu, his shoulders shaking. "N-never mind, bro."
Okuyasu crossed the room back to his book bag and sling it over his shoulder. "We're still on for tonight, right? I can stop by my house to grab a change of clothes."
"Yeah..." Josuke responded, suddenly sunken and strangely confused. He shook his head and forced a smile onto his quivering lips. "Yeah, my mom's makin' Korean bbq. She'll have to leave afterwards, she has work stuff tonight."
Okuyasu's mouth watered at the thought of the tangy meat and crisp onions that soon would be on his plate tonight.
"Radical," Okuyasu grinned, as the two exited the classroom in silence.
Okuyasu held his tongue and suppressed laughter deep within his throat. Josuke was already doubling over, laughing in harsh breathes.
"Yaaaa baby," he blurted out, as the two rolled over and laughed hysterically. The past half hour had been nothing but random poop jokes and funny noises. Okuyasu's sides were sore from clutching his stomach and laughing nonstop.
Josuke's door flew open as Tomoko stormed in, hands on her hips. "Would you keep it down?!" He yelled. "Half of the neighborhood will be able to hear you with how loud and obnoxious you two have been!"
Josuke sighed and stuck out his tongue, spreading out atop his bed, his legs resting in Okuyasu's lap.
Tomoko sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I'm heading out now. You two behave yourselves. I'll be back around 11."
Tomoko closed the door, her footsteps growing fainter and fainter as she clambered down the hall.
"Half of the neighborhood will be able to hear you with how loud and obnoxious you two have been," Josuke repeated with a high pitched tone, mocking his mother's statement. Okuyasu stuck out his tongue and made a loud raspberry with his mouth in response.
As stupid as it was they continued to laugh, as they both lay atop Josuke's bed, his feet still resting atop Okuyasu's lap.
The air conditioner whirred gently in the background, as the breeze played with Okuyasu's baggy blue tank top, tickling his eyebrows and ears.
"Should we go downstairs and play F-Zero or somethin'," Okuyasu suggested.
"Maybe, I mean we have the living room to ourselves," Josuke responded, pausing to think.
"But I've gotten pretty comfy and I don't wanna move."
Okuyasu shrugged and laid back onto the puffiness of the covers and sighed happily. "Definitely beats lookin' after my dad," he chuckled, Josuke pulled his legs from Okuyasu's lap, sitting up and crossing his legs.
"Well, just know you're always welcome here," he reminded.
"We sleep over literally every weekend," Okuyasu sighed. "Is that normal for friends to do? I'm still kinda new on all this..."
Josuke but his lip and shrugged his shoulders. "Does it really matter? I mean we have fun either way."
All of the cuddling, all of the touching, the eye contact...was that really normal? And...did he really mind?
Josuke was his best friend after all. He loved him to pieces, and treasured their time together. But now it all felt so different. The way the two would stare in silence and how their faces would turn bashfully. Those days were either every so awkward or absolutely wonderful. At this point he couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or content as Josuke suddenly crawled closer, his eyes glossy with sudden emotion.
"Okuyasu...can we...like forget about today and all that stuff about girls?"
Okuyasu flashed him a bemused nod. "S-sure Josuke...I mean if it upsets you that much, we can drop the whole thing."
Josuke rubbed the back of his neck vigorously as he sat back down, blowing out a long breath of relief.
"Did you find it weird?" Josuke asked.
Okuyasu frowned and sat up. "Huh, waddya mean by that?"
"When I said all that stuff about girls, and the person I have a crush on?"
He thought of the way Josuke whispered in his ear and how his hot breath clung to his skin.
"I-it's fine man," Okuyasu stuttered, flopping back down with a silent puff.
"Koichi just got me thinking about kissing and stuff..."
His heart raced in his rib cage as the subject suddenly felt uncomfortable.
"Yeah man...sure you'll be doing plenty of that in the near future..." Okuyasu assured, sadness washing over his senses.
Out of the corner of his, he watched Josuke squirm uncomfortable, as if he were arguing with himself.
"I've never kissed anyone before, bro..."
Okuyasu sat up, dumbfounded at that very statement. "Not one girl has kissed you?!" Okuyasu exclaimed, suddenly confused on how flustered he was getting.
"I haven't found the right person," Josuke protested, staring down at his hands, as they shook violently. "What about you, Okuyasu?"
Okuyasu couldn't help but laugh, suddenly feel as if he were being mocked. "Do I look like the kind of guy who would get kissed? No I've never kissed a girl..."
Josuke joined him in the sudden crushing silence. He spoke in a gentle whisper.
"Do you ever wonder what it feels like?"
He couldn't breathe, he felt as if he were floating yet again in space. That notion sent him into a frenzy of thoughts. He had always pondered what a kiss felt like, but why would Josuke bring it up so suddenly like this?
"Y-yeah I do wonder what if feels like," Okuyasu said, touching a finger to his chapped lips. He watched Josuke's lips move, feeling a strange drumming in his chest. Was his heart fluttering? He couldn't stop it.
The way Josuke looked at him made him dizzy, suddenly saying something he'd soon regret.
"Do you like...wanna try it?"
Josuke's cheeks glowed as his mouth dropped open. He looked like he was in a state of shock, trying to gather his senses. "But we...uhm I-."
"W-we're doing like...for practice...I-it's fine for friends to kiss..." Okuyasu stuttered, feeling completely embarrassed.
"No no I know that, I just..."
Josuke fell silent and touched his lips with the top of his fingers. "Yeah...we can like practice I guess..."
He shuffled closer, his hands shaking as he suddenly presses his palms to Okuyasu's hips.
"I don't...I don't know where to start..." Okuyasu chuckled awkwardly. Josuke said nothing as their knees pressed together, their noses just barely touching. Josuke lifted a hand to hold the back of his neck.
Josuke pulled away with sudden harshness, his head falling in his hands. "This isn't right..." he whimpered so suddenly.
"Okuyasu...y-you...you mean a lot to me!"
Reaching out, he pulled Josuke close to him and rubbed his back in small circles. "Hey I know...it's not a big deal...we're just practicing right?"
Okuyasu paused and retraced his thoughts. "Oh..." he sighed. "You want your first kiss to be with that person you really like..."
Josuke looked up with tears clinging to the corners of his eyes, suddenly shaking his head. "No no I...I don't want this kiss to be just for practice...I want it to be meaningful."
The two were quiet, as they suddenly moved in closer again.
Everything, the fighting, the emotions shared, the blood shed, was this kiss really just for practice?
"Josuke..." Okuyasu breathed. "Josuke I-."
"I want you...Oku..." Josuke suddenly breathed, his lips so close. Okuyasu's heart was on fire, as he melted against Josuke. This was no longer a kiss of just emptiness and meaningless practice, but of destiny. That very smile he saw at the peak of their first battle, and those eyes he first swam in that afternoon they first met. All of this was their final dance, their final moment that lead up to what was meant to be.
Josuke's lips brush his. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. His kiss is not at all the same as those movie stars Okuyasu saw Josuke as, but one steeped in a passion that ignites. It is the promise of realness, of the primal desire that lives in us all. And with it, he tells Okuyasu that he is awake, connected within, that Josuke embraces himself rather than hide as a copy of those romantic idols.
Okuyasu wanted to pull away before he lost himself but he couldn't seem to...In this minty moment, his senses had been seduced and he could no longer think straight. "Okuyasu" Josuke whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. Okuyasu smiled, his heart fluttering at his voice as Josuke clasped his hands on either side of his face.
'Never before had that name ever felt so wonderful alone,' He thought, as he gently leaned in for another.
The world around him could have ceased right there and then and he wouldn't care. Everything's about him was soft, he skin and lips, his gaze and hold on him. Josuke rubbed his finger across his jawline, leaning gently into him, pushing him down. This new sensation left Okuyasu in a shuttering state, as he gasped at the sudden force. It was steeped with long and assurance, and of days spent wishing for such passion.
But why? Why would he kiss him like this? This kiss was to be shared with the so called mystery girl? Was this crossing boundaries as friends? He couldn't lose Josuke...he couldn't.
As Josuke pressed kisses against his neck, Okuyasu pushed away, rolling off the bed. "O-Oku..." Josuke gasped, as Okuyasu rubbed his head and groaned.
"Was I too rough?" He whispered.
Okuyasu jumped, clutching his chest, feeling his heart race. "N-no...I...I'm just suddenly hungry..."
"We ate up just an hour ago though, did I-."
Okuyasu raced to the door and reached for the knob. "I should go order us a pizza!" Okuyasu exclaimed. "Then we can go play F-zero, like we always do!"
Before Josuke could say anything, Okuyasu flung open the door and scampered out, shutting it behind him in an instant.
He painted, feeling queasy, tears in his eyes.
Resting his back to the door, he suppressed a sudden sob, as his shoulders shook violently.
Josuke was his best friend, they were supposed to do everything as friends, but this kiss...it all felt different. He felt hypnotized beneath Josuke's lips. He wanted and craved more, but he knew he had gone too far. He couldn't be the one Josuke cherished, it had to be someone else. It would never be him. He would destined to loneliness for the rest of his life.
He slid against the door and fell atop the wooden planks, silently weeping at his broken heart.
Ello! Ah yes the moment we have all waited for the kiss. I've been waiting forever to write this and I'm so happy they did the kiss. Okuyasu is gonna realize he loves Josuke I promise.
Anyways I'm also here to once again promote my discord server. Seriously come join it, we have fun and make friends and play Minecraft. We all have bonded a lot on the server, it's like family.
But yeah please if you're interested lemme know in the comments and I'll drop the link. Also another reason you should totally join the server is from now on I'm gonna drop little Easter Eggs in the stories of the server's inside jokes. So JOIIINNN.
ANYWAYS, as always I need more ideas so don't be shy, drop them in the comments, do it coward
Til next time,

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