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To my readers, this is gonna be a bit of a shorter chapter. I apologize, as I wanted to get an update out for you right now but I've been a tad busy and don't have enough time to push out a full chapter.
Love you guys! Sorry!!
His whole world was a blur in the end. All of it was now senseless murmurs from Keicho that he couldn't comprehend. The couple of  months after the little "experiment"  withered away at anything Okuyasu had left on the inside that he called free will. Keicho only decayed away into an even hollowed version of himself, no longer braiding his fragile blond hair into a neat little braid, and forgetting general hygiene. Bags seeped into his eyes, and he reeked of insomnia and depression.
And it only got worse after Okuyasu found his older brother laying in a pool of blood on an unforgettable night. In his chest, sat that accursed arrow, plunging through his wrinkled white shirt, painting the cloth an eerie crimson red.
It was going to happen eventually, the lust to obtain a stand of his own, after Okuyasu refused to use his own new power to kill their father. Keicho was nowhere near pleased, throwing enological fits and bursts of anger.
That cursed bow and arrow. That god damn piece of shit came into their lives and ruined everything. All of this, the arrow and the mesh of people that were all related to this...this "stand" power, was the reason their dad was like this. It was the reason why Okuyasu was struck that unfortunate afternoon. And he had to live in that utter fear of seeing a manifestation of...of a devil that would linger near him, watching him sleep.
The powers were even worse. Things would suddenly disappear from existence; the cup of coffee for his groovy morning blues, a fresh new can of hairspray Okuyasu relied on for his signature hairstyle, and many, so so many pencils, to the point he had none left.
This enigma of a power frustrated Okuyasu, standing there for hours, screaming to himself to bring those things back. But he didn't know where they would go...and if they'd ever come back.
Keicho didn't help with the stress. Day after day, Keicho would throw kicks and punches at him, screaming and mocking him to protect himself, to use the stand on him. Keicho craved to see the power, the power he had yet to claim.
The past week, nothing had stirred inside of Keicho, no powers, no strange aura, just hot bubbling frustration.
And it only drained everything from Keicho; that need to have the power to finish off their father. If got to the point that Keicho simply stopped going to work, and spent the day laying in depressing dimness, locked away in his room. The occasional delivery of food to him, and a routine argument over Okuyasu's stand, was the only words the two Nijimura brothers exchanged.
Things only got worse when Keicho disappeared. An open window had been flung open that early Tuesday morning, the curtains drawn and fluttering in the gentle wind.
So Okuyasu waited. It was all he could do. He couldn't look for him, knowing very well the consequences. So he continued to wait. Hours and even days passed. Minutes spent watching their father do his routine clawing at the locked chest in his room, and drowning his thoughts away with Morioh Cho Radio.
There was no way he could find where he was, or guess how much longer he'd be gone.
Okuyasu waited....
As he waited, he held a book in his hands, the hardback cover falling apart at the seams. In a world of distraction, he hardly noticed the sudden clawing at the wood boarding up his window. The moonlight fluttering through the boards shuttered, as a wooden plank was suddenly pushed in, hitting the floor with a loud thunk.
Okuyasu jumped from his cozy reading position atop his bed, his legs trembling.
He felt the phantom his brother called "a stand" appear by his side, mirroring his every position.
A hand reaches through the window, groping about, eventually grabbing ahold of the frame.
Readying himself for an attack Okuyasu had no clue how to inact, he waited for the intruder.
A figure pulled itself through the window, tumbling into his room, falling through the boarded up wooden planks, and hitting the floor, slumping over to its side.
And there it was.
That a cursed bow and arrow slung over the figure's shoulder.
"K-Keic-cho?" Okuyasu croaked, taking a cautious step forward, keeping his fighting stance at the ready.
The figure moaned, and rolled over on its side, revealing a familiar pair of sunken green eyes.
"K-Keicho!" Okuyasu sobbed, cheeks becoming damp with tears, his vision blurring.
Relief, and red hot anger was all he could feel.
Keicho's hair was completely undone, messy locks of blond hair tangled in knots. Scratches, bruises, and even burns, littered his shuttering arms and legs. He was completely disheveled, his bare feet calloused and bleeding.
Despite Keicho's pitiful figure, Okuyasu cried out in sheer anger, diving onto his knees, and seizing his brother by the collar of his shirt.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" Okuyasu demanded, tears dribbling down his chin and neck. "I can't just accept that you went missing for days, Keicho! That's not okay!".
Those damn sunken green eyes stately soulessly up at Okuyasu's brown eyes.
"I've been working, Oku..." Keicho mumbled, falling limp to his younger brother's enraged grip.
"You can't just do that!" Okuyasu screamed, his voice trembling in complete irritation. "You can't just disappear like that and come back! I was worried out of my mind for you!".
Letting him go, Keicho fell back onto his bottom, staring up at his little brother as he continued to have a breakdown.
"I've been doing this for us," Keicho whispered hoarsely, gripping to the bow and arrow, cradling it carefully. "I'm gonna set us free."
"How?!" Okuyasu cried. "That now and arrow has done nothing but bring grief to us. You gave me this unwanted power."
He gestured to his now invisible stand. "I never wanted this! You've gone mad over this stand power, Keicho!"
Throwing an angry hand to Okuyasu cheek, Keicho slapped him. Okuyasu could only stand there dumbfounded. "I've been doing this so we can finally be free! No more dad, no more hiding, isn't that what you want?!"
Okuyasu could only stand there in silence, his fists clenched at his sides.
Keicho had some nerve crawling back into his life after disappearing without an explanation. He was far gone at this point from convincing.
"I-I've been working at finding a way to kill father humanely," Keicho whispered, reaching the Okuyasu's hand, trying to grab a hold to it. Okuyasu shrugged him away. "I've been using this arrow on people. I figured that eventually someone could have a stand power powerful enough to finish off dad."
This was enough. That was all it took to set off Okuyasu. Once again seizing Keicho by his shirt, Okuyasu tugged him forward, their faces just inches away from one another.
"You can't loop people into this problem!" Okuyasu scolded, the tears continuing to flow. "No one deserves to be brought into this mess."
He couldn't look Keicho in the anymore at this point. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You're giving people the same grief and confusion as me!". Letting out a sloppy hiccup and litany of cries, Okuyasu continued to yell at his brother. "I didn't want this, Keicho! Neither would any of those people! You're ruining lives just to save ours? That's so selfish, Keicho! This isn't you at all!"
All Okuyasu could do at this point was continue to stare, his arms shaking, his tears staining his cheeks and tank top. Keicho joined him.
He let one, then two years fall down his face. And all Okuyasu could do was watch as his brother began to cry, his whole body quaking.
His shirt sliding from his fingers, Okuyasu releases his grip from Keicho, watching him fall back onto his knees, refusing the make eye contact.
Keicho rested his head into his knees, balling his fists, and wiping desperately at the nonstop tears.
Okuyasu's heart stopped beating, the walls around Keicho's heart beginning to tear down. And he had forgot those true green eyes. The boy Keicho used to be before all of this mess. A scared boy left with too much responsibility to look after his little brother, all alone and in agony.
Keicho reached for Okuyasu's legs, grabbing onto his boxers as if he were a small child, trying to cling to his mother.
Keicho hiccuped out murmurs and sobs, as if he were trying to piece together a sentence. All Okuyasu could do was reach for Keicho's head, and place a shaky palm against his disheveled blonde hair. All of this, was for them. Keicho had a responsibility to protect what was left of his family, and give Okuyasu the best life. He knew that without Keicho having to say a word.
And those thoughts melted at the touch of an "it's okay...it's okay".
Tugging his boxers once again, Keicho blabbered out little cries and sloppy sniffs.
"Let's run you a bath," Okuyasu murmured, one final tear plopping from Okuyasu's cheek onto Keicho's head. "We need to get you out of those clothes."
And in those moments, as Okuyasu helped Keicho up, supporting his body weight, he helped his brother walk out of the room.
The crying didn't cease to stop for the rest of the night.
Hey my snails! Once again I'm sorry if this was a tad shorter than usual, and if this chapter lacked any entertainment. I just wanted to write in something that Keicho isn't bad, he truly loves his little brother and wants the best for him. And for the roles between Okuyasu and Keicho to be switched in that very moment, I thought it was kinda heartwarming.
And yes, Josuke is gonna come into the next chapter. It'll be based around their first fight when Koichi gets shot with the arrow and Josuke is like HEY WAIT WHAT.
NO, I am not gonna be rewriting the fight and all the dialogue, that's too much effort, I'll be writing around it, before and after, and little snippets of the character's true thoughts during the battle.
So yeah, that's gonna work.
And Keicho's stand, "Bad Company" will finally appear, so good for him 🥺🥺🥺.
Also keep in mind that Keicho IS the more calm and rational one out of the two, so he was a tad outta character XD
Okay, well I hope you all are excited for the two future lovers to meet next chapter
Til next time!

Also keep in mind that Keicho IS the more calm and rational one out of the two, so he was a tad outta character XDOkay, well I hope you all are excited for the two future lovers to meet next chapterTil next time!-Jameson

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