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The light droning of the air conditioner. It buzzed in Josuke's ear as he patiently tapped a foot to the floor, waiting for Jotaro to say anything.
Mr.Kujo flips through a crispy tan folder, eyeing each paper with acknowledgement. He eventually pinches and pulls out a faded piece of paper.
"Figures," Jotaro mumbled to himself as he angrily crumbles the piece of paper in his callus hands.
Josuke shifted uncomfortably in his chair as Jotaro tossed the paper into the metal trash bin underneath his chaotic of a mess desk.
"Do you wanna tell me why you dragged me here?" Josuke grumbled, resting his chin in his hands, and drowsily slouching his weight on his arms.
Jotaro ignored his uncle and proceeded to rummage through the folder, keeping his cool despite the growing pile of papers Jotaro seemed to be infatuated with.
Finally, Jotaro sighs in defeat and plopped the folder onto the floor beside him, and sprung up from his plush black chair.
"The Speedwagon foundation and I are trying to secure Morioh as best as possible so we can narrow down who this Chili Pepper guy could possibly be."
Josuke felt a shudder dance up his spine as he recalled first hearing the name. These last few weeks were exhausting, a crazed obsession with Koichi leading a simple seeming student to hold their tiny friend hostage, crazy locks, Italian food, and comic books. And all that time he had Okuyasu by his side. He hadn't recalled a day where they hadn't hung out. They even brought up the slight possibility of a sleepover. Okuyasu was star struck at the almost alien word. That made Josuke even more excited, knowing he could perhaps share this first experience for Okuyasu with him.
As childish as this activity was, Okuyasu lost his entire childhood, which gave them both the entire summer to give each other what they never had.
Jotaro tapped Josuke on the shoulder, shocking him out of his private thoughts.
"Your face is red, are you okay?" He asked in that familiar humdrum tone.
Josuke touched a candlestick finger to his cheek and sighed.
"Oh erm...yeah" he grumbled.
Jotaro mutterd something to himself, and crossed the hotel room to the crystal clear windows displaying the glassy sea among the sunny gentle beaches.
"Were you and Okuyasu in the middle of something?"
"N-no I...we were just spending time together, it's fine!"
Jotaro turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Hmm alright then. I'm sure Okuyasu giving you that look when you left isn't any cause for concern then I suppose."
Thoughts hammered his skull as Josuke stumbled on his words. "Well why didn't you let him come then?!" Josuke growled, pushing himself from his seat and joining his nephew at the window. "I'm not completely sure yet if I'm willing to let your friend into my close knit circle of trust."
Rage boiled in every vein as Josuke lunges out to slug Jotaro on his bulging hard shoulder. "Hey now! He's on our side! He wants to take down Chili Pepper as much as you!"
Josuke's figure trembled as he clutched his head. "Okuyasu is a good soul. You should give him all your trust. He's a broken yet sweet guy."
Jotaro rubbed at the spot Josuke punched him, as he turned to give what looked like a genuine smile.
Josuke felt sickly unsafe as he backed away. As rare as a smile appeared on Jotaro's concrete lips, this one felt almost threatening.
"Just as I thought," Jotaro confirmed to himself.
Josuke flashed a bemused glare at Jotaro as he crossed the room once again, and searing himself in a plush velvet armchair. Adjusting his bizarre hat atop his black void of hair, Jotaro gestured Josuke to sit at the neighboring chair alongside him.
"You care about Okuyasu an awful amount," Jotaro accused, gazing soullessly into Josuke's eyes.
"Well yeah. He's a really good friend."
Jotaro only gives his uncle a nod as he shifts in the chair to sit in a surprisingly lazy position.
"You like him, don't you?"
Josuke snorted and forced himself to laugh. "Of course I do! He's like a really good friend."
Jotaro shakes his head and crosses his legs in an almost snooty manner.
"No Josuke. I mean you must like like him."
Thoughts slurring, shoulders and arms weak, Josuke felt his heart jump into his throat.
A pulse thundered in his ear as he felt overheated all of a sudden.
"Huh?!" Josuke exclaimed, leaping out from his seat feeling weirdly queasy.
"Bold of you to assume I like my own friend just because I love hanging around him."
Josuke pouted to himself, suddenly feeling rather sad at his own explanation.
"I've seen the way you look at him." Jotaro mumbled.
Red in the face Josuke vigorously shakes his head and collapses back into the armchair.
"I look at him like I always do."
Jotaro blows out a long breath and eyes him carefully. "You give him all of our affection and you've held his hand. That's a tad odd for male friends to partake in."
"That's a very sexist statement," Josuke groveled, eyeing the door, wishing more than ever he could just leave.
"I felt the same way about my wife too, you know," Jotaro suddenly adds.
Eyes meeting the silver ring around Jotaro's ring finger made Josuke exert an eyeroll. "Last I heard you two were divorced."
Jotaro suddenly looked oddly pale, as he mumbled to himself.
"I did it to protect my daughter and wife from our world of stands."
Josuke felt surprise as he mouthed the words daughter to himself. Never in a millennia could he imagine Jotaro as a father, living a domestic life with picture books and late night tantrums.
"What I'm getting at is that I gave her all of my affection like you did, knowing it was love."
Josuke furrowed his brow. "Affection huh? Waddya' do, give her a handshake or something."
Jotaro massaged the ring on his finger and quietly sighed.
"You don't have to stray from your feelings, Josuke."
Heart fluttering Josuke clutched his chest and felt dizzy thinking of those puppy dog eyes. Okuyasu and those gentle sky high eyes.
"God Mr.Kujo, he's a boy, I-I'm into girls..."
Jotaro got up from his seat and plopped himself back onto his desk chair, reaching for yet another full crisp folder.
"I'm not confirming you're gay. It's just a thought. Don't fuss over it. If you like him you like him, nothing wrong at all with that."
Josuke scowled to himself. "Why do you care if I like Okuyasu or not?!"
"Because you lose things before you even know you love them."
A sad glint twinkled in Jotaro's seemingly lifeless eyes.
His glance ventured to a picture frame that sat on his desk.
The light made a colorful glint atop the glass as he saw a famously pouty Jotaro behind his beaming grandpa- or in his case, his father. Everyone else was a stranger to him. A man of almost sophisticated physique, a strong willed looking Arabian, a terrifyingly humanized dog, and a radiant smiling redhead. And all at once, Josuke saw Jotaro smile at the picture.
That smile faded quickly as the mood in the room. Jotaro pointed to another folder on the desk, gesturing Josuke to pick it up. "I want you to help narrow down some locations. I didn't bring you here for some stupid little gossip session."
With a heavy groan, Josuke snatched the folder from Jotaro, yanking a pencil from the pencil holder on his back to the armchair.
As Josuke flipped through the pages, his mind slurred his upset conclusions.
He didn't like Okuyasu that way. He had a horde of girls following him about he could crush over in a heartbeat. Yet it didn't appeal to him, it couldn't. The only thing in his mind was that dorky little laugh and those childish conversations and dreams.
In a moment of distraction, Josuke felt himself slowly writing his friend's name down on one of the papers. He gazed at the word and mouthed it to himself.
Chocolate, cherry, sweet lemony cake zapped his mouth as he felt himself melt.
How could that one word make him spin out of control?
Perhaps it was true what Jotaro said.
As Josuke dishes through each boring file, he blushed quietly and daydreamed happily.
Perhaps, he did love Okuyasu.
Hey germs! This chapter was short yes please don't mob me. With B&B's growing popularity I'm a little pressed on ideas and time. Also I've been on a long ass backpacking trip with my family. We hiked 15 miles in the span of 13 hours over the course of three days and lemme just say it was breathtaking. As some of my veteran fans who were around back in 2017 I'm sure you know I live in Colorado. So this hike was a real challenge. I managed to fuck up my leg really badly and cut open my finger so I have some sweet battle scars like Okuyasu.
Anyways I'm back now here to update and as always, SHOOT SOME IDEAS in the comments I need them rn and I love hearing fan ideas!
Take care!

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