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"This is quite disappointing, Mr.Nijimura. I expect you to try and use what brain you have left in there next time."
That bright red D- glared back up at him, as the teacher continued to hand out the tests down the row.
Okuyasu slumped against his seat and tried to hide his now red face. So much for a new start. He thought he had enough knowledge to at least to start school again. Then again, Okuyasu was left to teach himself. And that wasn't very efficient.
What a way to finish his first week of school...
"Pssst, Okuyasu?" He heard the person behind him hiss.
Okuyasu turned around and was met with those same glittering ocean eyes.
"Hey...what did you get?" Josuke whispered, trying to look over Okuyasu's shoulder at that dreaded D-. Okuyasu groaned and scratched his head. Was he really gonna tell Josuke and risk embarrassing himself?
"I got a D minus," Okuyasu mumbled pathetically.
Josuke flung out his arm and snatched Okuyasu's paper from his desk.
"H-hey!" Okuyasu protested, as Josuke held the test in his hand, scanning through the questions.
Josuke looked down at his own test and grinned.
"We're D buddies," he laughed to himself. "I got a D+."
Josuke held up his own test, pointing at the bright red D marked at the top. Okuyasu forced himself to smile. "Heh, I didn't expect you to get this test wrong," Okuyasu admitted. He still felt slightly bad. Even if their scores were close, Josuke still technically did better. Josuke could see the distress in his eyes, and he nudged him on the shoulder. "You shouldn't beat yourself up about it. You haven't been to school in years, right?"
Okuyasu stared deeper into Josuke's eyes, and nodded to himself.
"Don't worry about it Okuyasu. The teacher is pretty dumb."
Okuyasu tilted his head in confusion. "If he's dumb, why is he teaching the class then?"
Josuke bit his lip. "I-I didn't mean it like that Okuyasu. He's just mean I guess."
Josuke rested his head in his hands and smiled up at Okuyasu. "Should we stop by the park after school? Koichi said he was gonna be there. Maybe he could help us figure out what we did wrong on the test?"
Why? Why was he warming up to him like this? Was that day now a distant memory to Josuke? Did he forget that they literally tried to kill one another? Why was it different now?
Was Josuke simply taking pity on him? He knew no one in this town and was cut off from the outside world. Was Josuke taking pity on knowing that fact?
God, why was Josuke acting so sincere all of a sudden?
"Okuyasu? Hey, man I'm talking to you"
Okuyasu met Josuke's eyes again, and felt himself shudder. "S-sorry," Okuyasu stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck, forcing a grin. "What about Koki again?"
"I'm sorry, what?" Josuke responded in a puzzled tone.
"Something about Koki and the park?"
Josuke scrunched up his face and looked around the room. "Koichi, his name is Koichi," he correct Okuyasu. "You should be glad he's not in our class, it would piss him off if you called him that."
"Oh yeah, so-sorry I'm still getting used to names..." Okuyasu confessed in a hushed tone. There was no need to in the past...
Josuke eyed the clock across the room and beamed. "Final period for the day is almost over. You up for the park like I was saying?"
He found himself lost once again in that sea of blue in those confident eyes. Okuyasu still couldn't understand Josuke. His true motives and thoughts would remain a pain staking secret.
"S-sure," Okuyasu forced himself to say, as the bell rang behind him. A flood of seats were scooted out, and the room of students ran for the door, holding books and loose pieces of paper in there hands.
"Study the assigned terms for our next unit!" The teacher called out to the leaving students. The teacher then met Okuyasu's eyes.
"A word for a moment, Mr.Nijimura."
Josuke turned to Okuyasu, gesturing him to the door.
"I'll wait outside for you if you want, then we can walk to the park."
Okuyasu nodded as Josuke left the room. His glittering aura left with him too, and the classroom was consumed in a horrible silence.
Okuyasu nervously slung his school bag over his shoulder, gripping it tight as he inches closer to the teacher's desk.
The teacher reached into his side drawer, and pulled out a gentle yellow folder.
He lay it open and plucked out a couple pieces of paper.
"I'm sorry to say this Mr.Nijimura," the teacher began. "But you're failing English."
He handed Okuyasu the papers and let him look through his past assignments for this week. All of them were lower than a D. This was his first week of school, and he already managed to start failing English.
The teacher could read the distress in his eyes, because he continued to speak. "I am not one to pry or question home life, but are you lacking an outlet or source to help you learn or educate yourself?"
That question burned in his head, as Okuyasu forced the answer from his lips. "I-I was homeschooled, senesi"
His teacher eyed him carefully. "Did your parents teach you?"
His blood flushed away from his face. He couldn't simply tell them his mother was dead, and his father was a vegetable. He'd eventually figure out where he lived. Okuyasu had promised himself he'd start over again. And he'd stick to it.
"N-no, my mother and father are always traveling and working. Mr brother used to help me."
His Adam's apple quivered. "And my brother died last week, so I've been on my own..."
Sickening sympathy crossed the sensei's face, and he gave Okuyasu a soft smile. "I'm sorry to hear that Mr.Nijimura. That's very unfortunate."
He wanted to slap his teacher now more than anything. Pity? Absolutely not! He felt no pity or needed to be given pity for his brother's death. He got what he deserved...right?
Okuyasu's position slumped, and his face turned red, as if he were to stop crying. Keicho sucked...but he was family. And it was just cruel to have this kind of mindset.
"Here's what I'll do," the teacher spoke gently. "I'll forget these homework and test scores and wipe your grade. I'll give you a fresh start."
Okuyasu looked up at him in shock and hope. "S-sensei, you don't have to."
The teacher shook his head and grabbed the papers from Okuyasu's hands and shoved them into the trash in next to his desk.
"You're going through a rough patch, I understand." He reached for Okuyasu's hand, making him flinch. "But I'm expecting you to get your act together by next week," the teacher warned, his expression changing back into the depressing humdrum frown he always seemingly wore.
Okuyasu pulled away from his grip and clutched his book bag once again.
The teacher looked at the door and gestured a finger toward it. "Now run along Mr.Nijimura, I have work to do."
Okuyasu swiveled around on his heels and sped toward the door, sliding it open and slipping out into the now empty hall.
Leaning against the wall, Josuke pulled a shiny black comb through his hair, gently holding it up and eyeing each strand of hair carefully.
He saw Okuyasu and did one final stroke, and shoving the comb into his pocket.
"What did he want?" Josuke asked, stepping away from the wall and toward Okuyasu.
Okuyasu refused to make eye contact and bit his lip. "Old man thinks I'm shit, that's what," he pouted. "Wiped my grade back up to an A because he thinks I can't do shit ever since my brother died."
Josuke gave him that same pitiful look, which made Okuyasu slightly irritated. He knew that he meant well beneath those eyes. "I mean it's been a lot for you these past two weeks, so give yourself some slack man. I'd say you should take the grade and be happy. I'd kill to have an A in English again."
Okuyasu eyed him carefully. "Waddya mean by that?" He sighed.
Josuke realized his sharp words, and held tight to the strap of his school bag. "I mean everything's great now that Keicho's gone, you're free and all, it's just that watching a family member die regardless can be kind of..." he cleared his throat. "Scarring. I know how you feel. My grandpa died around the same time Keicho did."
Angelo. Okuyasu figured that was the explanation for that. "I'm sorry Josuke," Okuyasu said, trying to lace his words with genuine understanding. Social situations like these still confused him.
Josuke waved off the apology. "It's fine bro," he began. "It's just been hard on my mom. She's been easily angered and gets in these kinda moods."
"The hot mom, right?" Okuyasu asked, that gorgeous lady who was Josuke's parent flashing in his head once again.
Josuke frowned at Okuyasu. "Maybe we should just get going now..."
Okuyasu gently pinched himself in embarrassment, nodding and shuffling in front of Josuke. "Y-yeah," Okuyasu murmered.
The two walked in unison down the hall and to the stairs that lead to the ground level.
The two boys slowly warmed up in conversation, starting by talking about the small little things like Morioh and its people, to a comic the two both have read before. Laughter and arguments were shared as the two crossed the street in front of the school that was now behind them.
The occasional car slowly sped by as they walked side by side on the sidewalk to the town park.
Josuke would occasionally feel his hand accidentally brush against Okuyasu's hand. He'd always shoot his hand back and step back a bit from him. For some reason, Okuyasu didn't mind too much.
This was his first human contact in a long time. It's not like friends weren't aloud to be touched by one another...
Was he Josuke's friend?
Okuyasu decided to confirm his question. "Hey Josuke...w-we're friends righ-"
Okuyasu was cut off as Josuke shot in front of him and toward a crosswalk in the distance. "Hey I see Koichi!" Josuke called back to Okuyasu, pointing across the street to the entrance of the park. Okuyasu followed Josuke close behind as the two ran across the street, being briefly honked at by an incoming car. Okuyasu's feet pounded against the concrete as him and Josuke entered the gates of the public park.
In the near distance, Okuyasu saw the spiky waves of milky white hair atop of a focused Koichi. In his hand, he held a notebook tightly, angrily scribbling into it.
"Koichi!" Josuke called to him, grabbing the small white headed boy's attention immediately. Koichi waved the two to come sit next to him on the bench.
Josuke threw his book bag down next to the seat and plopped down next to Koichi. Okuyasu followed suit, still nervously holding tight to his bag. He didn't know if Koichi were on good terms like him and Josuke just yet.
He silently sat down next to Josuke. Josuke reached for his bag and opened it, rustling about until he grabbed hold of a wrinkled piece of paper. It was Josuke's test. He pulled it out and shoved it into's Koichi's face. "Did you get any of this, Koichi?" He asked, pointing to the many questions he got marked wrong. Koichi swatted the paper away and groaned. "Josuke, you know very well that English isn't my strong suit. I didn't do well on the test either."
"Then what did ya get, huh?" Josuke complained. Koichi reached down into his much more organized backpack and pulled out a paper, handing it to Josuke. "A C+?! Oh booo, at least you did better than me and Okuyasu." Josuke pouted, scanning over Koichi's marked page. He pointed a finger at one of the questions. "You got that one right," he pointed out. "Me and Okuyasu bombed that one, what the hell does it mean?"
Koichi reached for his paper back and pointed his finger at each English word. "She was not going," Koichi sighed. "I told you you should have studied verbs and negatives."
Josuke grumbled to himself and tapped Okuyasu on the shoulder. "We should get Koichi to help us on the homework," he hissed to him. Okuyasu leaned forward and quietly nodded. Koichi seemed to give Okuyasu no negative looks or attention, because he stared at Okuyasu kindly. "Is there anything you need help on Okuyasu?" Koichi asked, pointing back to Josuke's paper.
Okuyasu felt himself tumble on his own words. "Y-yeah...number seven," he responded. Koichi stared down at the seventh problem and bit his lip. "I didn't get that one right either. Maybe we can figure this one out together."
Koichi pulled out a vocabulary sheet from his notebook and laid the two papers side by side on Josuke's lap.
"So I think the first part is an imperfect verb..."
Okuyasu felt his thoughts suddenly blow away with the gentle breeze.
Was this really happening? Was he studying with two students? Like a normal kid? His heart swelled. Okuyasu felt like crying. This was the life he was missing out on.
He always spent dark and lonely evenings alone in his room trying to teach himself the basics in every subject he could possibly tackle. In those moments Okuyasu had felt smart and he could accomplish anything. His grades said otherwise.
And here he was. Sitting in the park with two students, two possible friends. He would have never imagined this kind of thing ever happening back when he was confined to his room. Sometimes early in the morning, he'd watch the kids on his block walk to school, usually in pairs or groups, silently chatting about their little inside jokes and shenanigans. He wondered now if Josuke was one of those students he'd watch walk to school every day from his window...
Okuyasu's stomach growled, his insides empty and depressingly hollow. Koichi and Josuke looked up from their homework and stared at Okuyasu. Okuyasu avoided eye contact and clutched his stomach, facing away.
This was too much social anxiety for him to handle right now.
"Hey Okuyasu, was that you?" Koichi asked.
As if to confirm Koichi's question and further mock him, his stomach let out another long and gurgling growl.
Okuyasu turned red and felt himself stand up. "S-so sorry guys," he mumbled, reaching for his school bag again, and slinging it onto his shoulder.
"Have you eaten today?" Josuke asked, joining Okuyasu on his feet.
Okuyasu shrugged him off. "Yeah, I ate last night."
Josuke and Koichi looked back at one another, then back at Okuyasu. "Since Keicho's dead, he can't really provide for us anymore," Okuyasu sighed. "So were running low on food."
Before Josuke could speak, Okuyasu cut him off. "It's fine Josuke, it's fine! I should get going anyways."
"Nah man! If you're in a rough spot like that, you should come over for dinner tonight," Josuke offered, beaming at him.
Okuyasu stared at Josuke wide-eyed. "People do that kinda thing?!" Okuyasu said as he gawked at Josuke.
One puzzled look later, Josuke responded. "Yeah, I'm sure it's not a problem with my mom."
He stopped himself. "Although she doesn't like it when she gets unexpected houseguests, especially right now."
He pondered to himself for a moment. "Maybe I can telephone mom from one of the telephone booths to give her a heads up , but I don't have any money on me right now..."
Okuyasu cleared his throat and walked past Josuke. "U-uhm thanks for the offer but I shouldn't barge in if your mom is feelin prissy."
Josuke tangled his words in his mouth as he grabbed for Okuyasu's arm.
God, that hand was surprisingly warm. He pulled Okuyasu back and grabbed him by the shoulders. "It's no trouble at all! My mom would be happy to have you. I don't have any friends to invite over at all so I think she'd be thrilled to see you and Koichi are one of my first."
Okuyasu felt himself melt underneath his touch. Friend? His first friend? So Okuyasu wasn't alone in this alienated feeling...
"So I think she'd be chill if you and Koichi came over," Josuke beamed, looking over at Koichi,
Koichi grinned and shook his head. "Sorry Josuke, but I'm gonna have to pass, my mom already has dinner planned for us. But I hope you and Okuyasu have a good time!"
Koichi began to gather his things, as Okuyasu watched Josuke say his goodbyes to him.
Soon enough, the two were left alone.
"So, how do you feel about oyakodon?"
AIGHT GERMS, ITS DINNER TIME FOR THE BROS. In the next chapter, let us watch Okuyasu embarrass himself with his awkwardness and lack of manners, then watch good ol Josuke slowly start to notice how Okuyasu is kinda handsome 😳
I hope everyone is safe and healthy and is out of harm's way from COVID-19. Quarantine definitely can change ya XD I've been very bored and depressed recently, but I'm trying my best to get through it and work more often on Bold and Brilliant.
And hey, PLEASE, if you have any cute fluff ideas for this story, PLEASE PLEASE PLLLEEAASEE drop them down bellow in the comments, I love ideas and need them right now!
Stay happy and healthy 💙

Also here's one of my favorite videos from Scrub For Hire on YouTube, it's the SHITTTT.

Im scared of the ships in this video tho, raining on my Josuyasu party 😤

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