30.9K 203 33

SHIP: JeongChan
GENRE: Fluffy, sad
TRIGGER: Family member passing away

Chan and Jeongin were all cuddled up on the couch having an indoor date. That meant being in sweats, fluffy blankets, pizza, and a movie marathon. Today it was "The Lion King" (bear with me, they are my favorite, best in Disney, fight me) though it wasn't Chan's favorite, it was his boyfriend's turn to choose. Actually, there was something that amused Chan over the whole situation, his boyfriend's expressions, every time something important happened in the movie, Jeongin would gasp or squeal, sometimes even talking to the characters to tell them how stupid they were acting. And obviously, Chan found it absolutely adorable.

They were both watching the movie (more like Jeongin watching the screen and Chan staring at him) when suddenly a phone rang.

"Channie is that yours or mine?"Asked the youngest, eyes still glued on the screen.

"It's yours, love," Said Chan handing his boyfriend the phone.

"Oh, it's my mom, I have to answer, can you wait for me? It might take a while."

"Sure, just take your time." Said Chan smiling before seeing his baby close their shared bedroom door to talk to his parents.

Jeongin POV

"Mom! We haven't talked in a while! How are you?" He asked, finally happy to be able to talk to them.

"Hey there sweetheart, how are you doing?" Asked his mom, but her voice wasn't the usual, it sounded faint and quiet almost as if she didn't want her son to know she was in pain.

"I'm good and you? You don't sound that good." Said Jeongin, who started getting worried for her.

"Dad will talk and explain everything, just wait ok? Let me talk to you first, how are you and your boyfriend, Chan doing?" Said his mom, clearly not wanting to talk about what was going on.

"We're good, I asked to share rooms with him, so now we sleep together, and everything is going well between us." Said Jeongin, he was still worried about his mom but he knew that pushing her to talk wouldn't help at all.

"That's great to hear honey, I'll pass you to Dad so you understand what's going on, just promise me something baby." His mom said clearly nervous.

"Sure Mom, what is it?"

"Promise me that you'll be strong and that you won't let this sink you"

"But mom, I don't understand-" His mom cut him off.

"Just promise me please, Jeongin, just do it" At this point her voice was shaky.

"Yeah, sure, I promise Mom" Said Jeongin even more concerned than before.

"That's great to hear, I will talk to you in a few days okay, my love?

"Okay Mom, I love you."

"I love you too, I will pass you to Dad now okay?"

"Okay, goodbye"

As he was waiting for his dad to get on the phone, he started getting more and more anxious, his gut feeling was telling him that something terrible was about to happen, and oh, would he have liked to be wrong.

"Hey, kiddo! How are you?" His dad's voice was even worse than his mom's but it didn't feel right to force him to talk.

"I'm doing great Dad, and you?"

"Me too, I heard that you and your boyfriend are doing fine, how are the other members?"

"They're okay as well," Jeongin sighed heavily scared for the answer his question would get. "Dad, is everything ok?"

He could hear his dad's breath getting uneven.

"No, it's not, I'm sorry to have to tell you like this, I know how close you two were, but your grandfather, my dad, has passed away."

Jeongin felt his heart and breathing stop, a void started to be noticeable in his chest as his eyes started to get watery.

"Wha- wait, what?" He managed to breathe out.

"A heart attack" his dad mumbled, "I'm sure you need to wrap your head around all this, I'll leave you to it, goodbye, I love you." And he hung up.

Jeongin hung up as well as he let the first sob out, he fell on his knees while flashbacks came through his mind. Happy moments of him and his grandfather, he was the first one to know everything about Jeongin, the first one to know he wanted to be a singer, the first one to know he was gay, the first one to know he had a boyfriend, and now he was gone, just like that.

Jeongin managed to make his way to the bed and got all curled up in a ball while he cried silently.

For some odd reason, he didn't want to tell Chan, he just didn't feel like it, so he shut himself out from the world.

Chan POV

Chan had this bad feeling that something was terribly wrong with his little one. Something just didn't feel right, usually, Jeongin is a giggling mess while talking to his parents but today everything was completely silent. Was he taking too long? No, he always took his time when talking to his parents, he even told him to do so. But it wouldn't hurt to take a sneak peek, just to make sure everything was fine.

So Chan went over to the bedroom and poked his head through the door, only to see something that completely broke his heart.


The older boy immediately ran over to his baby once he saw him crying curled up in a little ball.

"Hey baby, what's going on? Why are you crying?" Chan asked softly while he wiped the boy's tears making Jeongin completely lose it, and he broke down.

Chan sat on the bed and took the younger boy between his legs, head on his chest while he rubbed Jeongin's back soothingly.

"Shhh, try to calm down sweetie so you can tell me what's going on hm?" Chan whispered softly while rocking the younger gently back and forth.

After a few minutes of calming himself down, with Chan's help, of course, he finally spoke in a weak and quiet voice.

"I-I just don't know where to start."

"Okay, well does it have to do with the fact that your parents called?" The younger nodded into Chan's chest. "Okay, then start from there ok?"

Jeongin nodded again and started to explain to Chan everything that had happened. Chan listened carefully and helped Jeongin calm down if he would burst into tears again or he would choke on his own words.

"Oh love, I'm so sorry." Was the only thing that the older managed to say before cuddling more into Jeongin who started crying again, while Chan let out some tears of his very own.

"How about if we get some sleep and tomorrow we can figure this out together. Hm? How does that sound?" Said Chan softly while taking away some hair from his boyfriend's face.

"I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight... " Said Jeongin as his voice grew quieter at the end of the sentence.

"How about if I sing you to sleep, baby boy?"

Jeongin blushed deep red before shyly nodding while burying his face into Chan's chest.

Chan smiled at the younger's cute behavior while he put a fluffy blanket over the two of them. He held Jeongin by his tiny waist while he started to sing a comforting song hoping it would help the boy sleep even a little bit.

Once he heard Jeongin's cute snores he kissed the top of his head before falling asleep himself.


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