Chapter 25 ( Sports festivel 6)

Start from the beginning

I already one the first two events, I definitely have enough recognition for Hero recommendations, and I don't really feel the need to win.

But for Shinsou.

He literally NEEDS to win ( Atleast top three ) to get into the hero course, I already got what I need from the festival but Shinsou still has so much to do! Also I want him in the hero course, he'd be amazing and a great person to work with.

So I don't move.

I don't dodge.

I don't wing block.

I take the slide kick under the legs

And I fall, head out of the circle.

And I lose

With full satisfaction.

I sit up and the crowd roars in praise and congrats for Shinsou, while he stands shocked right in front of me. I smile as he reaches down to help me up, I wipe myself off as he follows me off the stage.

I hear him mumble something, but even with my super hearing it's incomprehensible.

"What was that?" I ask, genuinely curious as to what he said

"S-sorry" he mumbles again loud enough for me to hear this time.

" Don't be sorry Hito-kun!, y-you're going into the n-next r-round and have a chance to get top three and be in the hero course now! This is your d-dream."

"I know, I just feel kinda bad about eliminating you, now you can't possibly win." He's eye look downcast

" Don't w-worry about it too m-much, I didn't really wanna w-win, I just wanna do this so I got the chance to get r-rec-recommendations from some decent hero a-agencies. I think winning the f-first two round was enough" I let out an exasperated giggle.

Me and Shinsou talk some more and plan on meeting up again this weekend, we say are good byes as he heads for the stadium seats and I make my way to the lockers.

I change into a simple large grey turtleneck and some tight black ripped jeans. I keep the normal school shoes on incase I get questioned by security by my UA status and stuff, being, "Backstage" and all that.

I head out of the change room my water bottle and sorta speed walk to the stadium seats meant for 1-A.

When I get to the lane I'm tackled into a hug by Uraraka, While Iida stands there with his 90° arms talking about how well I did.

I'm glad I have so many people who care about me.

(1023 Words)

Ok so you know how in the last chapter I said that C4r4m3lFlow3r made fanart for this fic. Well I got inspired and decided to go ahead and make some too. I know I'm not the best artist, but hey, I tried.

Chapter 15 and Chapter 11 (watercolour)
And then Chapter 15 Uraraka ( Poscapen)

Chapter 15 and Chapter 11 (watercolour)And then Chapter 15 Uraraka ( Poscapen)

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