In the end, Corazon was successful. Law painfully gulped down the fruit, his body not used to swallowing something so big.

Law fell to his knees, his breathing increasing sharply. The effects of the fruit were beginning to affect his body.

He looked to his hands, feeling an odd, tinging sensation ripple throughout his whole body.

Daisuke quickly placed his hands on Law's shoulders again. "Oi! Take a breath! It's overwhelming, I know, but everything's fine!"

Law listened to Daisuke's advice—since he's had the experience with being forced to eat a Devil Fruit, and caught his breath before rising to his knees.

"O-Oi, Cora-san! I wasn't even ready to become a—" he was cut off however by Corazon's arms falling limply to his sides as he then fell down face-first into the snow, "—a Devil Fruit User!"

There was a pause as the rendering of what just happened to Corazon processed through his mind, yet Daisuke was quicker to his feet. "Cora-san!"

Daisuke quickly ran over to Corazon's side as Law was still processing what he was seeing. "Cora-san? O-Oi!"

Corazon was breathing heavily, his eyes closed. "It's good... you can... cure yourself now... we have outsmarted Doflamingo... we won..."

From Daisuke's position, he saw a trail of blood pour from Corazon's temple. Daisuke immediately tensed, feeling his breath hitch in his throat. Cora-san...

"What's wrong, Cora-san? Are you just tired?" Law asked, concern in his voice as he kneeled down to Corazon's side. Then, blood started to pool from under him, staining the snow.

"What?! Wait a minute!" Law then attempted to flip Corazon over. Seeing what he was trying to do, Daisuke helped him out, causing Law to fall on his back.

Once Corazon was rolled over, Daisuke paled, his eyes going wide. Corazon's body was stained with blood, his light pink shirt with darker pink hearts all over it was riddled with bullet holes.

"You're covered in blood!" Law cried, yelling a bit after seeing Corazon's body. "Cora-san, did you get shot?!" Daisuke barked.

Corazon was still heaving, "Yeah, I made a little blunder." He said with a strain. "Now ain't the time for jokes!" Daisuke yelped, hearing his voice brake slightly.

"Damn! What are you doing, Cora-san?!" Law cried. Corazon didn't answer however as he kept convulsing in pain.

"Oh, yeah!" Law suddenly remembered. He held out his arms over Corazon, "Get better!" He begged, but nothing was happening. "Get better!"

Daisuke looked at Law sadly. He just wants to help Cora-san, he thought as his eyes wandered back to Corazon's body, but that's... not how the Ope Ope no Mi works...

Daisuke couldn't bring himself to tell him that. Daisuke gripped his jeans, his eyes filling with tears. Dammit! I'm fucking useless!

"Get better!!" Law continued, "Stop bleeding! Stop!!" Corazon chuckled deeply as he weakly placed his hand on Law's head. Well, his hat.

"Ope Ope no Mi power, heal him!" Law wailed. "That's foolish of you... we told you the ability doesn't work like magic." Corazon smiled.

Daisuke felt warm tears fall down his cheeks as he began shaking. He was a warrior, a tool of death. He can't do anything. Hell, he didn't know what to do. Too many thoughts kept running through his mind for him to even think straight anymore.

"What am I supposed to do then?!" Law cried as Corazon's arm fell limp again. "You... got shot because of me, didn't you?!"

Law whimpered quietly as tears fell from his eyes and onto Corazon. "I said it's not like that... I just messed up," he said, his smile never fading.

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