Surprise and Nervous

Start from the beginning

Trying to not make my staring and curiosity and staring too obvious, I stand beside the other Incubus and pour some soothing oil into my hand, glad that something can quell the clammy feeling my palms are adopting.

As I lay my hands down to his skin, I frown as I feel a lot of tense muscles on his back and it makes me speak up, after clearing the nerves from my throat. "You're very tense. Has something happened recently?" I ask him, needing to know so I can treat him properly.

"I'm Mated to a Werewolf and I just had twins. Everything has happened." He says and I chuckle along with the two of them at the joke. I can't help the slight relief that feels me when I realize that they two of them aren't together, knowing that would put my whole plan to waste in seconds.

       "Don't worry. I'll get that fixed as fast as I can." I assure him, and he sighs in bliss as I begin to get to work. I let a little healing touch glow in my finger tips as I kneed his tense muscles and he gasps before he speaks up again.

      "You're a Warlock. I remember this feeling from my single days. I miss it." He says and Chan snorts.

       "Chloe, you can't just say you miss the feeling of a man's fingers." He says with a raised brow. His arms are beneath his head as he looks at his friend in amusement, but I can feel his eyes glance up at me several times as I help his friend out with his sore back.

       "I can if it's true. You'll find out when it's your turn." Chloe says but Chan looks unconvinced as he rolls his eyes as if it wasn't his plan to be here.

       The three of us are silent as I work Chloe's body and his moans increase until I can't hold back my snicker of amusement anymore. Chan glances up at me with his own quick grin and I would be lying if I said it didn't make me pause for a second. "I see why Alex doesn't want you going to Spas. I would be jealous too."

        "Shut up, Chan. And go choke on something, will you? The stick up your ass obviously isn't doing it's job." I try to hold in my laugh this time, the two in front of me making me want to pull up a chair and enjoy their banter, but it would only be weird.

     I work my way down past Chloe's relaxed back and down to his legs, starting on the upper thigh but making sure to stay a respect distance away from his plump ass.

      The next few minutes are quiet as we enjoy the chill and relaxing aura in the room, the scent of the candle wafting throughout the small space as I help the sore and tense Incubus feel better inside his body. Once his knots are gone and his tension is loose, I make him roll on to his back, making sure his towel, even if he has briefs on, covers his desirables.  I go and grab a warm damp cloth and a face mask and using a soft tool, I spread the mask along his face before I place the steaming towel on top of it.

      After he's set and I've finally set up the soft music to flow around the room, I damn near swallow my tongue as I make my way towards Chan while a heart that's trying to race and sweaty palms.

       I grab a soothing oil and pour some into my hands, rubbing them together to warm them up, but actually to prolong the inevitable. I don't know what it is, but thinking about touching the man that had Chris first and tore the both of them apart has me quaking in my shoes.

      I hover my hands over his pale creamy back before I give up and let my hands fall to his smooth skin and as soon as I do, I feel a tingly spark fly up my arms and to my Mark.

I shiver at the feeling as my hands pause, trying to figure out what the fuck that was.

Not wanting to be creepy, I let my hands begin to move along his back, though it's not long before my brows lower into a frown at how much more tense his muscles are compared to his once pregnant friend. "Did you have a few kids of your own?" I ask him and Chloe snorts in a laugh.

"No. Just Rejection Pain." Is all he says and ai suddenly feel like an idiot. I completely forgot that he's been feeling this pain for almost three years. So of course his body is tense and stiff.

And suddenly my plan to get all of us together is that much more important to me. With those thoughts still on my head, I'm careful to let my magic take the jacket laying on the ground, away from his gaze and allow it to blend into the background and sit it in the chair along the side of the room, knowing I'll need it in the future.

Before I can do anything or say anything to console him, I suddenly feel my Mark warm up a little bit before I get a message from Chris asking him if I'm okay. With oily fingers I quickly reply in confusion, not understanding the question or timing until it finally clicks.

Apparently, Chris felt the spark too.

Guyssss, Wattpad is fucking up again and if it continues I will cry but I have a plan to make us all happy in the end. What do you think the spark means?



QOTD: Who do you think is hurting the worse between the three and why?

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