Chapter 2

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The world is ugly but you're beautiful to me - King Tony

I was seated in the parlour listening to my favorite playlist of random songs that sort of went with my laid back exterior right now. Then James arrived with gifts and there's no better gift than food. That's the Broadway to my heart. I mean when God blesses you with a body that doesn't get fat when you eat a lot, you just want to thank the Lord and use that body wisely. So when he brought Jollof rice, chicken and salad, I was this close to planting a kiss on his cheek.

"James, you never cease to surprise me", I said hugging the take away bag.

"I never knew you were such a foodie but now I know I'll never stop feeding you", he said and laughed.

" Since its your money, do I pay you back or will you eat with me? " I asked reluctantly.

"I came prepared", he said as he pulled out a second spoon from his pocket.

We sat down and dug in. You know this mentality of wanting to eat more than who's eating with you, yeah that's me. So when he took the first bite of the chicken, I froze. He looked up to me, met my gaze and chewed. I think he just ignited a fire. No one takes the main meal from me and goes scot free.

" What?", he said feeling weird, I guess.

"You took the meat", I said slowly, trying to intimidate him.

"Yeah, so?", he asked.

" No one takes my meat..." I started.

"And survives" Bry jumped in, laughing.

"Really? So you want to hurt my fine face or what?", he said, smiling.

"I could do damage to another part that you wouldn't like too. It's not about your face", I said with a smirk.

"Wow. Baby with the fire. I never knew", he said, full on laughing now.

"She isn't joking now", Bry said, obviously enjoying the show.

" You'd end your generation baby?", he said smirking and egging me on.

"My generation? My generation? You ended your chance at progeny when you ate my meat babe. I may not do it now because I'm still weighing my pros and cons", I said mischievously.

I stood up and went to another couch, still trying to feign annoyance. I had the whole 'don't try me' look on with my arms folded under my chest and all but James was bent on breaking my resolve because he just came and laid on my couch with his head on my laps, chuckling. Gaby laughed along, making a remark about us being the cutest.

Turns  out my anger was short lived because once the power came my attention was on the music videos on MTV Base at the time and I didn't know when I began running my hand through his hair and playing with it, twirling the strands round my fingers. As I did this, his eyes fluttered shut and he has this relaxed look and with the way I kept gushing about how soft it actually is, my hands felt at home.

A bit later, Ken walked in and reminded James of a place they had to be and they left almost in a rush. The day passed by with me chatting away in my WhatsApp with my friends.

We had to go down to get noodles for dinner since we both had the craving for noodles. As we went down the stairs, Bry began asking questions.

"So, you and James huh?", she started.

" What about us?", I said ignorantly.

"Don't act dumb"

"I'm not acting dumb. James is a nice guy, fun to be around"

"So you like him"

"This is one week of meeting him, am I meant to catch feelings now"

"I didn't say so but not every love story is meant to be a year before you ask yourself how you feel"

"So I'm meant to catch feelings for someone I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know him?"

"So what if he gives me the attention and bought me food. I don't believe you can catch feelings on first meeting"

"Trust me, if he likes you already he'll tell you. He's already dropping hints"

"And I'm not catching his drift"

"Just because you had a rough break up doesn't mean all guys are the same"

"They're not the same. I just want to be blind to the difference"

"Well obviously the difference want to spot you first"

"We'll see, won't we?"" I said signifying the end of the conversation.

Finally getting to the end of the stairs, we saw a figure leaning on the building. I wanted to run back up scared but I doubt the security man would let in a stranger by this time of the night. As we approached the figure, I finally made out the face to be James.

"Hey Jamie", I said a bit chirpy.

" Jamie?", he said quirking his eyebrow to look up at me, I can tell.

"I can call you Jamie, right?"

"Special nicknames now huh?" He said and smiled.

"I'll leave you two love birds alone and go get the goods" Bry said giving me the eyes like 'I told you so'.

"You got a minute?", he said nervously.

" Yeah, obviously ", I said as Bry nudged me forward.

"Thank you", he said as Bry left out the gate.

" I'm so angry right now. So I use my money to take a cab to her house and she makes it look like I'm intruding but when I don't visit it seems like I'm spacing", he vented.

"Firstly who's this she?"

"You wouldn't know her"

"Obviously. But who is she to you?"

"Its complicated"

"That's basically 80% of every teenager's relationship status"

"I know, I know but she really walks up to me, wiggles her way into my heart and all of a sudden she sends me mixed signals. I mean what's with telling me I don't care when I don't come over and telling me I'm too clingy when I do"

"That doesn't sound right. Maybe she's confused or something. Give her a chance to talk it out, don't you think so"

"No but thanks for listening"

As he said this, I realized that the space between the both of us had drastically reduced and he kept inching his head closer. I don't know if I'm meant to panic now but just as his lips were about to touch mine, Bry unlocked the gate. We jumped apart or at least I did and the worst part is Bry just smiled.

"Well good night sweet dreams, got to go. See you when I see you bye!", I said running away from him and up the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me.

I don't know if its just me or did James just try to kiss me. Its probably just the situation or oh God I don't know. That can't happen. I don't need complications. I came here basically to have fun. I can't add a kiss-lationship or friends with benefits not to talk of a relationship, to this. It wouldn't be a casual holiday anymore.

I mean James looks like the kind to kiss  and run. By run, I mean vamoose, skedaddle and act like it never happened. It would hurt me more than a break up and I feel like we're just beginning to get along. I mean why complicate it so much with a kiss. God help us both.

The second chapter is done ahead of time so I dropped it while its hot. Keep on reading, voting, commenting and last but not least please and please share the link to my story anyway you can. It'll really encourage me.

Till the next update

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