mi amor (my love)

47 3 12

"Ill do anything for you if you do all my homework." "Anything?" Jarad asked grinning "Anything." Micheal


Today Jarad was gonna tutor Gazzy and Micheal after school, which he was not prepared for. "Jarad, can i have a talk with you, for a sec?" the Teacher asks. "Oh sure" "So, you know how you ask me if you can get different people that you can tutor?" the Teacher asks. "Yeah.." "Well, if you want, Daniel and Jahseh are staying after school so, if you dont wanna teach Micheal and Gazzy you can teach them" the Teacher says. Jarad thought out for a second before responding, "No, its ok Mrs, ill be fine thank you though" he says, while the teacher smiles. "Thank you Jarad" she says smiling before walking away. Jarad walks into the library trying to look for Gazzy and Micheal. 

"Hey Jare bear" Micheal says smiling wrapping an arm around him, he thought it was Gazzy, but when he turn to see his face, he jumped nervously. Removing Micheal's arm around his, "Where's Gazzy?" he asks. "I dont know, who cares." he says. Alright what ever im just gonna start without him. "Did you do my homework?" Micheal says grinning. "Yeah" he says smiling, giving Micheal the 3 papers. "Oh thanks Jarad, so now we're done right?" he says. "No" Jarad says grinning. "You promise me that you'll do anything, if i do your homework." "And..i did 3 paper so.. three things u have to do for me.." "Bruhh.." he says annoyed.

 "Fine what is it?" he says. "HIII" Gazzy says coming in. "What took u so long?" Jarad says, which made Gazzy blush. "I..Its..No.Nothi-" "He got fucked." Micheal says laughing. Which made Gazzy smile real big. Later realizing he actual did, seeing hickeys on Gazzy neck, and his hair messy. "Um..ok, moving on" Jarad says awkwardly. Which made Micheal laugh. "So whats going on" Gazzy says. "If you were here you would know, but nooo..." he says making a 👉🏼👌🏼 sign. "LOOK, I DONT WANNA KNOW ABOUT GAZZY SEX LIFE, SO CAN WE JUST PLEASE MOVE ON" Jarad says annoyed. "Calm down shawty." Micheal says, smacking Jarad's butt. Making him blush. 

"Are ya'll dating?" Gazzy says confused. Jarad tried to hide himself from blushing but failed. "No." Micheal says in a what tone. "So...anyways, you need to do 3 things for me" Jarad says smiling big, which makes Micheal smile "Oh oh can i tell u an idea you can make him do?" Gazzy says smiling real big, bouncing up and down in his sit. Which makes Jarad and Micheal laugh. "Um..ok" Jarad says laughing. Before Gazzy whispers in Jarad's ear "OOOUUU thats a great idea" Jarad says, while Jarad and Gazzy giggle.

"You have to walk me to every class." Jarad says smirking.

"Bruhh no, i dont even talk to you." he says

"Two, you have to.." "Wait Gazzy, give me one" Jarad says going to Gazzy.. "OUUUUHHHH" Jarad says. "

"Stop talking to Aylek$." Jarad said, a little too excited 

"WHY!" Micheal says annoyed.

"What? its that simple" Jarad says.

"Last but not least.." Jarad says...

Going to Gazzy one last time. Giggling here and there, this time it took a while for Jarad to say what he had to say, which made Micheal a little nervous. "No.. dont you think thats a little much?" Jarad says looking at Gazzy. "Nah" Gazzy mumbles. "You know thats all you want" Gazzy says whispering at Jarad smiling big. "No im not gonna tell him that, what the heck Gaz" "Fine then ill tell him." Gazzy says. Before saying what he had to say, "Go out with him" Gazzy says smiling leaning back in his chair. 

Micheal made a discussed face at Jarad before getting up. "Ew uh, I think im gonna pass on that, see you later Gazzy." he says awkwardly, before walking away. Jarad felt so humiliated all he wanted too do was cry, once Micheal left the library Jarad let it all out. "Im so sorry Jarad i should have never told Micheal..i just wanted yall to get with each other, i didnt think he was gonna be a bitch about it. Im so fucking stupid, im sorry and you know im here for you when you need anything, but i get it if you dont wanna tal-" "Gazzy shut up, its not your fault, i love you, its just...i should have known that this was gonna happened." Jarad says pulling Gazzy into a tight hug.

Jarad wipes his tears before getting up. "Call me if you need me" Gazzy says before Jarad gets up and leaves, Jarad just nods in responds. 


Micheal and Aylek$ were laying down together in his living room, a lot of stuff was going through Micheal's head what just happened? wait Jarad's gay? or is he bi? do i like him? he shakes his thoughts out of his head why is that even a question? "What wrong baby?" Alexandria (Aylek$) says playing with Micheal's chain, looking up at him. "Some weird shit happened today" Micheal mumbled. "Like what?" Alexandria asks, "That fruity ass nigga, Jarad, just asked me out" Micheal says. "Ewwww what the fuck" She said. "And what did you say?" Alexandria says. "Are you serious? of course i said no" Micheal said. Alexandria just laughs, "What?" Micheal says. 

"Nah..nothing, i just thought yall had something going on." Alexandria says. Why does everyone keep saying that. "What why?" he asks confused and annoyed. "Well you spend more time with him, then you do with me." "Anddddd" she says dragging the "and" "I see the way you look at Jarad." she says. 

"WHAT" Micheal says. "Whatever" She says before getting up to use the restroom. Do i look at him a certain way? honestly he felt bad for just walking out and rejecting Jarad, but he has Aylek$. Did he throw my homework away? awhh why am i even worried about that. I need to apoligize 

Trippie🥰: Can i talk to you Jarad?

Read at 4:54 PM ✔

My TuToR (Jarad)😖: ok.

Read at 4:56 PM ✔

Trippie🥰: Look im srry i didnt mean to hurt your feelings.

Read at 4:58 PM ✔

My TuToR (Jarad)😖: no im srry, im srry for making you uncomfortable, im srry for liking u, srry for being your tutor, im srry for everything. I wont bother you anymore, I promise. 

Read at 5:00 PM ✔

At this point all Micheal wanted to do was hold Jarad, he felt so bad for hurting his friend. 

Trippie🥰: Its not you. Its me. I love you Jarad, I really do and maybe we can-

"Who are you texting?" Aylek$ says trying to grab his phone "No one Trippie says" grabbing his phone but she pulls it from him "Ha Jarad. So there is something going on, you know what dont even text, or call me, you have Jarad." She says tears falling down her face while she slams the door. The thing is Micheal didnt even feel guilty 

Trippie🥰: Its not you. Its me. I love you Jarad, I really do and maybe we can go out sometimes, just me and you, no Gazzy, no Aylek$, just between us ❤


thats all for today. im sorry i havent been active, its just all these things are happening, but i promise as soon as i get some time, ill do another chapter. love you. ❤

and im srry if this chapter was boring.

(1221 Words.)

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