Different Point Of View

Start from the beginning

"Well, what do you want?" scoffed Izuku as he crossed his arms.

"I already told you." smiled Midoriya.

"You only said you are disappointed. And I'm starting to get annoyed by this conversation."

"We changed so much since we became a villain."

"So it's about me becoming a villain?" laughed Izuku.

"We used to be so kind and caring for those around us. Do you remember?" asked Midoriya.

"Do you mean the day we tried to protect this small boy from Kaachan and his lackeys?" laughed Izuku with a mocking voice.

"It was what every preparing hero would do."

"Yet they beat us, mocked us. And do you remember what happened after we successfully taken the beating for this boy?" asked Izuku, his voice raised as he remembered that humiliating day.

"The boy ran back to his mother, back to safety." answered Midoriya calmly.

"He didn't even thank us. We took the beating, the humiliation, and he just left us to die. He didn't even check on us, after we laid on the ground, bleeding." reminded Izuku the other side of him.

"What was he supposed to do? He was but a child. Even if he had checked up on us, he wouldn't be able to do anything." explained Midoriya.

"So what? I couldn't defend him or myself, but I tried nontheless. Or he could have apologised for me having to take the beating, or a simple 'thank you'." shouted Izuku at the face of his younger self.

"So you didn't get a thank you. Because of that you decided to despise what we admired for our entire life?" questioned Midoriya the fuming Izuku.

"We were powerless back then. Held back by the false promises, made by people with power. People who never experienced what we experienced." spat Izuku, venom laced his voice.

"So we needed power, that's fair." admitted Midoriya with a smile. "But was betraying everything we loved really worth it?"

"I betrayed nothing, since nobody was on our side to begin with. Not even our father and you know that."

"You betrayed us. We promised us to help people, never hurt them."

"So I was supposed to get hurt by those people, which I wanted to protect, until we die?" shouted Izuku.

"No, but show them through kindness, that you are no punching bag. Not through violence." explained Midoriya.

"I acted in self defense. He hurt us for years, and we never did anything in return. Did he really think, he could keep on hurting me? Did he really believe, that I wouldn't even try to stand up for myself for once?" laughed Izuku.

"Acting in self defense would be alright, if you hadn't beaten him to death, after he already layed on the ground, pleading for mercy." said Midoriya disgusting in the actions they took at that time.

"He never heard my crys for mercy, so I ignored his. And killing him felt amazing, don't deny it."

"We killed a high schooler. That's nothing to be proud of." said Midoriya. "This boy will never grow up, never find love, never create a family, never fulfill his dreams. We ruined that, don't you realise that?"

"Yes. And for the first time we felt powerful. The morals, set by heroes only held us back. I freed us from those shackles." laughed Izuku mockingly.

"Those morals were the only thing keeping us safe and sane." argued Midoriya, trying his hardest to show their wrong doings.

"Morals have served their use in our society. At this point, they hinder us more, then they help us." spat Izuku.

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